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Myanmar May Have Just Bombed Chinese Territory -- Now What?

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So why J-6, J-7?
cause that's enough for Myanmar airforce.

Send batallions of Long range rocket launcher to the border, they will see our fury. Any one that hurt China interests shall get punished, including Burmese goverment or Kokang if they dare. If Burmese airforce go over the line, shoot them down.





After watch CCTV scene photos, i agree these small bomb holes come from the mortar, not like aerobomb.:coffee: ... so i think Myanmar military force and Rebel force all have the suspicion. :angel:






Compared with bombs droped by PLAAF fighter ... :crazy:
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Oh if all these PLA little toys equipment right at Indian border. They won't have a good night sleep and they have to wear diapers everyday. LMAO
Oh if all these PLA little toys equipment right at Indian border. They won't have a good night sleep and they have to wear diapers everyday. LMAO

I must remind you that, you just start the ultra nationalism trend in the thread.

Myanmar isn't Ukraine.
First of all, Kokang is Hans. We can't see our brothers get annhilated. Burma is not saint as well, they should behave theirself. We shall take control of Kokang first and then we talk peace. Putin is the only leader i anmire in this planet, he is a real man.

First of all, Kokang is Hans. We can't see our brothers get annhilated. Burma is not saint as well, they should behave theirself. We shall take control of Kokang first and then we talk peace. Putin is the only leader i anmire in this planet, he is a real man.

Red text is not the official opinion of China govt.
Red text is not the official opinion of China govt.
It's the opinion of all the Chinese, even CPC won't dare to disobey it. Sometimes you need to get things done under the table.




The pix showing @post 273 do not look like damages done by airstrikes

If that is so then the case is more complicated which leads to a possiblity that the rebels want to set China up for a direct conflict with the Myanmar army

The whole incident looks very strange especially it comes at the heels of our huge investment and inauguration of gas pipelines less than 2 years ago
Myanmar-China gas pipeline starts to deliver gas to China|Economy|chinadaily.com.cn

and the recent opening of the new seaport in Myanmar
Myanmar Opens Deep Sea Port for Chinese Oil Pipeline

I suspect that some people are going to ruin this route of energy supply in case of a war to break out in SCS

They are getting very emotional to our land reclaimation and getting impatient by the day
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The pix showing @post 273 do not look like damages done by airstrikes
If that is so then the case is more complicated which leads to a possiblity that the rebels want to set China up for a direct conflict with the Myanmar army
现在很难。我们又不能让果敢军被消灭, 又不能把缅甸军政府推向敌人的怀抱。需要政治家的智慧。说到底还是美国人在缅甸作祟,不听地拿昂山素季对政府施加民主化进程压力。


China now has the excuse to send army into Myanmar to exterminate the rebels.


参考消息网12月21日报道 外媒称,吉尔吉斯斯坦拒绝中国提出的修筑中国-吉尔吉斯斯坦-乌兹别克斯坦铁路项目。吉总统阿坦巴耶夫在新闻发布会上作出这一表态。莫斯科大学信息分析中心主任阿列克谢·弗拉索夫认为,这表明比什凯克认可某些专家关于该项目对吉没好处的观点。








实际上,俄罗斯无力而美国 无意在中亚推进类似的宏大发展项目,只有中国有能力也有善意,希望在中亚地区发挥建设性作用。中国无意于利用铁路损害俄罗斯的利益,中吉乌铁路项目将是上 合组织框架内深化合作的具体体现,对该组织会带来更多向心力。此外,中国和俄罗斯都面临来自西方的战略压力。如果中、俄在中亚不睦,不利于双方在其他领域 做出战略配合,共同应对西方的挑战。


现在很难。我们又不能让果敢军被消灭, 又不能把缅甸军政府推向敌人的怀抱。需要政治家的智慧。说到底还是美国人在缅甸作祟,不听地拿昂山素季对政府施加民主化进程压力。



小心为上 不要糊涂行事 肯定是老米在搞鬼
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The pix showing @post 273 do not look like damages done by airstrikes

If that is so then the case is more complicated which leads to a possiblity that the rebels want to set China up for a direct conflict with the Myanmar army

The whole incident looks very strange especially it comes at the heels of our huge investment and inauguration of gas pipelines less than 2 years ago
Myanmar-China gas pipeline starts to deliver gas to China|Economy|chinadaily.com.cn

and the recent opening of the new seaport in Myanmar
Myanmar Opens Deep Sea Port for Chinese Oil Pipeline

I suspect that some people are going to ruin this route of energy supply in case of a war to break out in SCS

They are getting very emotional to our land reclaimation and getting impatient by the day
No one can promise that Burma won't cut the pipeline if war breaks out in SCS. The more we hold backwards, he more we suffer in the future.
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