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Myanmar asks for Indian military help against rebels


Aug 4, 2009
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Myanmar seeks Indian military assistance

SHILLONG, April 10 – Myanmar has requested India for military assistance for coordinated strikes against North East militants holed up in that country.

Myanmar’s Ambassador to India, U Kyi Thein said Myanmar has made a request to India during the last Foreign Secretary level meeting between the two countries at Naypyidaw, Myanmar, for military assistance.

“India and Myanmar need to work together and India have agreed to provide our military requirement to fight insurgents,” the Ambassador to India told The Assam Tribune.

He, however, did not give specifics about the kind of military assistance Myanmar has sought only reiterating the request for the “requirement” has been made.

The beleaguered military Junta have its own share of insurgency problem with outfits like Kachin Independent Army (KIA) and Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) operating in different parts of that country.

Thein said once India provides Myanmar with the “requirement a coordinated military operation” against militants would begin.

The Myanmar Ambassador did not elaborate if the coordinated strikes against militants would also include fighting the Myanmarese militants, especially the KIA having close links with the NSCN (IM and K), ULFA and several Manipur-based outfits.

“We also have militancy problem and we understand India’s concerns and wanted this problem to be sorted out. We have always stated to the Indian Government that Myanmar would not allow its soil to be used by militants,” Thein added.

Militancy, Thein added, stems from poor socio-economic opportunities and both India and Myanmar must work together to provide social justice to its population, especially those residing along the remote Indo-Myanmar border.

“Poverty and lack of education is encouraging militancy. We (India-Myanmar) need to work out together to solve these issues,” he said at the sidelines of the international BIMSTEC seminar here.

Myanmar’s policy, he added, is now to develop infrastructure in the border with special emphasis on developing connectivity. “There is the need to extend the railway line from Jiribam, Manipur to the nearest rail network in Myanmar,” he added.

Myanmar seeks Indian military assistance
good opportunity for india t steal-mate china in bay of bengal and north estern border :cheers:
So much for the string of pearls which Chinese were boasting about. Falls flat before Indian Chanakya diplomacy. While China flexes its economic muscle India quietly makes a diplomatic move. Wel ldone !!
India must help them but i think not by sending troops, rather by providing logistics etc. BD may not like it.
myanmar should be careful as to what it wishes for. remember sikkim!

I know! Growing close to India makes you want to love India. :smitten:

Remember Sikkim? It grew close to India and loved it so much that ultimately more than 95% of them voted to join India in a referendum.

Do you know the meaning of referendum? Look it up. And oh, while you are doing that, please spare some time to educate yourself.
saddam hussein was also elected by 99% of the population.

hard not to when you're facing down the barrel of the indian gun.
saddam hussein was also elected by 99% of the population.

hard not to when you're facing down the barrel of the indian gun.

I know! That referendum was carried out with Sikkimese people "acing down the barrel of the indian gun". That referendum was even more forceful than the referendum by Saddam Hussein!

That is why today Sikkim is erupting! Sikkim is full of insurgent groups and is even more violent than Iraq! Sikkmese people are asking China for help! They want China to liberate Sikkim like how China liberated Tibet.


OK, I laughed so hard that my stomach is really hurting now. So, yes Mr. below-freezing, what were you saying?
the day when sikkim regains its independence is coming soon. who do you think youre fooling when you say sikkim voluntarily joined the impoverished indian dictatorship of 1972 with a 95% approval rate?
the day when sikkim regains its independence is coming soon. who do you think youre fooling when you say sikkim voluntarily joined the impoverished indian dictatorship of 1972 with a 95% approval rate?

OK dude, Sikkim will become independent and has no place in "impoverished Indian dictatorship".

All hail the wisdom of "below-freezing"!
the day when sikkim regains its independence is coming soon. who do you think youre fooling when you say sikkim voluntarily joined the impoverished indian dictatorship of 1972 with a 95% approval rate?

I think the days of tibet and xinjiang and hong kong and taiwan gaining independence is more closer .China has fed it mouth more than it can chew.The chinese internal implosion on the lines of USSR is not a distant anyways.U cant keep slaves 1 bn people for long.Some day some brave chinese ,not like the p**** on this forum would rise against the dictator ship and would want to take the account for decades of oppression.it would take just one depression like scenario in China that would open the knot of the chinese secrecy of its internal problems.
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