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My Real life struggle against Dark forces of Evil

If you don't believe in all that than there is no reason for you to respond , Thank you for your advice ..

Those were worst years of my life when i believed these things. I lost a lot of things due to my wrong belief. I changed everything. I hope someday you come out of these things.
You should not ignore this further. Trust me.
Consult a baba, aalim e din, who is authentic and trustable. He can guide how to break this spell. Black magic cannot be reverted easily.

The seriousness of this can be explained by two major disaster that befall in my family out of the blue , first when my sister caught the Disease called SLE Lupus , if anyone that has a idea about the disease they can know how serious and incurable it .. according the famous doc of Karachi mehfooz Alam who treated my sister told her that he has no idea how she was still alive when we first took her to Hospital , and second when my brother got fit and later found a little tumor in his brain , all these two life threatening things came out of the blue ..
Those were worst years of my life when i believed these things. I lost a lot of things due to my wrong belief. I changed everything. I hope someday you come out of these things.

Look my friend, you @ISI and Sher Shah no one is forcing you to believe in what I am talking about .. you made your points clear, hence there is nothing for you guys in this thread so kindly avoid going off topic and engaging in trolling . Thanks
@Starlord, I went through something, Turned me into a believer. I can send you a detailed list of what I did. The sheikh that helped me told me that it would only work if I prayed 5 times a day.
First of all your phuppo who did magic is no more a Muslim because in Islam voodoo or black magic is strictly forbidden and can lead to apostasy

Secondly you need to consult someone who has some knowledge about these issues. Not the professional babas but who would help you for the sake of Allah. His remedy would be completely from the verses of Quran and nothing else

Also as other members said that you can take some remedies yourself like being in wazu all the time. Try to pray 5 times a day. Allah would help you InshaAllah

bro read post 62 .. we tried a lot of things, as we say Dua and Dawa both, the effects subside but it comes over again and again ..
The seriousness of this can be explained by two major disaster that befall in my family out of the blue , first when my sister caught the Disease called SLE Lupus , if anyone that has a idea about the disease they can know how serious and incurable it .. according the famous doc of Karachi mehfooz Alam who treated my sister told her that he has no idea how she was still alive when we first took her to Hospital , and second when my brother got fit and later found a little tumor in his brain , all these two life threatening things came out of the blue ..

Try to consult any well informed aalim e din who can really help you. Process will take some time to clear but do something until it gets too late for you as well. Best of luck.
Well if you do need Devine intervention

1- Ayat Al Kursi at every door and window opening
2- Read Suraf Kahaf every day or listen to it
3- Read Sura Al Jin
4- Playback Sura Al Jin low volume leave it running :coffee: in night

However you must realize and believe in your heart that Allah Choose Humans/Muslims to be the the best of all creation on planet earth

While creatures of fire (Al Jin) exist they have no power over Muslims , the only thing they can do is make noises to scare people
Try to consult any well informed aalim e din who can really help you. Process will take some time to clear but do something until it gets too late for you as well. Best of luck.

I am in a constant struggle to either believe in all that or not , my religious and rationale side is in a constant battle in my mind and how to deal with it, i started taking Anti depressing pills just to keep myself calm, and avoid thinking on any stuff .. I've been to people with my parents but i remain silent and i let them speak and understand the situation, honestly most of these Aalim are money hungry people and i experience one myself who again and again ask for donation for his Astana and when we are donating small amount he wont see us anymore ..
I believe in the Holy Qur'an. If you believe in Allah (swt) then know that he has power over everything, then how can any sort of magic or evil eye etc harm you if you believe that nothing can happen to you without the will of Allah (Swt)? You may getting paranoid due to being influenced mentally by their words. This isn't any sort of magic, this is simple psychology. I know I am an internet stranger, but I wish you well. You should keep faith that nothing can harm you except by the will of Allah (swt) and keep doing what you need to do in life to succeed. If these aunties of yours were great magicians, then they would have used that magic to get filthy rich and untouchable.
Allah has given us some special precautionary aamals in the form of surah falaq and nas and muzamil.

I know a “Wazifa” which is extremely rigorous and Impossible for a common person to complete, It involves extreme recitation of Surah Muzammil, Doing so, If one doesn’t go paranoid in the span, One gets the ability to interact with Good Jinns and help others who are affected by magic.

But I won’t share it...
Well if you do need Devine intervention

1- Ayat Al Kursi at every door and window opening
2- Read Suraf Kahaf every day or listen to it
3- Read Sura Al Jin
4- Playback Sura Al Jin low volume leave it running :coffee: in night

However you must realize and believe in your heart that Allah Choose Humans/Muslims to be the the best of all creation on planet earth

While creatures of fire (Al Jin) exist they have no power over Muslims , the only thing they can do is make noises to scare people

Dude, we got your point, Thanks ..
you have red OP i assume, and if you have a issue than you shouldn't have been posting a reply here .. question is if it makes you unhappy to read than you shouldn't be responding to it, and as now you already did it , now Please don't waste your precious time in responding to this message, Put me in the ignore list and this thread into unfeatured , hence you wont be able to see it ..
Oh bhai, do I have to teach you what "take it lightly" means? Don't be so rude without understanding anything?
:pop: U do realize that we burn the chilli and our food and eat eggs daily they have no magical powers

My neighbor is a carpenter he makes alot more noise the bastard is building a 8 feet fence in middle of smearing heat

There is already a 6 feet tall fence which is newly constructed

He just came from middle east and has that Wahabi 8 feet of fencing and barbed wire mentality in western society and I am scratching my head at the noise he is making

He thinks his fat wife is going to be stolen unless he builds a 8 feet fence

The bizzare acts by people are more worrisome then demonic powers
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I am in a constant struggle to either believe in all that or not , my religious and rationale side is in a constant battle in my mind and how to deal with it, i started taking Anti depressing pills just to keep myself calm, and avoid thinking on any stuff .. I've been to people with my parents but i remain silent and i let them speak and understand the situation, honestly most of these Aalim are money hungry people and i experience one myself who again and again ask for donation for his Astana and when we are donating small amount he wont see us anymore ..
You are going to the wrong people that means, I know people who don’t ask for penny and don’t want publicity for their works of this kind and how badly all this world of jinns have affected their personal lives and left them isolated.

Just recite Surah mulk every night after isha loudly so that you voice reaches every corner of house, Dont use mp3, recite yourself with the intention of help from Allah. Do it especially the night of every new islamic month, As soon as the month is on it’s last day.

Also, Do ruqyah, Blow it in a water spray, Spray every corner of house.

Trust me, Ruqyah is all another level thing.
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