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My ONE year with Defence.pk family.


Jan 11, 2009
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The authenticity and yet, the mystery of the expression "How time flies!!" has never been more evident on me until now. One year has passed???? Already?? Seems like only yesterday when on a cold Sunday night on 11 January 2009, I filled out the membership form of this website, pushed the registration button and became a part of the defence.pk family.

I remember I used to consider posting and blogging on forums a waste of time, and only joined defence.pk after I was unable to see the attached pictures of IDEAS 2008 (since attachments are visible only to registered members). It took me almost two weeks to put my first post, and almost 6 months to complete my first 50 posts. But after that, I never looked back, and it has been a hell of a ride ever since then!!!

I thank the whole defence.pk team: Administrators, Moderators and Members, all Senior and New ones, for making the last one year as joyous and wonderful to me as it has been. In the end I would say that I am proud of the decision I made 1 year ago about pushing the registration button, and I am sure the coming year would increase my proudness even further. :agree::tup:

Thank you all and see you later!!! :cheers::wave:

Pakistan Zindabad!! Defence.pk Paenndabad!!

Congrats on reaching this milestone, and thanks for all the needed, wealthy and timely contributions to the forum.

By the way by starting this thread with this particular post you have also hit the 1,000 posts mark. one more and we will have a new senior member, so congrats once more:cheers:

Congrats for your first anniversary in defence.pk and thanks for those wonderful pics:yahoo:
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^^ Congrats buddy , you are such an awesome character .
Its still a long way for me to celebrate my 1st PDF birthday.:lol:
Owais, your thread made me realize that I too am a year old now! January 6, 2009 is when I joined. You're absolutely right, it happened very quickly, didn't even realize.

In your one year here, you have become one of the best contributors I can think of. Especially when it comes to pictures, you're really one of the best sources. I, too, used to think posting on the web or blogging was a waste of time (I still do), but I too find PDF just too much fun to ignore. Keep up the good work buddy, and I'll just hope that I can be of as much use as you are to this forum.

Congratulations. Pakistan Zindabad
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