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I love my father [Adnan Sami] but Pakistan is my home, says Azaan Sami


May be the sons bit was added by man who knows ...

The sins of the fathers shall be visited upon the sons
Posted by Henry on August 24, 2003

In Reply to: The sins of the fathers shall be visited upon the sons posted by Soulsellerman on August 24, 2003

: Hi everyone,
: I'm looking for the origin of the phrase 'The sins of the fathers shall be visited upon the sons.' I found a reference to 'The sins of the fathers' part in the old testament--Lamentations 5--but I can find no trace of the 'Shall be visited upon the sons' part.
: I was hoping someone out there knows the origin of this entire phrase. Thanks in advance!

Exodus Chapter 20
You shall not bow yourself down to them, nor serve them. For I the LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the sons to the third and fourth generation of those that hate me, and showing mercy to thousands of those that love Me and keep My commandments
You must be joking right? Or trolling?

Don't try to pass of your bigoted views as spiritual wisdom. Irony abounds, a citizen of an Islamic republic, is using old testament to assert idiotic views.

Did you miss the line where God calls itself jealous? Was that not a red flag that something might be wrong here or do you worship a jealous God?

God's most important qualities are his mercifulness and graciousness, a fact you would've known if only you read the Holy Quran.
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You must be joking right? Or trolling?

Don't try to pass of your bigoted views as spiritual wisdom. Irony abounds, a citizen of an Islamic republic, is using old testament to assert idiotic views.

Did you miss the line where God calls itself jealous? Was that not a red flag that something might be wrong here.

I was waiting for you to turn asshole and you just did it. So.
Listen one mans view is another man bigotry.. I dont give a damn what Indians like you think. Go get a cup of the good stuff you fool.
I was waiting for you to turn asshole and you just did it. So.
Listen one mans view is another man bigotry.. I dont give a damn what Indians like you think. Go get a cup of the good stuff you fool.
You're right, I was mean. My apologies.

Surely you must consider though, the verse you've put up, is only accepted by a small number of conservative Christians and if you compare it with the Holy Quran you would find it at odds with it.

Even if you don't look at it from a spiritual point of view, reason dictates a man is responsible for his/her own deeds, this has been accepted as a legal code for the overwhelmingly majority of the countries around the globe. Attributing crime and punishing the next of kin, puts you into the same category as merciless dictators who adhere to such line of reasoning. This line of reasoning is incompatible with the concept of equality and justice.
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You're right, I was mean. My apologies.

Surely you must consider though, the verse you've put up, is only accepted by a small number of conservative Christians and if you compare it with the Holy Quran you would find it at odds with it.

Even if you don't look at it from a spiritual point of view, reason dictates a man is responsible for his/her own deeds, this has been accepted as a legal code for the overwhelmingly majority of the countries around the globe. Attributing crime and punishing the next of kin, puts you into the same category as merciless dictators who adhere to such line of reasoning. This line of reasoning is incompatible with the concept of equality and justice.
You have some very valid points here.
In an ideal world you would be correct ofcourse, however, we live in a world where collective punishment isnt just attributed to next of kin but whole communities and entire nations. Palestine and Kashmir come to mind immediately.
Whether it's a contradictions in the two noble books, itsp again a matter of interpretation as many a scholar from the same religion read a text and come to very different conclusions.
I am of the opinion that this boys love his father and thats his right. His father is a traitor and if he still holds a candle for a traitor I would not trust him as far as I could spit. But that's my opinion. Your may differ but it doesnt mean either of us is correct. He will be judged by the masses and the masses are unforgiving.

See we can have a decent conversation without name calling
You have some very valid points here.
In an ideal world you would be correct ofcourse, however, we live in a world where collective punishment isnt just attributed to next of kin but whole communities and entire nations. Palestine and Kashmir come to mind immediately.
Whether it's a contradictions in the two noble books, itsp again a matter of interpretation as many a scholar from the same religion read a text and come to very different conclusions.
I am of the opinion that this boys love his father and thats his right. His father is a traitor and if he still holds a candle for a traitor I would not trust him as far as I could spit. But that's my opinion. Your may differ but it doesnt mean either of us is correct. He will be judged by the masses and the masses are unforgiving.

See we can have a decent conversation without name calling
Does it still happen around the globe?


We will always do inhumane things to each other in the name of religion, passion or patriotism.

Should this be accepted though?
Definitely not.

It is your right to judge a person however you see fit, but judging a person by the actions of their kin is wrong and inhumane and on principle it must be opposed. To accept injustice simply because it's the norm is being complicit in it.
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Does it still happen around the globe?


We will always do inhumane things to each other in the name of religion, passion or patriotism.

Should this be accepted though?
Definitely not.

It is your right to judge a person however you see fit, but judging a person by the actions of their kin is wrong and inhumane. Principally it must be opposed.
His father judged our whole nation. A nation that fought for his freedom. A nations who's sons laid down their lives so his son could be free.
You can say all you want regarding human rights. Tell that to the muslims suffering globally. They have rights? Here you fly the humans rights flag for the son of a traitor who still loves his father. Well if he loves his father so much go join him. We will be better off without the son of a traitor and its will be zero loss to the nation.
U want to do a personal crusade for him good luck. I dont agree with you
His father judged our whole nation. A nation that fought for his freedom. A nations who's sons laid down their lives so his son could be free.
You can say all you want regarding human rights. Tell that to the muslims suffering globally. They have rights? Here you fly the humans rights flag for the son of a traitor who still loves his father. Well if he loves his father so much go join him. We will be better off without the son of a traitor and its will be zero loss to the nation.
U want to do a personal crusade for him good luck. I dont agree with you
God forbid, if you're parents had to make a tough decision incompatible with norms, would you stop loving them? Emotions, specially towards one's kin seldom work that way.

How would you feel if the society you grew up in and profess to love, hates you for the crimes of your kin, something over which you had no control.

I'm not defending anyone, sans that a man should be judged by his actions alone, anything else and you risk anarchy by way of injustice.
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I think we should avoid over reaction on this matter
God forbid, if you're parents had to make a tough decision incompatible with norms, would you stop loving them? Emotions, specially towards one's kin seldom work that way.

How would you feel if the society you grew up in and profess to love, hates you for the crimes of your kin, something over which you had no control.

I'm not defending anyone, sans that a man should be judged by his actions alone, anything else and you risk anarchy by way of injustice.
If my father was a traitor....yes for sure I would ditch him. And there would be zero hesitation and i know my grandfather would kill him loool
And yes society does judge u by family actions
Good to know that Azaan would gladly hold a gun to his fathers head when push comes to shove.
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