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news on the frigate Sian Phyu Shin F14, installed torpedo tubes, probably ASW



someone is aware of which nation is produced, model and caliber
maybe it is Indian Advanced Light Torpedo(TAL) ASW Shyena 324 mm ?

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news on the frigate Sian Phyu Shin F14, installed torpedo tubes, probably ASW



someone is aware of which nation is produced, model and caliber
maybe it is Indian Advanced Light Torpedo(TAL) ASW Shyena 324 mm ?

we dont have much choice and just 2 suppliers countries, India and China. TAL is highly possible in this case. bro
someone is aware of which nation is produced, model and caliber
maybe it is Indian Advanced Light Torpedo(TAL) ASW Shyena 324 mm ?

Yes it's the Indian Shyena 324 mm light weight torpedo. The torpedoes were provided

"IHS Jane’s quoted unnamed industry sources as saying that Christopher was referring to the DRDO-designed advanced lightweight torpedo Shyena, which is reportedly based on the Whitehead Alenia Sistemi Subacquei (WASS)/Leonardo A244/S lightweight torpedo previously provided to the Indian Navy (IN)."




posted on Military Armed Forces Facebook page today
Myanmar confirms Russian military aircraft ordered Sukhoi Su-30

Six Su-30 jets have been ordered. Reports in the public domain indicate the cost per aircraft to be between $30 – 40 million. The Su-30 is a twin-engine, two-seater multi-role advanced tactical fighter aircraft from the Sukhoi Aviation Corporation of Russia.

The aircraft has ground hugging capabilities, Nap-of-the-earth (NOE). A type of very low-altitude flight to help avoid detection. Its potential was witnessed and photographed during an air show at Zhangjiajie Hehua International Airport in China. It flew along the runway at an altitude of just 1 metre. The aircraft has a reported maximum cruising speed of 2,500 km per hr.

The exact model ordered has not been disclosed. The marque is well known. The Su-30MKI is the Indian Air force’s primary multirole fighter. Aircraft from the same brand are in use with many other countries including China, Malaysia, Vietnam, Nigeria and Belarus.

The announcement of the Myanmar order was made by Russian Deputy Defence Minister, Lieutenant General Alexander Fomin at the end of the visit last month by Mr Sergey Shoigu, the Russian Defence Minister, a post he has held since 2012.

Mr Formin stated: “During the Russian defence minister’s visit an agreement was reached under which Myanmar would purchase six Su-30 planes, [the aircraft] will become the main fighter aircraft of Myanmar’s air force to protect the country’s territorial integrity and repel any terror threats.”

He added that “Russian armaments proved their capability during their operation in Myanmar’s Armed Forces. These are, in particular, the Mi-24, Mi-35 and Mi-17 helicopters, as well as the MiG-29 fighter aircraft, the Yak-130 combat-capable trainer aircraft, the Pechora-2 air defence system and other equipment”.

He also confirmed that more than 600 Burmese military are studying in Russia’s higher military educational institutions, stating, “All of this helps tighten security in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Rim in general”.

Running costs for these aircraft are substantial. For a Mig the estimates are $20,000 per hour and $35,000 for the Su-30.

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Accoring to VOA news we will form coast guard unit. Any confirmation?
seems like it
in Burmese by the ministry of transport and communication

Myanmar’s government has finally confirmed that it’s forming a coast guard

After months of teasing and deliberation, Myanmar’s government finally announced, through a statement published on Tuesday via the Ministry of Transport and Communications website, that it will be formally forming a coast guard to protect its 2,080 kilometer coast line and territorial waters.

According to Transport Minister U Thant Zin Maung, the new Myanmar Coast Guard will be in charge of managing offshore drilling and the building of deep-sea ports. He also said that they would be in charge of maintaining the environment and protection of natural resources. Sounds a bit paradoxical there, but only time will tell if those two interests can live in harmony.

Moreover, the new organization will also deal with “non-traditional maritime security threats”, such as human trafficking, illegal entry, drug trafficking, and fishing activities that are deemed illegal or irregular.

The move comes just months after a mysterious “ghost ship” which had gone missing for 9 years landed just 12 km away from Yangon, prompting the Myanmar government to begin discussions to organize a coast guard.

Less than a week after the incident, in a September 6 press conference, the Director General of the Department of Marine Administration, U Thaung Kyaing, confirmed that there was indeed interest in the government to establish a coast guard.

While plans for the formation of a new coast guard are being submitted to the President’s Office, it is unclear which authority the new entity will be reporting to. While there is speculation that the President’s office and the Department of Marine Administration could pick up the mantle, analysts have said that it would be a “politically bold attempt” to form a civilian-controlled coast guard, a mandate granted to the Myanmar military by the 2008 constitution.
Bangladesh border guards detained one myanmar army soldier in bandarbaan district..

maybe he was a member of AA who was trying to escape the battles going on in Rakhine because on the January 4th attack they did capture police uniforms
but he claimed that he was a member of army(BGP??)( battalion 287 of Myanmar army posted at Bandola)...now its upto u man whether u believe it or not..our BGB senior officers will surely contact with ur Border guards for this..
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