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Aug 7, 2019
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United States
Dear Bhai Loge,

Most posts on this forum are very good. There are very intelligent patriotic and educated people on this forum.

However, I read a few recent posts where my fellow Pakistanis were criticizing and blaming each other's, ethnic groups, and provinces and attacking minorities.

I find this to be heartbreaking. I have no doubt that we all love Pakistan. I myself have personally raised over 100,000$ for social development projects in Pakistan. Around 20,000$ of that was my personal contribution in the last 5 years.

I am not saying this to brag but to make a point. My friends and I raised these funds -- most of us are from Karachi or Lahore. One of the things that we decided to do was to help areas that belonged to different ethnic or social groups than ourselves.

Why did we do this?

We did this because we did not want to seem ethnocentric, we wanted to be Pakistanis first. We wanted to treat all Pakistanis as one family.

We created a school in Azad Kashmir. We built a solar-powered water well in the Thar region. We gave rickshaws and tea stalls to people in Peshawar. We gave occupational training to women in various cities. We provided funding for school kids in Lyari.

My point is this. Instead of looking for wrong in other groups -- please do some self-reflection. What can you do that is better for others. What are things that you can improve in your own ethnic group or sect or province or whatever. Rather than looking outwardly, look inward.

We all have things we can improve within our own social groups.

I implore you all to think about Pakistan first and don't scapegoat anybody for our troubles.

Please give some consideration to my message. Do not insult each other's provinces, sects, ethnic groups, linguistic groups and cities. Treat minorities with diginity. Every time you criticize a certain group - you make the country less unified.

When our enemy attacks us - they won't make those distinctions.

We are a family of 220 million and our destiny is intertwined.

Much Love.
Dear Bhai Loge,

Most posts on this forum are very good. There are very intelligent patriotic and educated people on this forum.

However, I read a few recent posts where my fellow Pakistanis were criticizing and blaming each other's, ethnic groups, and provinces and attacking minorities.

I find this to be heartbreaking. I have no doubt that we all love Pakistan. I myself have personally raised over 100,000$ for social development projects in Pakistan. Around 20,000$ of that was my personal contribution in the last 5 years.

I am not saying this to brag but to make a point. My friends and I raised these funds -- most of us are from Karachi or Lahore. One of the things that we decided to do was to help areas that belonged to different ethnic or social groups than ourselves.

Why did we do this?

We did this because we did not want to seem ethnocentric, we wanted to be Pakistanis first. We wanted to treat all Pakistanis as one family.

We created a school in Azad Kashmir. We built a solar-powered water well in the Thar region. We gave rickshaws and tea stalls to people in Peshawar. We gave occupational training to women in various cities. We provided funding for school kids in Lyari.

My point is this. Instead of looking for wrong in other groups -- please do some self-reflection. What can you do that is better for others. What are things that you can improve in your own ethnic group or sect or province or whatever. Rather than looking outwardly, look inward.

We all have things we can improve within our own social groups.

I implore you all to think about Pakistan first and don't scapegoat anybody for our troubles.

Please give some consideration to my message. Do not insult each other's provinces, sects, ethnic groups, linguistic groups and cities. Treat minorities with diginity. Every time you criticize a certain group - you make the country less unified.

When our enemy attacks us - they won't make those distinctions.

We are a family of 220 million and our destiny is intertwined.

Much Love.

Mashallah great post, Allah reward you. Ethnic infighting is indeed a disease that must be got rid of. Our unified people is our strength. At the end of the day, the enemies of Pakistan won't care if you are a Punjabi, Sindi, Pashtun, Baluch, Kashmiri, Hazara, Balti, Muhajir etc.
It's probably a 225 million now.
You forgot 10 million expats.
Bro I look at this even more openly. Pakistan does have within it multiple nations, we have more ethnic and linguistic diversity in one country than half of Europe combined, and almost as much geographic diversity found in the same... and that's fine, we should accept this fact.

There's nothing wrong with someone identifying themselves with an ethnicity, Pakistan was always meant as a cosmopolitan mix of nations united under a common banner. It's impossible for us all to fit any particular mould, we're a country that was founded on the need for self-determination, and that self-determination should also hold true for the state's constituent elements. Despite all of our problems and adversities, Alhamdulillah Pakistan has formed a decent and fairly cohesive identity. Some nations never manage this.

An interesting observation I once came across, if you look at the map of the world, you will find that Europe (historic coloniser) does not have borders with straight lines, a lot of the borders are drawn a bit more naturally across ethnic, linguistic and cultural boundaries, or by geography (rivers, ranges, etc). But if you look at Africa and Asia, you will see all sorts of unnatural and manmade lines. A lot of those countries were doomed from the start, Partition wasn't the only example of Western powers drawing lines that lead to conflict. IMO, in order to manage the fact that we are made up of many cultures and ethnicities, as well as languages, we should be inclusive of all and not domineering over any. We should recognise who we are and what lessons we can draw from other states.

If anything could ever do harm to Pakistan (God forbid), it's internal strife. We've had lots of missteps and missed chances in our history, it's important to view Pakistan's history through this lens in order to arrive at the most appropriate form of statecraft. I'll reserve my own opinion of what that state should look like and let the reader decide what's best.
. . .
Mashallah great post, Allah reward you. Ethnic infighting is indeed a disease that must be got rid of. Our unified people is our strength. At the end of the day, the enemies of Pakistan won't care if you are a Punjabi, Sindi, Pashtun, Baluch, Kashmiri, Hazara, Balti, Muhajir etc.
It's probably a 225 million now.
You forgot 10 million expats.
Shukria janaab.
You are right there are 10 million expats and many of us care deeply about Pakistan even if we don't have too much family there.
I sometimes don't count myself because I feel like I am not as good as the people that have stayed in Pakistan.
Bro I look at this even more openly. Pakistan does have within it multiple nations, we have more ethnic and linguistic diversity in one country than half of Europe combined, and almost as much geographic diversity found in the same... and that's fine, we should accept this fact.

There's nothing wrong with someone identifying themselves with an ethnicity, Pakistan was always meant as a cosmopolitan mix of nations united under a common banner. It's impossible for us all to fit any particular mould, we're a country that was founded on the need for self-determination, and that self-determination should also hold true for the state's constituent elements. Despite all of our problems and adversities, Alhamdulillah Pakistan has formed a decent and fairly cohesive identity. Some nations never manage this.

An interesting observation I once came across, if you look at the map of the world, you will find that Europe (historic coloniser) does not have borders with straight lines, a lot of the borders are drawn a bit more naturally across ethnic, linguistic and cultural boundaries, or by geography (rivers, ranges, etc). But if you look at Africa and Asia, you will see all sorts of unnatural and manmade lines. A lot of those countries were doomed from the start, Partition wasn't the only example of Western powers drawing lines that lead to conflict. IMO, in order to manage the fact that we are made up of many cultures and ethnicities, as well as languages, we should be inclusive of all and not domineering over any. We should recognise who we are and what lessons we can draw from other states.

If anything could ever do harm to Pakistan (God forbid), it's internal strife. We've had lots of missteps and missed chances in our history, it's important to view Pakistan's history through this lens in order to arrive at the most appropriate form of statecraft. I'll reserve my own opinion of what that state should look like and let the reader decide what's best.

I am actually in complete agreement with you.
We should not scapegoat the "other" groups
Rather, we should respect "Other" groups and their culture/beliefs
No one group should dominate the other
MashaAllah! great efforts !
Keep it up the good works. Ameen.

Great post man.
If we can teach our people more tech then we can prepare them for next Industrial revolution.
Dear Bhai Loge,

Most posts on this forum are very good. There are very intelligent patriotic and educated people on this forum.

However, I read a few recent posts where my fellow Pakistanis were criticizing and blaming each other's, ethnic groups, and provinces and attacking minorities.

I find this to be heartbreaking. I have no doubt that we all love Pakistan. I myself have personally raised over 100,000$ for social development projects in Pakistan. Around 20,000$ of that was my personal contribution in the last 5 years.

I am not saying this to brag but to make a point. My friends and I raised these funds -- most of us are from Karachi or Lahore. One of the things that we decided to do was to help areas that belonged to different ethnic or social groups than ourselves.

Why did we do this?

We did this because we did not want to seem ethnocentric, we wanted to be Pakistanis first. We wanted to treat all Pakistanis as one family.

We created a school in Azad Kashmir. We built a solar-powered water well in the Thar region. We gave rickshaws and tea stalls to people in Peshawar. We gave occupational training to women in various cities. We provided funding for school kids in Lyari.

My point is this. Instead of looking for wrong in other groups -- please do some self-reflection. What can you do that is better for others. What are things that you can improve in your own ethnic group or sect or province or whatever. Rather than looking outwardly, look inward.

We all have things we can improve within our own social groups.

I implore you all to think about Pakistan first and don't scapegoat anybody for our troubles.

Please give some consideration to my message. Do not insult each other's provinces, sects, ethnic groups, linguistic groups and cities. Treat minorities with diginity. Every time you criticize a certain group - you make the country less unified.

When our enemy attacks us - they won't make those distinctions.

We are a family of 220 million and our destiny is intertwined.

Much Love.

Pakistanis have become negative, entitled brats. Some of it is due to corrupt media. The rest of it is due to plethora of NGO funded movements trying hard to bring in an identity crisis in the nation and overall attitude problem with us. We want somebody to come and fix our issues for us with no added effort or stakes whatsoever. A messiah should come, use his personal riches to pay off Pakistan's debt and these ladies will continue to wreck it.

We are the kind of nation who asks for subsidies one everything. From sasta aata to sastay units. We don't want to improve our income and our national GDP. All we wonna do is cry a river. None of these complaining brats are tax registered, their parents aren't, their relatives aren't. Even if they are they use every trick in the book to hide their money. No one's asking government where is paypal? Why isn't there any amazon or ebay here? Why international and online trade is being kept away from Pakistanis? Why the idea of 1 person feeding wife, 2-3children and 2 parents still exists? Why society is not bringing women into work force? Training them, mentally preparing them since childhood? Because here most women don't want to work. They are too hesitant. Why society doesn't accept teenagers working and paying for their own uni & college fees? Why is it such a taboo? I believe Pakistanis are poor because of greed, lust and poor attitude towards society & country, when they finally reach somewhere in old age, they get invlolved in politics, build cult personalities, hoard power and authority and don't give back to society at all. I West people want to look young and smart, in Pakistani offices people want to look old so that they are taken seriously and considered for next increment which is given to random people without any set policy or process. Old people who dont know how to operate computers and mobile are running this country, they don't wonna leave their chair. The whole organisation feeds 1 owner and a few of his chosen senior officials. Everyone else lives pay check to pay check. No one can change this except themselves. We have to learn to hustle. Its a capitalistic world. The world is running and we are taking a casual walk in the park. By this ratio our national debt will always grow, there is no getting out of tough times. There are a lot of good things about our country if we realise and start exploring the potential.
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Pakistanis have become negative, entitled brats. Some of it is due to corrupt media. The rest of it is due to plethora of NGO funded movements trying hard to bring in an identity crisis in the nation. We want somebody to come and fix our issues for us with no added effort or stakes whatsoever. A messiah should come, use his personal riches to pay off Pakistan's debt and these ladies will continue to wreck it.

We are the kind of nation who asks for subsidies one everything. From sasta aata to sastay units. We don't want to improve our income and our national GDP. All we wonna do is cry a river. None of these complaining brats are tax registered, their parents aren't, their relatives aren't. Even if they are they use every trick in the book to hide their money. No one's asking government where is paypal? Why isn't there any amazon or ebay here? Why international and online trade is being kept away from Pakistanis? Why the idea of 1 person feeding wife, 2-3children and 2 parents still exists? Why society is not bringing women into work force? Training them, mentally preparing them since childhood? Because here most women don't want to work. They are too hesitant. Why society doesn't accept teenagers working and paying for their own uni & college fees? Why is it such a taboo? I believe Pakistanis are poor because of greed, lust and poor attitude towards society & country. No one can change this except themselves. We have to learn to hustle. Its a capitalistic world. The world is running and we are taking a casual walk in the park. By this ratio our national debt will always grow, there is no getting out of tough times. There are a lot of good things about our country if we realise and start exploring the potential.
Perhaps you are thinking of upper middle classes. The lower income strata work very hard for very little. I may be wrong though.
Perhaps you are thinking of upper middle classes. The lower income strata work very hard for very little. I may be wrong though.

Depends, sometimes they even earn more than middle class. If you have skill, you can earn more than a graduate wasting away life at 20-25ks a month. Also, child labour is more common in lower class. They like to have more children because every child bring money home. By begging or by doing some sort of work. They don't want any family planning. 10 kids = 50ks (10 x 5ks) adults can make 20-30ks separate. But yes I have mainly talked about middle class.
. .
Dear Bhai Loge,

Most posts on this forum are very good. There are very intelligent patriotic and educated people on this forum.

However, I read a few recent posts where my fellow Pakistanis were criticizing and blaming each other's, ethnic groups, and provinces and attacking minorities.

I find this to be heartbreaking. I have no doubt that we all love Pakistan. I myself have personally raised over 100,000$ for social development projects in Pakistan. Around 20,000$ of that was my personal contribution in the last 5 years.

I am not saying this to brag but to make a point. My friends and I raised these funds -- most of us are from Karachi or Lahore. One of the things that we decided to do was to help areas that belonged to different ethnic or social groups than ourselves.

Why did we do this?

We did this because we did not want to seem ethnocentric, we wanted to be Pakistanis first. We wanted to treat all Pakistanis as one family.

We created a school in Azad Kashmir. We built a solar-powered water well in the Thar region. We gave rickshaws and tea stalls to people in Peshawar. We gave occupational training to women in various cities. We provided funding for school kids in Lyari.

My point is this. Instead of looking for wrong in other groups -- please do some self-reflection. What can you do that is better for others. What are things that you can improve in your own ethnic group or sect or province or whatever. Rather than looking outwardly, look inward.

We all have things we can improve within our own social groups.

I implore you all to think about Pakistan first and don't scapegoat anybody for our troubles.

Please give some consideration to my message. Do not insult each other's provinces, sects, ethnic groups, linguistic groups and cities. Treat minorities with diginity. Every time you criticize a certain group - you make the country less unified.

When our enemy attacks us - they won't make those distinctions.

We are a family of 220 million and our destiny is intertwined.

Much Love.

Masha Allah - Allah SWT aapko salamat rakhey buhat duain
Dear Bhai Loge,

Most posts on this forum are very good. There are very intelligent patriotic and educated people on this forum.

However, I read a few recent posts where my fellow Pakistanis were criticizing and blaming each other's, ethnic groups, and provinces and attacking minorities.

I find this to be heartbreaking. I have no doubt that we all love Pakistan. I myself have personally raised over 100,000$ for social development projects in Pakistan. Around 20,000$ of that was my personal contribution in the last 5 years.

I am not saying this to brag but to make a point. My friends and I raised these funds -- most of us are from Karachi or Lahore. One of the things that we decided to do was to help areas that belonged to different ethnic or social groups than ourselves.

Why did we do this?

We did this because we did not want to seem ethnocentric, we wanted to be Pakistanis first. We wanted to treat all Pakistanis as one family.

We created a school in Azad Kashmir. We built a solar-powered water well in the Thar region. We gave rickshaws and tea stalls to people in Peshawar. We gave occupational training to women in various cities. We provided funding for school kids in Lyari.

My point is this. Instead of looking for wrong in other groups -- please do some self-reflection. What can you do that is better for others. What are things that you can improve in your own ethnic group or sect or province or whatever. Rather than looking outwardly, look inward.

We all have things we can improve within our own social groups.

I implore you all to think about Pakistan first and don't scapegoat anybody for our troubles.

Please give some consideration to my message. Do not insult each other's provinces, sects, ethnic groups, linguistic groups and cities. Treat minorities with diginity. Every time you criticize a certain group - you make the country less unified.

When our enemy attacks us - they won't make those distinctions.

We are a family of 220 million and our destiny is intertwined.

Much Love.

Got Goosebumps reading this.

Thanks, buddy.
. .

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