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Myanmar Defence Forum

@Aung Zaya Myanmar negotiated with Pakistan for TOT of JF-17. If that is the case then I don't think Myanmar need to buy any other aircraft in the future. Just produce 100s of JF-17 that will be enough. JF-17 is already a capable fighter jet.
I realised how their techniques are similar to the North Vietnamese during the vietnam war. Community based fear inflicting recruitment, indoctrination programs and the punji traps.
Even the Antiair gun set up is similar to what i have seen in the vietnam war documentaries.
The good thing is their techniques are still in infancy stage so we still have time to cut off their spear heads. If they evolve into somewhat advance stage, life will be hard for our troops.
Its sad to see our country is infested by those 'Lu myo yay sout yuus'.
@Aung Zaya Myanmar negotiated with Pakistan for TOT of JF-17. If that is the case then I don't think Myanmar need to buy any other aircraft in the future. Just produce 100s of JF-17 that will be enough. JF-17 is already a capable fighter jet.
The JF17 ToT is a bust. But we are trying to make our owne Fighter. We can already produce single engine propeller planes.

To be honest, it saddens me. I hope the situation in Rhakine gets better.

May I suggest fellow MM members, to be kind (or at least not insult) Rakhine people or other ethnic people.
because it might cause hatred between our ethnic brothers and sisters.

P.S: A lot of people from Myanmar watch this forum as guests. We should be an example and trying to narrow our ethnic divide.

DI's whereabouts are open source tho.
But i agree with you brother. Somethings are best if we leave it like as it is.
I worry the future of our military concealment.
Many young fresh troops have little discipline regarding their social media habit.

not all DIs are open source. But the one in the photo near Pauk is open source, because of local newspaper; it made global headlines.

Even though DIs are not open source, I found 6 DIs and one really big factories compound (with heli pads); and this one is strange because it is not listed on official DI list. :D:D and there are no mention of this factory in anywhere (facebook, internet or news).

Dont worry though, I am not sharing those on the internet. :lol:
To be honest, it saddens me. I hope the situation in Rhakine gets better.

May I suggest fellow MM members, to be kind (or at least not insult) Rakhine people or other ethnic people.
because it might cause hatred between our ethnic brothers and sisters.

P.S: A lot of people from Myanmar watch this forum as guests. We should be an example and trying to narrow our ethnic divide.

not all DIs are open source. But the one in the photo near Pauk is open source, because of local newspaper; it made global headlines.

Even though DIs are not open source, I found 6 DIs and one really big factories compound (with heli pads); and this one is strange because it is not listed on official DI list. :D:D and there are no mention of this factory in anywhere (facebook, internet or news).

Dont worry though, I am not sharing those on the internet. :lol:
I do not have anything against the ethnic brothers Just the Rebel groups that profit off the people lying to them to get support.

Do you use Google earth? I like the feature on Google earth that allows you to see past satellite images so I see how and when things were built.
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I do not have anything against the ethnic brothers Just the Rebel groups that profit off the people lying to them to get support.

Do you use Google earth? I like the feature on Google earth that allows you to see past satellite images so I see how and when things were built.
Rebels are funded by your another beloved brother China.
The JF17 ToT is a bust. But we are trying to make our owne Fighter. We can already produce single engine propeller planes.
It would be great if Myanmar can develop their own fighter jets. But JF-17 TOT is also not a bad option.

In war supply chain matters. Both options are suitable. But I think producing JF-17 at home would be more cheaper an less time consuming then designing and making an entire new aircraft.
I do not have anything against the ethnic brothers Just the Rebel groups that profit off the people lying to them to get support.

Do you use Google earth? I like the feature on Google earth that allows you to see past satellite images so I see how and when things were built.
Today, I saw the post of Anti-ship missile produced by Vietnam. It is reported that many sensors produced by Viettel are used in that missile. This is really awesome. We should take step into like this. May be Vietnam would share some codes or let us to observe their projects. Viettel have joint venture company with our Armed Force in Myanmar.So i would not be surprised if we see same developments in Myanmar within this decade.

It would be great if Myanmar can develop their own fighter jets. But JF-17 TOT is also not a bad option
Well. Agreed that JF-17 is not a bad option at all to replace aging F-7. But it is too bad that it have been cancelled due to international pressure. If not, PK would also not stressed for more buyers and funding for further developments. We can also have a good choice for F-7 replacements and big leap for our industries.
Today, I saw the post of Anti-ship missile produced by Vietnam. It is reported that many sensors produced by Viettel are used in that missile. This is really awesome. We should take step into like this. May be Vietnam would share some codes or let us to observe their projects. Viettel have joint venture company with our Armed Force in Myanmar.So i would not be surprised if we see same developments in Myanmar within this decade.

Well. Agreed that JF-17 is not a bad option at all to replace aging F-7. But it is too bad that it have been cancelled due to international pressure. If not, PK would also not stressed for more buyers and funding for further developments. We can also have a good choice for F-7 replacements and big leap for our industries.
Chengdu J-10C is a very good replacement for F-7
MAF Su-30 SME has completed maiden flight test. Congratulation.



Myanmar Parliament Slashes Military’s Budget Request for First Time

By NYEIN NYEIN 28 May 2020

For the first time under the current government, the Union Parliament has declined to approve in full an additional budget request by the military, cutting 10.6 billion kyats (US$7.57 million) from the 197.688 billion kyats requested by the Defense Ministry for the remaining months of fiscal 2019-20.

It is the first military budget request to be slashed since the National League for Democracy government came to power in 2016, according to lawmakers.

The government’s initial budget estimate for FY2019-20, which began in October and ends in September, was 35.243 trillion kyats, with the military budget accounting for 3.385 trillion kyats. In comparison, the Health Ministry’s budget was 1.172 trillion kyats and the Education Ministry’s budget was 2.685 trillion kyats.

The cabinet last week submitted additional budget requests totaling 2.66 trillion kyats for the remainder of this fiscal year.

Parliament, which resumed on May 18 for the sole purpose of debating the supplementary budget allocations, approved the revised budget, cut by 87.183 billion kyats, on Wednesday.

Defense Minister Lieutenant General Sein Win told Parliament on Wednesday the additional funds would be used to cover the daily travel costs of soldiers currently engaged in special military operations, as well as the cost of transporting materiel, building maintenance and consultant fees.

Of the military’s request, 21.995 billion kyats was to cover per diems for soldiers traveling while undertaking military operations, and 1.296 billion kyats was to pay for materiel transportation, rental fees for the transport of rations, petrol, aviation fuel and operational support materiel.

The defense minister added that military choppers are used not only to transport soldiers and for other military uses, but also to transport civil servants, currency and high school students’ exam papers, as well as for other uses in Chin State’s Paletwa, where the Myanmar military (or Tatmadaw) is fighting the Arakan Army.

“The Tatmadaw is not wasting the state’s budget,” he added, urging lawmakers not to cut the additional budget request as had earlier been urged by some MPs.

On May 22, lawmaker Daw May Win Myint from Yangon’s Mayangone constituency, who oversaw scrutiny of the budget, proposed cutting 22.7 billion kyats from the supplementary request, citing a decrease in the cost of petrol due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and noting that some expenses were higher than those included in the original budget estimate.

Daw May Win Myint and Parliament’s Joint Public Accounts Committee then held negotiations with officials from the Office of the Quartermaster-General, and on Monday they agreed to reduce her proposed cut by more than half, according to U Aung Min, the vice chairman of the committee.

The military budget has accounted for between 13 and 15 percent of the national budget each year since FY2012-13.

The military requested a budget of 3.2 trillion kyats in FY2018-19 and 2.9 trillion kyats in FY2017-18.

While the military’s overall budget increased this fiscal year, it decreased as a percentage of the total budget, accounting for 11 percent.

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We wont buy in large number without ToT. J-10C is apparently better option but China wont give assembly line.

I don’t see any requirements of J 10C or any other fighters except for the dedicated ground attack fighters.
Inducting new types of aircrafts will create logistical nightmare for MAF.
We have Su 30SME for multirole, MiG 29SE/M for air superiority, JF 17 for maritime strike and frontline fighter.
What we need most urgently is the medium and light transport helicopters.
We haven’t inducted transport helicopters for almost 5 years.
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