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My Best Friend and Classmate Capt. Akash Rabbani Is Shaheed


Capt. Akash Rabbani of SSG and one of my best friends, classmate, hostel mate and room mate has been Martyred at 6:30 in the evening yesterday in Operation Zarb e Azb in North Waziristan while fighting Taliban

I just came to know now abt him now and leaving for Abbottabad!

He was also a Member of Defence.pk's facebook page and i was asking him continuously to join the forum and he said he will join it after he returns.

A chat that i had with him some Years ago.........

My dear friend had said in the end of the chat when i asked abt when he will be promoted to Captain he said '' It will take him 1 year and 6 months to be Captain if life remains, otherwise love to die''

His wish has been accepted. My Bro is not anymore.
Rest in Peace.

My brother's name is also Akash...
@WebMaster @Aeronaut
if i may suggest maybe you guys should make a "wall of shaheeds" it could be in place of the gallery area on the front page of the forum , like a slide show with all the shaheeds pictures…
or make a real dedicated thread where only a few select can post and it should only have the pictures of the shaheeds and little bit about them and their background ect. like don't allow no other postings in that thread.

also make a death clock counter thingy for all the terrorists killed… simply have like a clock plugin or something that goes up with every terrorist killed by pakistan army , police and other agencies… it would be a real morale boaster and it will be a HIT I THINK…..
Inalilahay wa inailahay rajiuon.
It's a great tragedy for us. We as a Pakistani nation has lost a precious gem. Akash is our hero, he has sacrificed his valuable life for this country and for the cause of Islam.
May Allah swt bless him with jannah and give his family and friends patience.Amin
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