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Myanmar Conducts Surgical Strike in India - 5 reported killed

Fake news by @JX-1
As per British report only two bombs fell on Indian side very close to border and no one was hurt.
All casualties were inside a camp located entirely inside Myanmar.

As per Modi, No one entered India and Myanmar used the cover of the clouds to evade India radars hence Indian Airforce did not sramble their fighters.

Understanding the Principles of MOU between Myanmar And India

Before stupid comments sour the Relationship between Myanmar and India, let me explain the diplomatic relationship between the two nations.

After the surgical strike conducted by India to eliminate the Indian Rebel Group (NSCN-K), the two nations understood that these armed insurgents are cross-border organizations and will need to cooperate more in order to combat these groups. A cooperation-framed work has been formed in order to combat these cross-border armed groups. These are called MOU agreements. One of the topics the MOU between India and Myanmar include is border security.

After the coup in Myanmar, the Chin nationalist armed groups have more active on the border. These groups in Myanmar and the insurgent groups in India are somewhat of the same religion and ethnic makeup. Because of the MOU framed work, the regional level officers need to inform the counterpart in order to conduct the military operation, which makes it much easier.

This is the MOU in action.

View attachment 911046

PS. Regardless of the MOU, let me sincerely apologize to our Indian friends and thank them for their magnanimous attitude.

You should thank Pakistan for providing you the JF-17s
As per Modi, No one entered India and Myanmar used the cover of the clouds to evade India radars hence Indian Airforce did not sramble their fighters.

You should thank Pakistan for providing you the JF-17s

Ungrateful burmanese… if they dont continue bombing india then pak/china should sanction there jf17 :D
They also do the same with BD

Even Myanmar has bombed Chinese land near their border and their fighters are also entering Thailand airspace last year

Myanmar has five neighboring countries (China, India, Thailand, Bangladesh, and Lao).

The only country we haven't bombed or intruded on is Laos.
Out of the 4, the noisiest one is Bangladesh.
This just shows how close Myanmar is with its neighbor except Bangladesh hence the noise.
Myanmar has five neighboring countries (China, India, Thailand, Bangladesh, and Lao).

The only country we haven't bombed or intruded on is Laos.
Out of the 4, the noisiest one is Bangladesh.
This just shows how close Myanmar is with its neighbor except Bangladesh hence the noise.

Do you think current military regime will keep in power for the next 10 years ?

What is the possibility of Aung San Suki to come back to politics and rule the country again?

ASEAN chair Indonesia will appoint special envoy to help Myanmar end political crisis​

It is very unlikely that Myanmar military junta would engage in a military air attack inside India. Their relations with India are pretty good and they have no reason to violate that.

Even if true, it is likely to be an error on part of those who were engaged in this mission. India doesn’t need to retaliate or launch a counter to it.

Just like Paksiatn didn’t take accidental Brahmos launch as an attack, but an accident, which it was. Inspite of much worse relationship between both the countries, there was no escalation.
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Source? i would appreciate a good verifiable source.
the only thing i see is a bomb dropped near a border village without any losses.
India is among the handful of nations which hasn't sanctioned or criticized the military junta and Myanmar realises this considered teh recent diplomatic movements form both sides.
Source? i would appreciate a good verifiable source.
the only thing i see is a bomb dropped near a border village without any losses.
India is among the handful of nations which hasn't sanctioned or criticized the military junta and Myanmar realises this considered teh recent diplomatic movements form both sides.
Even if a bomb has fallen on Indian side, it isn’t likely to be planned as such. Use of Air Force into another country is considered an act of deliberate display of force which Myanmar Military has no reason to.
The border areas has thick forest and an error while dropping a bomb can’t be ruled out. Even if precision attack an error can occur.

Our well wishers here definitely want to stoke some fire and a retaliatory strike, but it is not going to happen.
Myanmar has five neighboring countries (China, India, Thailand, Bangladesh, and Lao).

The only country we haven't bombed or intruded on is Laos.
Out of the 4, the noisiest one is Bangladesh.
This just shows how close Myanmar is with its neighbor except Bangladesh hence the noise.
I was about to say something similar. Myanmar army has intruded in almost all its neighbours airspace except Laos. In China's case it was even worse, not only did their fighter jets violate Chinese airspace but they also killed upto 5 Chinese citizens, but there was no retaliation from China for obvious reasons(they don't want to get on the bad side of Myanmar government and worsen things between both countries which is understandable) Myanmar just said opppssss my bad sorry and that was it. The thing is Myanmar military has also been irritated by China providing support to the armed group United Wa State Army(almost 30,000 strong). However both sides are still on friendly terms as well, since Myanmar Junta needs China's military and diplomatic support.
For Thailand ties has been relatively stable except rare times Myanmar military targets rebels who fled to Thailand and carrying out strikes near the border which leads to refugees flowing into Thailand. So instability in Myanmar is a problem to all its neighbours . So they all have a stake in contributing to Myanmar stability, which funny none is getting actively involved per se.

Do you think current military regime will keep in power for the next 10 years ?

What is the possibility of Aung San Suki to come back to politics and rule the country again?
I see little chance of her ever ruling Myanmar again. As far Myanmar military exists it won't happen.
People are so much jumping up and down.

Relationship between Myanmar and india is very good.

Even myanmar dropped bombs at inside Chinese border during the last incident. But people were not so high.

India doesn't have SAM defense systems at myanmar borders and we don't not need it... It is just a friendly mistake and will take by india, very lightly.

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