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My colleague's experience of Lahore


Sep 24, 2015
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So one of my colleague just came back from Pakistan, only spent 4 days and the whole time was in Lahore. She was part of a group of 10 people that were invited by her boyfriend's Pakistani friend to attend his wedding. Most of her experience has been negative, and she has ruined all my efforts of promoting Pakistan.

Before i start with what she experienced, let me give a little background on her, she is Aussie born of south-east Asian decent, Laos to be exact. She is a closed minded, spoilt brat who is always looking for people to feel sorry for her. Before this trip the only places she has been was Europe, Dubai and Thailand.

When she came over to tell me that she was going to Pakistan, i knew straight away that this will not going to be good. And i blame her Pakistani friend for this, but i understand that he also wants to promote the country and this was his opportunity, plus he can't just invite his friend and not the girlfriend, especially when they would be paying for their own travel and accommodation.

Anyways even before the trip began i saw her going around and telling people that she "has to go to Pakistan and she is scarred." "I am worried that i will get kid-napped". I even told her don't go to which she replied "i can't let Chris go alone" (Chris is her BF).

So here is what she has to say about her trip. My views are in RED

1. Getting a visa was hard, and they were asked to get separate hotel rooms as they are not married. Even after that it still took more than 10 days to get visa ( I agree this isn't good even though we know that its way better than what it used to be)
2. When they landed in Pakistan the immigration official didn't accept that she is Australian and kept saying that you are Chinese not Australian and how did you get the passport.
3. Their temperature was checked 3 times with a touchless digital thermometer. ( I actually reckon this is a good thing, they are trying to keep people safe and its not like they put the thermometer up her pooper )
4. The first checkpost out of the airport they were stopped again but police. And again they were asked how they have Australian passports. They took their passports away without telling them anything. But they came back after 30mins, returned their passports and let them go. (Nothing new here we all know how Pakistan police works)
5. There were people with guns everywhere especially in front of wedding halls and restaurants. (She means security guards but obviously she says people with guns because that sounds scary)
6. The city is so dirty with rubbish every where and the air smells like vomit. (Abit harsh but true, can't argue with that)
7. The Uber drivers were cheats ( Again we all know this )
8. The people kept taking pictures of them and selfies without asking for permission. She called the people "Shameless" (Again hurtful but it is true).
9. No toilet paper in the women toilets and instead there was mini-showers. She had to get Chris to pay the cleaner to take one from the men's toilet as he wasn't letting Chris take it (Not a big deal in my eyes, just use the freaking shower)
10. She did love the food, the fort and badshahi mosque, But that was the only good thing she had to say about her trip.

Sorry for the long opening post, just thought i would share her experience and my frustration.
So one of my colleague just came back from Pakistan, only spent 4 days and the whole time was in Lahore. She was part of a group of 10 people that were invited by her boyfriend's Pakistani friend to attend his wedding. Most of her experience has been negative, and she has ruined all my efforts of promoting Pakistan.

Before i start with what she experienced, let me give a little background on her, she is Aussie born of south-east Asian decent, Laos to be exact. She is a closed minded, spoilt brat who is always looking for people to feel sorry for her. Before this trip the only places she has been was Europe, Dubai and Thailand.

When she came over to tell me that she was going to Pakistan, i knew straight away that this will not going to be good. And i blame her Pakistani friend for this, but i understand that he also wants to promote the country and this was his opportunity, plus he can't just invite his friend and not the girlfriend, especially when they would be paying for their own travel and accommodation.

Anyways even before the trip began i saw her going around and telling people that she "has to go to Pakistan and she is scarred." "I am worried that i will get kid-napped". I even told her don't go to which she replied "i can't let Chris go alone" (Chris is her BF).

So here is what she has to say about her trip. My views are in RED

1. Getting a visa was hard, and they were asked to get separate hotel rooms as they are not married. Even after that it still took more than 10 days to get visa ( I agree this isn't good even though we know that its way better than what it used to be)
2. When they landed in Pakistan the immigration official didn't accept that she is Australian and kept saying that you are Chinese not Australian and how did you get the passport.
3. Their temperature was checked 3 times with a touchless digital thermometer. ( I actually reckon this is a good thing, they are trying to keep people safe and its not like they put the thermometer up her pooper )
4. The first checkpost out of the airport they were stopped again but police. And again they were asked how they have Australian passports. They took their passports away without telling them anything. But they came back after 30mins, returned their passports and let them go. (Nothing new here we all know how Pakistan police works)
5. There were people with guns everywhere especially in front of wedding halls and restaurants. (She means security guards but obviously she says people with guns because that sounds scary)
6. The city is so dirty with rubbish every where and the air smells like vomit. (Abit harsh but true, can't argue with that)
7. The Uber drivers were cheats ( Again we all know this )
8. The people kept taking pictures of them and selfies without asking for permission. She called the people "Shameless" (Again hurtful but it is true).
9. No toilet paper in the women toilets and instead there was mini-showers. She had to get Chris to pay the cleaner to take one from the men's toilet as he wasn't letting Chris take it (Not a big deal in my eyes, just use the freaking shower)
10. She did love the food, the fort and badshahi mosque, But that was the only good thing she had to say about her trip.

Sorry for the long opening post, just thought i would share her experience and my frustration.

I don't know I understand the temperature checking and all but the whole passport thing seems far fetched. I have seen many people at Lahore Air Port Asians with different passports and never questioned. But I could be wrong due to the whole Virus thing and they wanted to be cautious. But the rest is sadly true, lol.
If thats the only bad she had to say then it's all good. Tourist in our neighbor country get raped and shiat, she is complaining about toilet paper. She has eyes no? you always check for that when you go to WC, whether its finished or not. And what kind of hotel they were staying in, where there were no toilet paper? You get what you paid for, next time she needs to stay in five star hotel. 200$ per night pay karey gi na iss me desi pun ghuss jai ga...
So one of my colleague just came back from Pakistan, only spent 4 days and the whole time was in Lahore. She was part of a group of 10 people that were invited by her boyfriend's Pakistani friend to attend his wedding. Most of her experience has been negative, and she has ruined all my efforts of promoting Pakistan.

Before i start with what she experienced, let me give a little background on her, she is Aussie born of south-east Asian decent, Laos to be exact. She is a closed minded, spoilt brat who is always looking for people to feel sorry for her. Before this trip the only places she has been was Europe, Dubai and Thailand.

When she came over to tell me that she was going to Pakistan, i knew straight away that this will not going to be good. And i blame her Pakistani friend for this, but i understand that he also wants to promote the country and this was his opportunity, plus he can't just invite his friend and not the girlfriend, especially when they would be paying for their own travel and accommodation.

Anyways even before the trip began i saw her going around and telling people that she "has to go to Pakistan and she is scarred." "I am worried that i will get kid-napped". I even told her don't go to which she replied "i can't let Chris go alone" (Chris is her BF).

So here is what she has to say about her trip. My views are in RED

1. Getting a visa was hard, and they were asked to get separate hotel rooms as they are not married. Even after that it still took more than 10 days to get visa ( I agree this isn't good even though we know that its way better than what it used to be)
2. When they landed in Pakistan the immigration official didn't accept that she is Australian and kept saying that you are Chinese not Australian and how did you get the passport.
3. Their temperature was checked 3 times with a touchless digital thermometer. ( I actually reckon this is a good thing, they are trying to keep people safe and its not like they put the thermometer up her pooper )
4. The first checkpost out of the airport they were stopped again but police. And again they were asked how they have Australian passports. They took their passports away without telling them anything. But they came back after 30mins, returned their passports and let them go. (Nothing new here we all know how Pakistan police works)
5. There were people with guns everywhere especially in front of wedding halls and restaurants. (She means security guards but obviously she says people with guns because that sounds scary)
6. The city is so dirty with rubbish every where and the air smells like vomit. (Abit harsh but true, can't argue with that)
7. The Uber drivers were cheats ( Again we all know this )
8. The people kept taking pictures of them and selfies without asking for permission. She called the people "Shameless" (Again hurtful but it is true).
9. No toilet paper in the women toilets and instead there was mini-showers. She had to get Chris to pay the cleaner to take one from the men's toilet as he wasn't letting Chris take it (Not a big deal in my eyes, just use the freaking shower)
10. She did love the food, the fort and badshahi mosque, But that was the only good thing she had to say about her trip.

Sorry for the long opening post, just thought i would share her experience and my frustration.

Tourist has to adopt to the way of living of the place you visit...South Asia is a different world than west...We should set expectations accordingly
So Its not good that her experience was bad, but let me try relate this with my wife's tour , hopefully i am not boring or bothering you :)

1. Getting a visa was hard, and they were asked to get separate hotel rooms as they are not married. Even after that it still took more than 10 days to get visa ( I agree this isn't good even though we know that its way better than what it used to be)

So she said getting visa was hard, well my wife first applied her visa in 2017, when she came to marry and it was a easy and 15-20 days process, I just had to send her a invitation letter and affidavit of support . Her Passport was sent back to her home don't remember exact days . But i don't understand why people are complaining ? Visa processes takes time, Damn i am been waiting for my US Visa for 2+ years now hahaha
Second time when my wife applied and this time she doesn't need invitation cause she is my wife, and they give her 5 years valid , multiple enter , 1 year visa .. means she can stay in Pakistan for 1 year without exiting .

2. When they landed in Pakistan the immigration official didn't accept that she is Australian and kept saying that you are Chinese not Australian and how did you get the passport.

Well Honestly Pakistani's are not that kinda racist, Yes they are racist to treat lighter and darker skin differently , but i feel its kinda cooked up stuff, plus if someone is off Chinese or Asian Origin he/she can be Australian , Tons of Dark brown Pakistani's holds American or UK passport , and nobody asked them where did you get them ? Feels like cooked up story bro maybe you should try find truth .

3. Their temperature was checked 3 times with a touchless digital thermometer.

Probably because of Crona Virus , and our Airports are not the best equipped medically, so I guess we can give them a pass .

4. The first checkpost out of the airport they were stopped again but police. And again they were asked how they have Australian passports. They took their passports away without telling them anything. But they came back after 30mins, returned their passports and let them go.

Its weird, because I traveled with my wife in almost every possible place in Karachi , saw police vans , stopped at Signal and saw Police vans next to us, we travel mostly in Uber and Ricksha because i am Gareeb and never i was stopped by Police anywhere including when 2 times my wife comes from Airport and we take her back to see her off , once again very weird . What i do know that if you do something weird on Airport that Police might stop you, for example when i see my wife off second time, we call an uber and i was standing at waiting area close to fence which shows the runway, so a Police guy came to me and ask me if i am making video, i said no I am calling uber he said ok but don't take video, i say people take videos of Runway and planes ? He said yes lots of young people for videos and music stuff ( he meant Tiktok shit ) .

5. There were people with guns everywhere especially in front of wedding halls and restaurants.

By everywhere means where ? yes wedding halls do have armed guards and in Pakistan its a good idea, I went to malls in Karachi and they have many armed guards at gate so what ? Don't Australia has Guards or Police ?

6. The city is so dirty with rubbish every where and the air smells like vomit.

Well that is true , Karachi is dirty and my wife complain about that too but I didn't expect Lahore to be dirty .

7. The Uber drivers were cheats

Not in Karachi , as I said I traveled mostly on Uber and even when i went to Islamabad for my interview me and my family traveled in Uber i see no cheating there , some bad apples who try to cheat them because of their foreigners , possible ..

8. The people kept taking pictures of them and selfies without asking for permission. She called the people "Shameless"

Again, I don't understand , i hardly see Pakistani's give a shit about any gora person in Public , come to Defense/Clifton Hyperstar and you will see many doing shopping and roaming here and there, no one even bother to talk let alone taking selfie , Me and my wife travel from Karachi to Lahore in Daewoo Bus , than another Bus from Lahore to ISB , than take private car to all the way to Babur Sir Pass, stopped at many places, eat at many restaurants , came across many tourists , not a single person male or female , or kids come to ask my wife for a selfie , I mean she is white , blond and her face shout I am America to say the least hahah and so her accent .Maybe this girl was also Vlogging so people might feel inclined to come and ask for selfie ? but i don't think Pakistani's are thirsty perverts like Indians when it comes to Gori Larki or white girls .

9. No toilet paper in the women toilets and instead there was mini-showers. She had to get Chris to pay the cleaner to take one from the men's toilet as he wasn't letting Chris take it

Muslim Shower or Bidet Zindabad !!!!!

10. She did love the food, the fort and badshahi mosque, But that was the only good thing she had to say about her trip.

No comment on that Sir :)
I am sure she has been to her homeland Laos too and she can compare the 2 countries instead of comparing to where she resides now.

Nope she hasn't, she has only been to Europe, Dubai and Thailand
Well, it is not going to be a Western experience. Accommodation wise Pakistan obviously lacks compared to Western cities. Islamabad is perhaps the only place that can compete.

Having said that, visiting one place is hardly experiencing Pakistan.
Well Honestly Pakistani's are not that kinda racist, Yes they are racist to treat lighter and darker skin differently , but i feel its kinda cooked up stuff, plus if someone is off Chinese or Asian Origin he/she can be Australian , Tons of Dark brown Pakistani's holds American or UK passport , and nobody asked them where did you get them ? Feels like cooked up story bro maybe you should try find truth .

Unfortunately its true, there were 10 people in the group (no goras) and her BF also confirmed and he is a good guy and i trust him. He actually enjoyed his time there more than her.

I reckon the immigration officers were trying to confirm if they were Chinese because of the Corona virus

Probably because of Crona Virus , and our Airports are not the best equipped medically, so I guess we can give them a pass .

It was actually for the corona virus and i think thats a good thing, better be safe than sorry

By everywhere means where ? yes wedding halls do have armed guards and in Pakistan its a good idea, I went to malls in Karachi and they have many armed guards at gate so what ? Don't Australia has Guards or Police ?

Yes Australia has security guards and police but assault rifles are banned here and security guards only carry a baton. Police carry just hand guns but they are being replaced by stun guns.

Again, I don't understand , i hardly see Pakistani's give a shit about any gora person in Public , come to Defense/Clifton Hyperstar and you will see many doing shopping and roaming here and there, no one even bother to talk let alone taking selfie , Me and my wife travel from Karachi to Lahore in Daewoo Bus , than another Bus from Lahore to ISB , than take private car to all the way to Babur Sir Pass, stopped at many places, eat at many restaurants , came across many tourists , not a single person male or female , or kids come to ask my wife for a selfie , I mean she is white , blond and her face shout I am America to say the least hahah and so her accent .Maybe this girl was also Vlogging so people might feel inclined to come and ask for selfie ? but i don't think Pakistani's are thirsty perverts like Indians when it comes to Gori Larki or white girls .

I have also seen people trying to take selfies on all these vlogs on youtube of Pakistan. Pakistanis are not used to seeing foreigners, so probably that might be the reason and i am sure it will die down once they get used to the presence of foreigners.

If thats the only bad she had to say then it's all good. Tourist in our neighbor country get raped and shiat, she is complaining about toilet paper. She has eyes no? you always check for that when you go to WC, whether its finished or not. And what kind of hotel they were staying in, where there were no toilet paper? You get what you paid for, next time she needs to stay in five star hotel. 200$ per night pay karey gi na iss me desi pun ghuss jai ga...

the toilet paper issue was at Monal restaurant in Lahore

Well, it is not going to be a Western experience. Accommodation wise Pakistan obviously lacks compared to Western cities. Islamabad is perhaps the only place that can compete.

Having said that, visiting one place is hardly experiencing Pakistan.

Exactly, she just spent 4 days and all of it in Lahore. But the worst part is she going around telling everyone how bad Pakistan is. All the Indians are happy and i am boiling up inside.
Nope she hasn't, she has only been to Europe, Dubai and Thailand

My friend being poor is not a crime and before pulling noses at other nations they should look at their own and we don't have to be apologetic for that. If someone is trying to compare us with the developed nation which we are not and its very materialistic and forgetting their own back ground. Why not lets contribute $100 dollars each and buy her a return ticket to Laos to complete her education of her birth place first.
Lol our police have put her at her rightful place for telling her how come she is holding Aussie passport while she is not white and that's says it all and I enjoyed that comment the most and first time I loved my country police. Am pretty sure if at her place there was a white woman she would have less negative comments then ethnics pretending to be white. By all means show her my comments as am married to an English and she loves Pakistan as I do and she is from middle classes and no means poor or less educated.
One goes to other countries to enjoy the people, cosine, site seeing the history and forget about the little discomforts that's what travelling is all about. Even Venice stinks which is meant to be most romantic place does any one complains about it, just gets on with it.
Unfortunately its true, there were 10 people in the group (no goras) and her BF also confirmed and he is a good guy and i trust him. He actually enjoyed his time there more than her.

I reckon the immigration officers were trying to confirm if they were Chinese because of the Corona virus

It was actually for the corona virus and i think thats a good thing, better be safe than sorry

Yes Australia has security guards and police but assault rifles are banned here and security guards only carry a baton. Police carry just hand guns but they are being replaced by stun guns.

I have also seen people trying to take selfies on all these vlogs on youtube of Pakistan. Pakistanis are not used to seeing foreigners, so probably that might be the reason and i am sure it will die down once they get used to the presence of foreigners.

the toilet paper issue was at Monal restaurant in Lahore

Exactly, she just spent 4 days and all of it in Lahore. But the worst part is she going around telling everyone how bad Pakistan is. All the Indians are happy and i am boiling up inside.

No one gave a fvck about her opinion. LOL people will believe whatever they want to believe anyway. Whether it is this lady saying shit or the Western media maliging Pakistan. Opinions are nowadays usually formed due to biases.

We really shouldn't give a shit about anyone forming an opinion. I have heard a lot of shit. It doesn't surprise me.

Pakistan is doing great. We are putting Pakistan back on track. Not to appease foreigners, but to put Pakistan first.

Although, I promote Pakistan as much as I can wherever I go. A lot of people are pleasantly surprised and even shocked. I met a person from Costa Rica recently as I do so many people from around the world. She asked and showed interest in my background. Told and showed her a bit. Her reaction was one of surprise and shock.

It is always the usual shit. The media plays a great role in portraying nations as whatever they like. Alternative media such as YouTube has changed that perception to a certain degree. Although like I said, not all perceptions can be changed because they are simply biased from the beginning. Nothing much can be done about biased opinion.
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My friend being poor is not a crime and before pulling noses at other nations they should look at their own and we don't have to be apologetic for that. If someone is trying to compare us with the developed nation which we are not and its very materialistic and forgetting their own back ground. Why not lets contribute $100 dollars each and buy her a return ticket to Laos to complete her education of her birth place first.
Lol our police have put her at her rightful place for telling her how come she is holding Aussie passport while she is not white and that's says it all and I enjoyed that comment the most and first time I loved my country police. Am pretty sure if at her place there was a white woman she would have less negative comments then ethnics pretending to be white. By all means show her my comments as am married to an English and she loves Pakistan as I do and she is from middle classes and no means poor or less educated.
One goes to other countries to enjoy the people, cosine, site seeing the history and forget about the little discomforts that's what travelling is all about. Even Venice stinks which is meant to be most romantic place does any one complains about it, just gets on with it.

I wish i could do that, she is Aussie born spoilt bratty girl and comes from a rich family.

Anyway she came up to me just before and asked if i can find her a **** restaurant that does goat curry. Apparently thats now her favourite dish.

No one gave a fvck about her opinion. LOL people will believe whatever they want to believe anyway. Whether it is this lady saying shit or the Western media maliging Pakistan. Opinions are nowadays usually formed due to biases.

We really shouldn't give a shit about anyone forming an opinion. I have heard a lot of shit.

Pakistan is doing great. We are putting Pakistan back on track. Not to appease foreigners, but to put Pakistan first.

I promote Pakistan as much as I can wherever I go. A lot of people are pleasantly surprised and even shocked. I met a person from Costa Rica recently as I do so many people from around the world. She asked and showed interest in my background. Told and showed her a bit. Her reaction was one of surprise and shock.

I don't care about her opinion, but what she has done is damage all my hardwork of trying to promote Pakistan and that is hurting me.

But there are somethings that we can learn and improve, like learning ethics of asking permission to take selfies and stop littering. We specially need to get rid of this paan stuff.

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