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but he claimed that he was a member of army(BGP??)( battalion 287 of Myanmar army posted at Bandola)...now its upto u man whether u believe it or not..our BGB senior officers will surely contact with ur Border guards for this..
Bro believe him with ur own risk. let me explain about this.
firstly, he said he is from regular army. According to his uniform, that's completely wrong and u know about that. our army uniform is green. not blue obviously.
secondly, he said he is seeking a job inside bd. but u know Burmese people and bangali people are totally different. even at first glance , everyone can know he is outsider. if he really want a job , he should run inside Myanmar. nobody can know whether he is police or not if he dont wear uniform.
so that's obviously something is wrong. the most possiblity is what MINN said. may be he is AA and he fled from battle with army and just in case, he also wear police uniform which he took in previous attack. then he crossed the fence to avoid army. and may be he was catched while he is finding a route to their camps in BD or another destroyed area of fence where they used to do like this and get into Myanmar and join with their team.
Bangladesh really need to get their shit together with their border. Allowing the degenerates to operate inside their territory and low key supporting proxy won't do good in long term. At the end of the day they got whole global support while we are being portrayed as villian for protecting our own border. Lets just hope tatmadaw is ready to deal with any degenerates from both inside and outside border.
Bro believe him with ur own risk. let me explain about this.
firstly, he said he is from regular army. According to his uniform, that's completely wrong and u know about that. our army uniform is green. not blue obviously.
secondly, he said he is seeking a job inside bd. but u know Burmese people and bangali people are totally different. even at first glance , everyone can know he is outsider. if he really want a job , he should run inside Myanmar. nobody can know whether he is police or not if he dont wear uniform.
so that's obviously something is wrong. the most possiblity is what MINN said. may be he is AA and he fled from battle with army and just in case, he also wear police uniform which he took in previous attack. then he crossed the fence to avoid army. and may be he was catched while he is finding a route to their camps in BD or another destroyed area of fence where they used to do like this and get into Myanmar and join with their team.
View attachment 535130
probably,probably not man..but its not the frst time ...


..he claimed himself as a army trooper knowing the fact that eventually bgb will hand him over to bgp..if he is an AA member why did he take that risk by claiming himself as a army man???!!surely,ur border guard has some xplanation!!

Arakan Army Chief Promises Myanmar Military, Govt Eye For an Eye
That fucktard wont do any good to both rakhines and the country. He is whoring in bangkok while the vicitms of his racial indoctrination are dying unnecessarily for him. Lets just hope AA, ARSA and fellow nitwits realise their plan is suicidal and will bring more catastrophes to rakhine state. And lets also hope bangladesh wont protect those inbreds by creating safe zone in their territory and helping them with their autistic screeching.

Bro believe him with ur own risk. let me explain about this.
firstly, he said he is from regular army. According to his uniform, that's completely wrong and u know about that. our army uniform is green. not blue obviously.
secondly, he said he is seeking a job inside bd. but u know Burmese people and bangali people are totally different. even at first glance , everyone can know he is outsider. if he really want a job , he should run inside Myanmar. nobody can know whether he is police or not if he dont wear uniform.
so that's obviously something is wrong. the most possiblity is what MINN said. may be he is AA and he fled from battle with army and just in case, he also wear police uniform which he took in previous attack. then he crossed the fence to avoid army. and may be he was catched while he is finding a route to their camps in BD or another destroyed area of fence where they used to do like this and get into Myanmar and join with their team.
View attachment 535130

And in the meantime your BGP communicated with our forces to find their missing soldiers... :)
May be AA already intruded your own army according to you.. NO?

And in the meantime your BGP communicated with our forces to find their missing soldiers... :)
May be AA already intruded your own army according to you.. NO?
Another poor guy from the MIGHTY Mutiny army of sinking land . . .
Mind your own business.

And in the meantime your BGP communicated with our forces to find their missing soldiers... :)
May be AA already intruded your own army according to you.. NO?
it's all from ur media. our force didn't tell anything about the missing one. may be they did not miss anyone.
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