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My reasons why SCS islands belong to China

I want you to read this in response to your bold claim and tell me what you think of this.

During the Second World War, Japanese expelled the French troops and took over the islands in spite of the 1938 declaration. The Spratlys and the Paracels were conquered by Japan in 1939. Japan administered the Spratlys via Taiwan's jurisdiction and the Paracels via Hainan's jurisdiction.[34] The Paracels and Spratlys were handed over to Republic of China control from Japan after the 1945 surrender of Japan,[35] since the Allied powers assigned the Republic of China to receive Japanese surrenders in that area.[36] At the end of the war (Asian-Pacific Region), Nationalist China formally retook the Paracels, Spratlys and other islands in the South China Sea in October and November 1946. In Geneva accord of 1954 Japan formally renounced all of its claims to, inter alia, the South China Sea islands which it had occupied during the World War II.[37] After WW2 ended, the Republic of China was the "most active claimaint". The Republic of China then garrisoned Woody island in the Paracels in 1946 and posted Chinese flags and markers on it, France tried, but failed to make them leave Woody island.[38] The aim of the Republic of China was to block the French claims.[39][40] The Republic of China drew up the map showing the U shaped claim on the entire South China Sea, showing the Spratly and Paracels in Chinese territory, in 1947.[41]

Under what reason do you believe that the area we operated does not have EEZ? Do you know the Woody Island alone is large enough and has fresh water and can sustain human habitation?

There is a difference between fully occupied like in your Vietnam case and our case where we never declare surrender and the fight continued until Japan surrendered. This is important in legal matter. Please learn, my friend.

As I said, sovereignty could be lost if state ceased to exercise it~ that is the precedent set by ICJ
Did china really exercise jurisdiction surrounding the islands as soon as Japan surrendered? No~ China was busy fighting their own (CCP vs. KMT)
Why do you think it is in the first place those islands were occupied by Vietnam and Philippines?

Regarding EEZ, Woody Island was only among few large enough able to support human habitation. But how can you justifies 9-dash line base on a few of island? Certainly the shape of the EEZ boundaries won;t be as swath as 9-dash line that protrude far to Natuna Sea.

Even more the 9-dash line ignored all neighboring countries EEZ from their respective coastal area. How in the hell can Vietnam's and Philippine's EEZ be smaller despite they have the longest coastal line?
As set by ICJ, the provision of UNCLOS calls for equatable EEZ, and you could refer to the case of Nicaragua vs. Colombia to see how "equatable" means. In the case of Nicaragua vs. Colombia, only San Andres Island (Colombia) can support human habitation an therefore entitled EEZ, however, UNCLOS "equatable" provision barred colombia from claiming swath of EEZ close to Nicaragua coast. Instead, the sea surrounding San Andres Island that face Nicaragua coast was only entitled 12 nm territorial zone (Point 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 9), while that facing Carribean sea was entitle full 200 nm

Allow me to answer in bold and teach you on each question you posted.
I address only the point of the statement of North VN Prime minister. the rest is rubbish.

- in his letter he did not mention Paracels. how could you have interpreted his letter as recognition of your claim?
- North Vietnam did not held sovereignty over the Paracels, but South Vietnam. If people follow your Chinese logic, Vietnam Prime minister can declare: the island of Hainan belongs to Japan.
- last but not least, only the National assembly has the power and can declare/decide questions regarding territories. whatever the Prime minister said is considered as invalid and lawless.

In short, first and foremost North VN Prime minister did not have the right to cede Paracels controlled and administered by South VN government to China.
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I address only the point of the statement of North VN Prime minister. the rest is rubbish.

- in his letter he did not mention Paracels. how could you have interpreted his letter as recognition of your claim?
- North Vietnam did not held sovereignty over the Paracels, but South Vietnam. If people follow your Chinese logic, Vietnam Prime minister can declare: the island of Hainan belongs to Japan.
- last but not least, only the National assembly has the power and can declare/decide questions regarding territories. whatever the Prime minister said is considered as invalid and lawless.

In short, first and foremost North VN Prime minister did not have the right to cede Paracels controlled and administered by South VN government to China.

As his logic, Taiwan could make a diplomat note to agree Hainan belong to Vietnam.
^ And if RoC take the mainland back and every one recognise it, then they would have to cede Hainan to Vietnam. You understand ?
^ And if RoC take the mainland back and every one recognise it, then they would have to cede Hainan to Vietnam. You understand ?

I think ROC could declare Independence with help of USA, I understand it.
Can any Vietnamese explain this? Vietnam admitted islands in SCS belong to China in 1958.
Can any Vietnamese explain this? Vietnam admitted islands in SCS belong to China in 1958.

China and North Vietnam signed Genava Accods 1954, Islands belong to South Vietnam. North Vietnam didn't have rights over Islands of South Vietnam.

Letter didn't mentioned about Islands, it stated North Authority take car about 12 miles coastline from North Vietnam only.

Stop lying about useless letter.
弱国别谈主权,弱国最多的产物就是汉奸. 强国想做汉奸都没机会.
1, Who found those islands first?

This is a quite easy question. Definitely they were firstly found by Chinese. As one of civilized ancient countries, China has most advanced technologies and skills in navigation and shipbuilding in ancient time. In Song dynasty(1000 years ago), South China sea was called silk way on the water. In the same time, Vietnamese could barely leave their coast. There are many Chinese living in Southeast Asian countries for hundreds years. How they got there? Of course by sea through the SCS. Are there many Vietnamese in Malaysia or Indonesia? No, except those who moved there in recent years.

2. Does China's ownership of these islands meet modern international laws?

Present global territories are based on Yalta System. China was one of the major victors in WW2 and authorized to accept Japanese surrender in the whole SCS. So SCS can also be regarded as China's award of victory in the war. Back then there was no a country called Vietnam. China paid a huge loss in the war and deserves to rewarded.

If China's ownership of SCS is illegal, many territories owned by USA and Russia don't legally belong to them.
Historical Fiction: China’s South China Sea Claims | World Affairs Journal
Did Chinese actually care about the South Chinese Sea and the Islets lying in South Chinese Sea back in Age of exploration when Western Nation trying to carve and fighting over all of Asean countries and kingdom back in 17th centuries? not they are more prefer to live in their realm and doesn't give a shit about what happened outside of their borders. Did the Chinese care about South Chinese Sea ownership status back in 7th century? Did they care about South Chinese Sea before Century? not at all, they just care about it recently when some geologist and explorer found untapped mineral resources in South Chinese. Chinese just become greedy, too much greedy

First Battle of Tamao - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Second Battle of Tamao - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

stfu. When China tried to get all Southeast Asian nations to unite against Europeans they refused because of their bitterness from wars with each other. After that Chinese smuggled arms to your independence fighters for hundreds of years, and sent soldiers to fight them.

But every single one of you was plotting against the other especially between different Indo, Malay and Filipino ethnic groups. China and more importantly the Chinese people did more to liberate you than you did yourselves.

LOL~ typical chauvinistic self-centered Chinese~
Don't you know that before Chinese could even sail across ocean and still busy planting crops in Northern China, SouthEast Asian Austronesian (including Taiwan Aboriginal) had already sail and colonize islands as far as Madagascar and Easter Island!! You don;t need rocket science to know who were the first to discover and sail across South China Sea.

Austronesians got to Madagascar around 500 CE, dimwit. And we're not even going to bring up the fact that the Philippines as one nation is artificial. No one ever said they'd have a problem giving some islands to the Moros.

for a long period of time, Chinese did not possess any highsea fleet. Neither Navy.
now the chinese clowns claim parts of Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei.

China had a "highsea fleet" longer than any humans on the planet. The Vikings and Polynesians may have traveled further but not on the open ocean, and they were certainly not "fleets".
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We are the first to travel to JZ ,it is called discover.

Jiao Zhi land, Jiao Zhi Sea belong to Jiao Zhi people. Van Lang Empire of Jiao Zhi people reached to Dongding Lake in China. Jiao Zhi people discovered South China and were living there..
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