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Myanmar: Nine Chakmas and Hindus killed in the attacks by the Rohingya Salvation Army terrorists


Aug 5, 2016
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Myanmar: Nine Chakmas and Hindus killed in the attacks by the Rohingya Salvation Army terrorists

The aPolitical Team |
At least six Hindus and three Chakmas were killed in Rakhine province in the attacks by the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA), previously known as Harakat al-Yaqin, terrorists yesterday. The attacks on the Hindu family clearly show that the ARSA is Jihadi militant organisation.

The Chakmas (known as Daignet) were fleeing from their village, Aungthapyi, to Rangarzeti village when they were attacked by the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army terrorists in northern Maungdaw Township. At least 20 Chakmas including women and children are still missing. Aungthapyi village is a small village with only 8 families. Fearing attacks from the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army, they were fleeing and attacked on the way.

The Irrawaddy has also reported in the incident: “In a separate attack, 20 ethnic Daignet—a sub-ethnicity of Rakhine—were besieged by around 100 Muslim insurgents with knives as they evacuated to Aung Zan village in Maungdaw on Saturday afternoon, according to a statement from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief’s Facebook page on Sunday. One man evaded the violence but the fate of the rest of the villagers is unknown, according to the statement.”

The ARSA also killed six members of a Hindu family – by hacking to death three of the children – in northern Rakhine on Saturday. The images circulated by the State Counsellor Office of Myanmar are too disturbing and not being shared.

A Chakma Buddhist monk from Maugndaw told The aPolitical that three dead bodies of the Chakmas were recovered after the attacks.

The Reuters reported that the Myanmar government has evacuated at least 4,000 non-Muslim villagers in the area as clashes continue.

In the meanwhile, The Mizzima news reported that the Border Guard Bangladesh troops stood guard at the borders to stop the Rohingyas from entering Cox’s Bazar under Chittagong district.

The Rohingya are being encouraged to settle in the Bandarban district of the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHTs). The Daily Star reported that nearly 2,000 to 2,500 Rohingya refugees entered in Naikhyangchhari upazila of Bandarban district under CHTs from Myanmar while hundreds of Rohingyas are waiting at the no man’s land at Ghumdhum in Naikhyangchhari upazila to enter into Bangladesh.

As The aPolitical highlighted the CHTs is getting drawn into the Rohingya crisis with the Chakmas being victimized by the Islamic groups on both sides of the borders.

The Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) terrorists attacked 30 police posts on 25 August 2017 in which at least 91 people were killed in the Rakhine province.
Aaah, I see! As soon as Modiji arrived in MOG state, story changed!
Let's see if the medias of apartheid state of Burma can fool the whole world!!!!
This is the reason why Myanmar is cleaning there country from flith, first they attack other religions then claim Victims.
India will not interfere in internal matters of Myanmar but will are standing with them to protect their sovereignty as they are our friends and a strategic country for our north east, they are playing as our doors towards east Asia. So, BD should forget of starting a war with them.
This is the reason why Myanmar is cleaning there country from flith, first they attack other religions then claim Victims.
India will not interfere in internal matters of Myanmar but will are standing with them to protect their sovernity as they are our friends and a stragic country for our north east, they are playing as our door to east Asia. S
The Rohingya fought for an Islamic State way back in the 50s. They continued till the late 70s. They were almost destroyed then. To this date they have not entirely given up, but they are now - finally on their last legs.
Rohingya muslims(Rohingya Salvation Army) are killing Hindus in Myanmar. Now no Hindu will have sympathy for these killers
you just need an excuse and rubbish propaganda for your islamophobe and justification. hindus stay back in myanmar enjoy your darmhic brotherhood and dont try to come to bd
Not all of India. Only sanghi gandus like you.
LOL. Stick with this illusion. Not gonna try to change it. :D
Or may be you consider about 90% of Indian population as 'Sanghi'. In that case - yeah. You are right.

Nah they still don't realize the filth they are.
Your military exports will teach Myanmar fine enough. :angel:
LOL. Stick with this illusion. Not gonna try to change it. :D
Or may be you consider about 90% of Indian population as 'Sanghi'. In that case - yeah. You are right.

Then 90% of India is a sanghi gandu. Nothing surprising for me here.

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