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My reasons why SCS islands belong to China

Here is a map of Dai Nam (Vietnam today) in 1838. It shows two Paracels and Spratlys belong to Vietnam. While the Chinese map of 1904 does not mention anything about the two islands.
It is one of the clearest evidences to deny the so-called "historic rights" lies of the chinese.

The maps again! From the first map, first let's put the credibility aside, I can't see anything related to SCS island. The dots may be some small island near Vietnam coast. And as China's vassal country, Vietnam had no right to claim further land cause it didn't have full diplomatic function.
Stop quoting the second map, this map didn't mean to show China's whole territory.
The maps again! From the first map, first let's put the credibility aside, I can't see anything related to SCS island. The dots may be some small island near Vietnam coast. And as China's vassal country, Vietnam had no right to claim further land cause it didn't have full diplomatic function.
Stop quoting the second map, this map didn't mean to show China's whole territory.
Chinese logic :omghaha:
China just want to disturb the peace unity and development in Asia Pacific region…ASEAN in particular. China is envying the ASEAN solidarity and undermining the group with their acts and pronouncements. Provocative is the least to describe their intention. They wont follow international law agreement code of conduct whatsoever, they are the problem now in this side of the world. Down with the bully China...so desperate and so greedy.

Actually, I don't believe in the success of any COC. That is the imagined liferaft that ASEAN countries dream for ... to avoid any direct conflict.
China never abandon their attempt to occupy all SCS
Actually, I don't believe in the success of any COC. That is the imagined liferaft that ASEAN countries dream for ... to avoid any direct conflict.
China never abandon their attempt to occupy all SCS

I think this time you stepped on the wrong foot.

Tests for China's first archaeological exploration ship, CCTV

CHONGQING, May 19 (Xinhua) -- China's first underwater archaeological exploration vessel has begun testing in southwest China's Chongqing Municipality.


China's first underwater archaeological exploration vessel has begun testing in southwest China's Chongqing Municipality.

The ship, owned by China's cultural heritage team, is berthed at the private port of Changhang Dongfeng Shipbuilding Corporation. The hull of the ship is white, emblazoned with "Chinese Archeology" both in Chinese and English.

The 500-tonne, 56-meter vessel has a maximum displacement of 960 tonnes, and can carry a crew of 30, according to an official with the Chongqing culture and heritage commission.

Underwater archaeology in China has made great strides since the 1980s and a number of professional institutions and teams work in the field. The lack of properly equipped vessels ships has long been a problem.

This ship, designed by the 701 Research Institute of the China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, will continue testing in Shanghai before sailing out to the Xisha Islands in the South China Sea to begin archaeology work.


The 500-tonne, 56-meter vessel has a maximum displacement of 960 tonnes, and can carry a crew of 30, according to an official with the Chongqing culture and heritage commission.

I think this time you stepped on the wrong foot.

Tests for China's first archaeological exploration ship, CCTV

CHONGQING, May 19 (Xinhua) -- China's first underwater archaeological exploration vessel has begun testing in southwest China's Chongqing Municipality.


China's first underwater archaeological exploration vessel has begun testing in southwest China's Chongqing Municipality.

The ship, owned by China's cultural heritage team, is berthed at the private port of Changhang Dongfeng Shipbuilding Corporation. The hull of the ship is white, emblazoned with "Chinese Archeology" both in Chinese and English.

The 500-tonne, 56-meter vessel has a maximum displacement of 960 tonnes, and can carry a crew of 30, according to an official with the Chongqing culture and heritage commission.

Underwater archaeology in China has made great strides since the 1980s and a number of professional institutions and teams work in the field. The lack of properly equipped vessels ships has long been a problem.

This ship, designed by the 701 Research Institute of the China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, will continue testing in Shanghai before sailing out to the Xisha Islands in the South China Sea to begin archaeology work.

The 500-tonne, 56-meter vessel has a maximum displacement of 960 tonnes, and can carry a crew of 30, according to an official with the Chongqing culture and heritage commission.

Te thief prepared his tools for robbery action.
1, Who found those islands first?

This is a quite easy question. Definitely they were firstly found by Chinese. As one of civilized ancient countries, China has most advanced technologies and skills in navigation and shipbuilding in ancient time. In Song dynasty(1000 years ago), South China sea was called silk way on the water. In the same time, Vietnamese could barely leave their coast. There are many Chinese living in Southeast Asian countries for hundreds years. How they got there? Of course by sea through the SCS. Are there many Vietnamese in Malaysia or Indonesia? No, except those who moved there in recent years.

2. Does China's ownership of these islands meet modern international laws?

Present global territories are based on Yalta System. China was one of the major victors in WW2 and authorized to accept Japanese surrender in the whole SCS. So SCS can also be regarded as China's award of victory in the war. Back then there was no a country called Vietnam. China paid a huge loss in the war and deserves to rewarded.

If China's ownership of SCS is illegal, many territories owned by USA and Russia don't legally belong to them.
you get 50 cent for your post. keep the change.

Chinese logic at high, like smoking opium

even they can't made a difference between ROC and PRC, both government still exist today

And they can't read the History at all, Sovyet Union is union of some federation including Russian Federation

that's OP logic

Did Chinese actually care about the South Chinese Sea and the Islets lying in South Chinese Sea back in Age of exploration when Western Nation trying to carve and fighting over all of Asean countries and kingdom back in 17th centuries? not they are more prefer to live in their realm and doesn't give a shit about what happened outside of their borders. Did the Chinese care about South Chinese Sea ownership status back in 7th century? Did they care about South Chinese Sea before Century? not at all, they just care about it recently when some geologist and explorer found untapped mineral resources in South Chinese. Chinese just become greedy, too much greedy
No one recognizes ROC officially. ROC is just an extension of PRC, the "One China, two systems" that the rest of the world recognized. Even your country recognize that.

I repeat, our claim is consistent with history. We did not make up a single claim today. Everything was done in the early 20th century when international community was form.

I am ready and prepare to face challengers to China's claim. Let use logic and reason to debate.
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1, Who found those islands first?

This is a quite easy question. Definitely they were firstly found by Chinese. As one of civilized ancient countries, China has most advanced technologies and skills in navigation and shipbuilding in ancient time. In Song dynasty(1000 years ago), South China sea was called silk way on the water. In the same time, Vietnamese could barely leave their coast. There are many Chinese living in Southeast Asian countries for hundreds years. How they got there? Of course by sea through the SCS. Are there many Vietnamese in Malaysia or Indonesia? No, except those who moved there in recent years.

LOL~ typical chauvinistic self-centered Chinese~
Don't you know that before Chinese could even sail across ocean and still busy planting crops in Northern China, SouthEast Asian Austronesian (including Taiwan Aboriginal) had already sail and colonize islands as far as Madagascar and Easter Island!! You don;t need rocket science to know who were the first to discover and sail across South China Sea.

LOL~ typical chauvinistic self-centered Chinese~
Don't you know that before Chinese could even sail across ocean and still busy planting crops in Northern China, SouthEast Asian Austronesian (including Taiwan Aboriginal) had already sail and colonize islands as far as Madagascar and Easter Island!! You don;t need rocket science to know who were the first to discover and sail across South China Sea.

The logic don't add up well, unfortunately for you my friend. The migration and colonized of the relevant territories were done through non-state civilization. It is the same as bird migration. It has no permanent establishment route and the people of those migration are not uniformly one people. On matter of objective and legal, it is important to understand that state and non-state migration play a big role in shaping historical boundary.
LOL~ typical chauvinistic self-centered Chinese~
Don't you know that before Chinese could even sail across ocean and still busy planting crops in Northern China, SouthEast Asian Austronesian (including Taiwan Aboriginal) had already sail and colonize islands as far as Madagascar and Easter Island!! You don;t need rocket science to know who were the first to discover and sail across South China Sea.

Interesting. But Austronesian were sea nomads who hadn't formed any modern national characteristics, like the concept of territory, society organizations. What they did is actually not different with our ape ancestors when they traveled from Africa to other worlds.
No one recognizes ROC officially. ROC is just an extension of PRC, the "One China, two systems" that the rest of the world recognized. Even your country recognize that.

I repeat, our claim is consistent with history. We did not make up a single claim today. Everything was done in the early 20th century when international community was form.

I am ready and prepare to face challengers to China's claim. Let use logic and reason to debate.
you are on drugs. Answer these questions:

- what history? history of CCP?
- when China was formed? what is China?
- when ROC was recognised, and when PRC?
- when you claim was invented?
- when international community was formed? and at all, what do you understand under international community? a hint for you: there were international organisions before UN.
- has any country in the world recognised your lawless claim?
- show proofs that you have ever controlled and administered the SC Sea!

Interesting. But Austronesian were sea nomads who hadn't formed any modern national characteristics, like the concept of territory, society organizations. What they did is actually not different with our ape ancestors when they traveled from Africa to other worlds.
ancient China never had a concept of sea sovereignty.

you repeatedly say the nonsense, you are the first one who discovered the SC Sea. Proof it!
Discovery is your point, Not modern national characteristics.

Yes, you even claim a part of Indonesia. Based on what?
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you are on drugs. Answer these questions:

- what history? history of CCP?
- when China was formed?
- when ROC was recognised, and when PRC?
- when you claim was invented?
- when international community was formed? and at all, what do you understand under international community?
- has any country in the world recognised your lawless claim?
- show proofs that you have ever controlled and administered the SC Sea!
You asked too many questions. He has no responsibility to teach you elementary knowledge. I can give you an evidence.

During the Sino-Japan war, Japanese occupied some islands in SCS. Meanwhile Japan was not having war with France or other western countries. The only country they were fighting against was China. Without doubt Japanese believed they took these islands from China, not from others. That move also tells a truth: There was a tacit consent that accepted by the world, which is China owns SCS.
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LOL~ typical chauvinistic self-centered Chinese~
Don't you know that before Chinese could even sail across ocean and still busy planting crops in Northern China, SouthEast Asian Austronesian (including Taiwan Aboriginal) had already sail and colonize islands as far as Madagascar and Easter Island!! You don;t need rocket science to know who were the first to discover and sail across South China Sea.

for a long period of time, Chinese did not possess any highsea fleet. Neither Navy.
now the chinese clowns claim parts of Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei.
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