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Myanmar Plans for JF-17 production

Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Iran , Bangladesh Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka and now Myanmar. who's next? how many units sold by now? :D
Did the French offer you the rafale while they were making some for the French airforce? it is the same answer for both questions.
We had made 147 Maruts & 14 LCAs (counting only indigenous designs) .So you exported 161 JF 17 s ?

Why do you have to be an idiot it is just an unconfirmed unlikely news item and there you go with your comments how many nations ordered why do you care, I even read moronic comments on several third grade forums lca for philippines, myanmar, argentina, brazil, malaysia, qatar. So shove lca in its own thread and let this thread at peace regardless of world orders it or not.
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since when Myanmar is giving its official statement LOL

So lack of source gives you license to lie, manufacture news and use bdmil as propaganda mouth piece? That is just more BS to cover your previous one.
We had made 147 Maruts & 14 LCAs (counting only indigenous designs) .So you exported 161 JF 17
We had made 147 Maruts & 14 LCAs (counting only indigenous designs) .So you exported 161 JF 17
We had made 147 Maruts & 14 LCAs (counting only indigenous designs) .So you exported 161 JF 17
We had made 147 Maruts & 14 LCAs (counting only indigenous designs) .So you exported 161 JF 17 s ?

Both Ind

@gslv mk3

Both Indian Marut and Egyptian Halwan were German Messerschmitt designs imported via Spain. Tejas was designed with the help of Dassult aviation France.
Both Indian Marut and Egyptian Halwan were German Messerschmitt designs imported via Spain.

Wrong.Marut was designed in India by team of around 13 German designers & 150 Indian designers.This joint design team was headed by Dr.Kurt Tank ( not Willy Messerschmidt ) .It had nothing to do with the Spanish-Indian government initially invited Willy Messerschmidt to head the Marut project,but he turned it down in favor of Spanish offer for heading Helwan HA-003.

And we know of many experienced , well known Indian aircraft designers ( Dr V.M Ghatage ) who worked on this project.

Tejas was designed with the help of Dassult aviation France.

Wrong again.
Help?All they did was review the Project Definition .It was ADA who developed it in association with NAL
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Did the French offer you the rafale while they were making some for the French airforce? it is the same answer for both questions.

Sir, French did not claim about selling rafale to 10+ countries when they were making rafale for their air force unlike this Pakistanis.
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