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My write up/experiences of the world's biggest military show the Royal International Air Tatto 2015

The image on your other post is a substitute link they do to resize the image.... You need to post the actual link on the service, try look for a share tab or view tab, usually those are the suspect
The image on your other post is a substitute link they do to resize the image.... You need to post the actual link on the service, try look for a share tab or view tab, usually those are the suspect

I am still waiting on your opinion of the Pakistani Army Officers ! :pissed:
I can see all images just fine.. no problem whatsoever
I thought I’d end the Japanese segment of my post with a group shot of the crew. I told them about PDF and how we have Japanese posters and with one special guy who is one of our think tank team. @Nihonjin1051 . They were even more happier to pose after finding this out, and they told me to convey their warmest greetings to our posters and in particular the Japanese members.

@waz --- Sir, Brother,

The defense write up as well as the pictures are just stellar, just stellar! Thank You so much for sharing with us all, and to see a picture of the P1 by one of our very own members and part of the Moderator Team --- Thank You !!! I'm just watching the videos now and I really, really enjoy them so far. Thank you for mentioning me to the Japanese group there as well, am so honored! I hope maybe they may one day join our forum. :)

Sincerely Your Friend,
Great stuff mate!

Loved the write up along side as well!
The image on your other post is a substitute link they do to resize the image.... You need to post the actual link on the service, try look for a share tab or view tab, usually those are the suspect


@waz --- Sir, Brother,

The defense write up as well as the pictures are just stellar, just stellar! Thank You so much for sharing with us all, and to see a picture of the P1 by one of our very own members and part of the Moderator Team --- Thank You !!! I'm just watching the videos now and I really, really enjoy them so far. Thank you for mentioning me to the Japanese group there as well, am so honored! I hope maybe they may one day join our forum. :)

Sincerely Your Friend,

Thank you so much for your kind words bro. I'm glad you enjoyed the photos and write up. I made a point of it to make sure the Japanese segment was special. The Japanese team were great and very humble. As for joining the forum, they told me they were working 17 hour shifts in order to keep everything on track!
Can you see all the photos? Do also tag the other Japanese members.

Great stuff mate!

Loved the write up along side as well!

Glad you like it bro, there is so much more to come.

Next up the Americans.

The Americans. @Peter C @F-22Raptor @KAL-EL @gambit @AMDR @LeveragedBuyout @CENTCOM @Oldman1

Several years ago the US forces missed the air tattoo, as they were undergoing important work and many fans and commentators alike felt that there absence had been greatly felt at the event. This year though the USAF, the USN and US army were back in force and had the greatest presence at the event, aside from the British hosts. The US forces had bought along an array of combat craft, which included A-10’s, F-15’S, Ospreys, the Poseidon, and various intelligence gathering craft. They had very kindly opened up the Osprey, Apache and US surveillance aircraft for people to go inside and view.

The first US aircraft we came across was the new Boeing maritime Poseidon. It had a large crew accompanying it and was guarded by armed police.




We walked up the craft and engaged two of the navy guys in conversation, two African American guys, who were hilarious and very friendly. We asked if they were enjoying themselves and they replied they were, apart from the weather, which folks who have visited the UK know is a typical complaint from natives and tourists alike. One of them then said that when he was got to the UK he was eager to hit the town and sample the nightlife. He was under the mistaken impression that we were close to London, well I guess in US terms it’s close, due to the vastness of the country. What he said next made me laugh “oh brother, all I saw was green fields and cows and the pub”, he said the word “pub” in a Harry Potter type accent. His friend told him not to worry, as the cows were the only female action he was getting anyway, we all laughed.

We bid them farewell and thanked them for coming and they in turn thanked us for the great conversation and wished us a good weekend.

Now it was time to meet the Warthog! We walked over to the A-10 section and the USAF had bought two with them, with pilots and ground crew in turn. I talked to the pilots and the first question I asked them was what was going to happen to the fleet once they had been phased out, he mentioned friendly nations being interested. Both pilots had seen action in Afghanistan and one very recently elsewhere, I asked against ISIS? He smiled and said he couldn’t tell.

Here are the pictures.



The business end…



I walked on and here is a shot of a SF-5M.

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Next up was the Osprey! The USAF had bought two Ospreys (one flying) with them and the crews were outside talking to visitors. They had kindly opened one of the craft up for people to walk and take a look inside. I spoke to one of the pilots, a very friendly chap and asked him whether other countries might think of operating the Osprey, he replied that Japan had placed an order for five aircraft. He then went into a bit about the Osprey’s operational history and how it has been a huge asset for US special operations forces and how well it has performed in places such as Afghanistan. I thanked him and he smiled and said goodbye.

Here are the pictures; I spoke to the guy in the middle.



Yes, yes I know the fan just photo bombed my picture with his ahem :angry::disagree:

Now it was time to tour the Osprey. There was a fair queue outside the craft but we didn’t wait long. Two RAF personal were guiding people in.

50 caliber welcome committee.


Once inside the aircraft I noticed how bare boned it was and I asked the pilot why this was and he simply said cost, it didn’t really need expensive finishing i.e. covering up the wires and hardware as it got the job done.


Surprisingly I found the Osprey to be quite spacious.

The cockpit.


There is a funny story from this part of my visit. One of the young English lads was asking the pilot had been in combat or what it was like to fight in a war. The pilot pointed out that the other airmen near the door gun had fought. With the usual bashfulness of youth, the young boy went and asked had he been to war, the airman replied “yes”. The boy then asked, “who did you fight”, the airman said “I fought with the US”, the boy confused replies back “you fought against each other, as in Osprey v Apache”, the airman gave him an even more confused look at which point I stepped in explaining what the kid meant, the airman then laughed saying that he had fought “bad guys”. :laugh:

USAF Osprey my videos

Again the Osprey is so quiet and it’s no surprise that US special forces have literally crept up upon the enemy without them knowing.

I thanked the USAF personal and walked on and came across the F-15 strike Eagles.


USAF KC135R stratotanker


US army Blackhawk medical evacuation helicopter.



To end my US tour I came to the US army Apache area and once again the pilots had opened up the chopper for people to take a look inside. The army pilots were again friendly and willing to take questions from anyone. One of the pilots, the chap in my pictures, was lifting up children to sit on the Apache and have their picture taken. Having seen the Apache so many times now in real life, I can’t get over the size and sheer beast like nature of this machine.

Here are the pictures.






Finally I’d like to say a big thank you to the USAF, USN and US army for their contributions to this year’s tattoo. You guys were great ambassadors for your country and everyone spoke of your warmth and openness, especially with regards to opening up so many machines. The nonsense you hear from some folks who say that US personal are ignorant and not very talkative during such events is exactly that i.e. nonsense. Thank you for the compliments about my haircut as well; yes I have a jarhead lol.
The Jordanians @BLACKEAGLE @Saif al-Arab

The Jordanians for many years have been an integral part of the Tattoo, especially since the King himself is a pilot. The Jordanians are the most zaniest, funniest, warm-hearted and hospitable folk around. They really pull out the stops to make their presence a success. As usual the Jordanian Air Force sets up a greeting tent, the only air force to I might add. The tent itself has lots of pictures, paintings and cultural items from Jordan. The tent reminded me of a giant tourism board that came to life! The tent was very comfortable and the personal welcomed people and talked to them about Jordan, its Air Force and current operations. I remember a few years back the Jordanian guys were selling carpets and vases, which people lapped up, especially the ladies. Upon entering the tent we had several of the personal welcome us and ask us to look around. We engaged them in conversation about his excellency the king and current operations against ISIS. They were very open and talked a great deal about he threat such terrorists posed to Jordan and how this is a fight they must and want to win. We said goodbye and they told us to wait, one of them went off and came back and gave us free badges, which they also gave to other visitors. Outside they had their customary bagpipe player who impressively kept up playing throughout the day! That’s eight hours, with breaks though!

Here are the pictures.






Bagpipe player my video

Once again, thank you to his excellency the King, who has promised to always send a delegation from Jordan and of course the Jordanian Air Force, you guys take hospitality to another level.
No problems seeing the pics, keep up posting!

Excellent photos :tup: :)
The flying displays

RIAT 2015 was packed with flying action, over eight hours worth! I have put up the flying videos of the air forces mentioned previously. Some of the participating forces didn’t bring static aircraft with them, so therefore had no stand to visit, and that’s why they have not been mentioned in previous paragraphs. Some I will talk about, some I will just list the videos, as it is unprofessional to say a display was “bad”, and I have huge respect for all the pilots who displayed. It should also be remembered these people are very busy, and nearly all of them are combat operational units.

Again my videos just show a pass or take off, as I had limited memory on my Iphone 6 and to be honest what’s the point in taping the whole thing when others will do it and it also spoils my personal viewing pleasure. I have put the corresponding videos from YouTube showing the full display.

The French @Gabriel92 @Taygibay

The French this year bought their Mirage 2000’s not the great Rafale, but this did not matter as it had been some years we had not seen the Mirage aircraft display. The two aircraft took off and then disaster. Just after takeoff one of the Mirage was hit with a bird strike. The pilot had to land. Many people in the crowd sighed and thought that’s the end of the display, after all they were supposed to put on a duel show. The commentators at the Tattoo then said the pilot would like to speak to the crowd, they switched to the cockpit of the flying Mirage and true to typical French bravado he promised he will carry on and performed an amazing solo display.

Thank you to the Armee de l’air for making our day!

Mirage 2000 my video, sorry for it being sideways

This is from the dual display a day earlier.

Airbus A400 transport my video

Czech Hind my videos

Polish MIG 29 My videos.

Finish F18C Hornet my video

I didn’t make videos of the Belgium F16 , the Tornados displaying or the Battle of Britain flypast. Here they are from YouTube.

Belgium F16, nice display.

Tornados training flypast

Battle of Britain flypast

More on the Tattoo

I took some more pictures and

Polish SU-22M


RAF Tornado.


F35 mockup


There was plenty of talk from military and non-military alike about this plane and how its absence does not look good. It was meant to perform last year but technical issues prevented this from happening, and this year there was not so much as a peep from Lockheed, BAE or anyone. They need to make amends next year, or people will start to lose interest and with buyers on the line, it makes it all the more more crucial.

Carrying on with the tattoo

As the weather reports stated the sun came out and burnt away the cloud and it was clear blue skies from then on. The temperature shot up to around 24 Celsius and it was lovely. The facilities at the Tattoo were fantastic, for example toilets were plentiful, both single and communal, meaning you never have to queue. There was a wide choice in terms of food and drink with many places to eat at; alcohol is not sold, which is a very good thing for obvious reasons.

The atmosphere was phenomenal and people would literally strike up conversations with you constantly about the weather, aircraft, family, what you have seen and so on. Mannerisms again were impeccable with people never passing in front of anyone taking a picture and just everyone saying please and thank you. There was so much else on offer as well with many of the world’s leading defense contractors such as Thales, BAE, Lockheed Martin etc. all having their designated areas. There was BMX rides, fun rides for the kids, vintage villages, singers and so on. Oh I have to tell you my story with the ice-cream van.

So I came out of the toilet and felt the need for a slushy drink. I phoned my friend and asked him if he wanted an ice cream. He said no but I thought I’d surprise him anyway. So I bought the two and started walking. Now the runway is around two and half miles in length and we were sat near the middle and the van was at the beginning so that’s a mile walk, so I thought I could do it before the ice cream/ drink melts so I started walking. As I walked the sun came out stronger and the temperature rose, and my friend’s ice cream started to melt, as did my drink. So I started to quicken my pace, but this did not help, the ice cream began to drip all over my lovely blue jeans, so I stopped and thought right forget it, I’m not letting this just melt, ill eat it. So I took the first bite, forgetting I had the slush strawberry in my other hand and poured the drink down my lovely white linin shirt. I nearly started crying. My first reaction was to see if anyone was watching, thankfully the Belgium F-16 solo display was on so everyone was distracted. I then started to take bites out of the ice cream and sip my slushy drink, which gave me a massive sugar overload. After I finished, my fingers were covered by ice cream, my shirt ruined and my jeans had noticeable spots of ice cream all over them. I just sighed, and walked back to my friend and told him what happened. He laughed and said to me look behind you, there it was an ice cream van no more than eight feet away! He gave me water and I cleaned myself up. The day was finally drawing to an end and we decided to pack and go, I told my friend I felt burning all over my face, neck and arms, and he looked at me and said you are sunburnt, I looked at him and he was in a worse state! No matter how many times I tell myself that my Pakistani genes will run to my rescue, even though I am fair, it never happens. It felt far worse when I got into the shower later and I peeled for more than a week.

Finally it was time to find the car, we walked and we walked and got lost. We simply couldn’t find the entrance we came from. In the end we followed the crowd and got out. Now it was time to find the car amongst thousands, searching and searching and nothing. Couldn’t see it anywhere. It was time to retrace our steps, which we did and then managed to find it. This exercise took us a total of fifty minutes. The drive home was relaxing and we just talked about the day and how long it would take to recover. In total that day we walked eighteen kilometers, but we didn’t regret a thing.

Thank you to all the volunteers who made the tattoo very memorable, the RAF, the police, the British army and all the participating air forces. Bring on RAIT 2016!

Well folks I hope you enjoyed my report, I don't like just being an arm chair enthusiast, and I hope it raises the quality bar on this forum.

On a side note I hope Pakistan, India and China make an appearance soon. They have always been invited, as part of the cultural links they have with the UK but have not attended so far. If you guys are reading this, and I know you are, please do come.
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Amazing write up, its sooo smooth, u would go with the flow and end up reading all without realizing. Its like dunking ur snickers bar in hot cup of tea and chomp chomp. Scrumptious writing.

Btw i know zilch abt jets, it was only recently that i learnt that airforce jets are surveillance crafts, lifters, transporters, bombers. Prior to that i used to think every single one is used to drop bombs and engage in dog fights. *___*
nice, amazing pics and what a great write up

my highlights: the osprey photobomb :rofl: and how about the Jordanian air force bagpipe guy lolwtf

great stuff, thanks much for sharing ! :)

you should stick this is the air force section !
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