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My boyfriend told me he comes from a small town in China, so I went there and..

My boyfriend told me he comes from a small town in China, so I went there and..​

I honestly have never ever heard of this place and I had to do a google search, and even on google, all I can find is just one sentence...Damn, suddenly realize that there are so many cities in China I don't even know they exist and I am actually often praised by many for my extensive knowledge in geography.
US has a lot of hype. Not every city in US has a skyscrapers .
The internet as we know it and is usable by civilians is the WWW. Prior to that it was some obscure military technology like titanium hulls for Soviet submarines.


Oh come on…that is not true. I was using the internet at a junk mail company (not the military) before the Web became popular. It was around for at least a decade before browsers came about. It was just not user friendly to most non-tech people to go ftp to a site and walk directories and readme files. Web browsers just made it more friendly with GUI’s for novice computer users.

Internet Before the World WIde Web​

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Steve Jobs, are you kidding me LMAO he lived within walking distance to San Jose, a major city of 1 million,

Lol try next time posting the population of San Jose back in 1976 when Apple was founded not the present day population. :rolleyes1: You are amazing. It was half the current size…

Even today after doubling its population it only has a population density of

5,684.69/sq mi (2,194.92/km2)

Does any Chinese city have a density that small?
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I personally prefer living in the cities where amenities are accessible and convenient, but I can also see the appeal of living in the suburbs where homes are larger and it's less crowded. Singapore is a city-state, so we have the only option of living in a dense city. We make do and optimize with what have, and make very deliberate policy decisions in minimizing the downsides of living in a dense city. Housing, greenery, water, traffic, pollution, etc.

However, I wouldn't mock and brag that we have longer metro than larger and less dense countries like Norway or Australia. We have different strengths and weaknesses.

Well this article title should explain all of Beijingwalkers questions


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The woman is from Slovakia so you can imagine what life was like for an Eastern Block country.

It all depends upon what your definition of surpass is. What’s one man’s idea of surpass is another man’s definition of going backwards. Some people think cramming lots of people into multi-story buildings is not surpassing. Even college students prefer avoiding living in dense multi-story dorms and seek alternatives as quickly as possible. Leaving them mostly full of Freshmen.

My company has an office in London and they are all amazed when they find out almost nobody actually lives in Boston…but in the suburbs. They thought we all lived in buildings like the tv show “Friends”. We just all laugh.

When they see pics of our homes they think it is a dream come true for people in the UK.

American suburbia was shaped by public policy and redlining - not so much as people demand.

It really started in 50s after Fannie Mae and (later Freddie Mac) started the unprecedented 30 year mortgage - backed by the fed which in turn is backed by us dollar.

These mortgages allowed even people like - say a hotdog stand owner - to purchase a house with picket fence as the monthly payments were low.

In addition the Federal stand against racism and consequent movement of african americans to city core has sped the white flight to these suburbs. Note the word "flight" - its not so voluntary.

Also the large country with one language allowed unprecedent adoption of standards and uniformity in manufacturing driving down some costs.

While america maybe wealthy enough now to sustain this sprawling suburbia - the society paid a price in missing out city led growth.

Even now america's billionaires prefer living in downtown areas.
American suburbia was shaped by public policy and redlining - not so much as people demand.

It certainly is well known that in the 1950s segregation was still in full-swing in the South and having severe bias in housing wouldn’t be shocking.

However it’s been over 50 years since the civil rights acts outlawed all that.

While america maybe wealthy enough now to sustain this sprawling suburbia - the society paid a price in missing out city led growth.

You can’t force people to live a lifestyle they don’t want.

Even now america's billionaires prefer living in downtown areas.

Nope, there was already a thread posted a few years ago that showed only 10% of US billionaires live in big cities. @Mista can confirm that eye-catching stat as we had discussed it.
STFU, you smelly peter curry cc and third world bankrupty hungry greek.
Lol try next time posting the population of San Jose back in 1976 when Apple was founded not the present day population. :rolleyes1: You are amazing. It was half the current size…

Even today after doubling its population it only has a population density of

5,684.69/sq mi (2,194.92/km2)

Does any Chinese city have a density that small?
uh, Beijing itself?

Bullshid. You are not that ignorant. This exposed you as a deceiver.


The idea and eventual construct of the internet came from ARPANET which is a US invention which was about having a communication method that would survive a nuclear war. Tim Berners-Lee was the Brit who invented the language protocol that made it easier to transmit information on the internet. In other words, the 'internet' and 'world wide web' are not the same but without the 'internet' the 'www' would not be possible.

Mr. NotFairAndBiased is a technically educated man and he knows the difference. He just lied to you in the cause of defending China.

It’s embarrassing as an American to read an Indian American tell a Chinese why America is superior in terms of infrastructure. I’m not sure anybody even here, in America, would agree with that. Give credit where credit is due and move on with your life.
Sure, give credit to China where credit is due. But there is no shame on how shiddy is US infrastructure because, after all, when the US infrastructure was built and used to advance the US, China was not even in the industrial revolution. So yes, our country's infrastructure is worn out but they served a great need. What we are seeing with the PDF Chinese is an inferiority complex exposing its need to feel better by any way possible.
It's not because Americans don't like bullet trains, it's because Americans don't have the luxury to try one in the first place.

US ambassdor to China very much impressed train from Beijing to Wuhuan on a bullet train.The distance between Beijing and Wuhan is 1100KM, The whole journey takes 4 hours by this bullet train.


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