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'My staff were called 'Indian dogs' in Kuwait,' tweets Adnan Sami,

Whats wrong in that? Indians are considered dogs worldover and rightly so. Infact i find it an insult for dogs to have their name used for indians.
It's time you looked at how the Pakistani passport is ranked. You are top 3 from the bottom.
It's time you looked at how the Pakistani passport is ranked. You are top 3 from the bottom.
In arabic dog is called "al kalab" im telling u cause im sure not knowing this words meaning u didnt understand arabs addressing u by this name on airport many times. Now tht u have learned u wont have difficulty in understanding what they are calling u :lol:
Whats wrong in that? Indians are considered dogs worldover and rightly so. Infact i find it an insult for dogs to have their name used for indians.

Your grandpa was an British Indian.

If Indian = dog

Than your grandpa was a British Dog.

Looks like Yalla habibis needs some tight slap.

Time to call israel pr do our own work via chabhar.
Chaddis be like-

So what!!!! indians muslims are not indians. Jay Sri Ram bolo pehley warna deshdrohi!!!
may be this was the reason Kuwaitis got confused.

isko bc sunta kon hai? how is adnan sami still a thing?
Isko kehtay hain Kuttay kay sath Kutton wali Hona.

By the way, what language did they use? Arabic or English?
English or may be even Urdu...so that the dog could understand he is being called a dog...
This is why it is important to develop one's own capabilities. A matter of shame that the entire politics of all our countries is like a labour supply company where we are considered living, breathing manual workers compared to all others who developed their own capabilities.

A country which had no relevance half a century ago is calling names to the people of the subcontinent in general. Apparently, they don't even care that Pakistanis and Indian muslims chose Islam and are their co-religionists. They wills till consider us as inferior because our folks go there to work.

A shame on the politicians of the entire subcontinent.

No use of telling Kuwaitis.

Until we up our game, it is going to do nothing.
GCC people seem to be arrogant.

To the Pakistani members here rejoicing, please think of how they are treated in the rest of the GCC.

Indians are treated well in GCC but Arabs never miss a single chance to ridicule them while interaction. Becuase it is well known in GCC countries , Indians have no spine. or no ability to chin up . They lay down the floor of their employers. When i asked Few of them , they say its obedience to employers we take their Sh**t and absorb it.

While General opinion of Arabs about Pakistanis is , Aggressive , violent they tend to compare the "Baddu" Temperament with Pakistani Labors. Hence dealing with Pakistani guys they are way careful to what they say, specially not to abuse them verbally , On the contrary Indians they go all in as they understood fully suppressed nation will not likely to react.

So coming back to your point, Indians might be treated well being spineless.
& Pakistani common man dont give a Rats *** of how they treat , we give them same response likewise.
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