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Muttahida to join Sindh govt?

The Big 90 Day CHANGE PTI was to have a sex chage and turn the place into Shemaleistan so that their Talibani brethern can have fun

Today your own Faisal Sabzwari confirmed that MQM is in talks with PPP to join Sindh Govt, shove it up in yours and have fun.. :lol:

Just a couple of weeks ago, whole MQM gang leadership was up against PeePee waderas on thar drought issue, but now they are happy to share bed with same waderas, what happened all of a sudden? Guess something is irritating your gang where sun don't shine? Anyways, hope you guys enjoy sucking big negro #%@& of these waderas this time.. :woot:
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Today your own Faisal Sabzwari confirmed that MQM is in talks with PPP to join Sindh Govt, shove it up in yours and have fun.. :lol:

it is PPP which has invited MQM to join the SInd govt for te fouth time but MQM is negotiating with PPP to create a good working relationship and for now MQM has not decided to join the govt but rather convince PPP to create a working relationship where both work together

about the thar issue MQM raised so called couple of weeks ago, so my dear u didn't read the yesterday's news, only MQM i remind you only MQM is the party who raised it at both national and provincial level, called special meeting yesterday at sind assembly to discuss the thar issue, and only MQM i mean only MQM is the party which has been involved in a massive thar relief work
it is PPP which has invited MQM to join the SInd govt for te fouth time but MQM is negotiating with PPP to create a good working relationship and for now MQM has not decided to join the govt but rather convince PPP to create a working relationship where both work together

about the thar issue MQM raised so called couple of weeks ago, so my dear u didn't read the yesterday's news, only MQM i remind you only MQM is the party who raised it at both national and provincial level, called special meeting yesterday at sind assembly to discuss the thar issue, and only MQM i mean only MQM is the party which has been involved in a massive thar relief work

And someone said mark my words I'll oppose MQM on this. :azn: People just can't stick to their words :disagree:
And someone said mark my words I'll oppose MQM on this. :azn: People just can't stick to their words :disagree:

ok guys lay off your conspiracy theories now

گورنرسندھ سے رحمان ملک اور وزیراعلیٰ کی ملاقات


March 26, 2014 - Updated 2250 PKT​
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کراچی… کراچی میں گورنر سندھ ڈاکٹر عشرت العباد سے رحمان ملک اور وزیراعلیٰ سندھ سید قائم علی شاہ نے ملاقات کی ہے۔ ملاقات میں ایم کیو ایم اور پیپلزپارٹی کے تعلقات پر بات چیت ہوئی ہے۔تفصیلات کے مطابق گورنر سندھ ڈاکٹر عشرت العباد سے وزیراعلیٰ سندھ سید قائم علی شاہ اور پیپلزپارٹی کے رہنما سینیٹر رحمان ملک نے ملاقات کی اور تمام مفادات سے بالاتر ہوکراشتراک عمل کااعادہ کیا۔ ذرائع کا کہنا ہے کہ گورنر سندھ ڈاکٹر عشرت العباد خان اور سینیٹر رحمان ملک کی ملاقات میں پیپلز پارٹی اور ایم کیو ایم کے تعلقات پر گفتگو ہوئی۔گورنر ہاوٴس سے جاری اعلامیے کے مطابق دونوں رہنماوٴں نے ملک کو درپیش چیلنجز سے نمٹنے اورامن و امان کے لیے مفادات سے بالاتر ہو کر کام کرنے کااعادہ کیا۔ذرائع کے مطابق بعد میں سینیٹر رحمان ملک نے وزیراعلیٰ سندھ سیدقائم علی شاہ سے بھی ملاقات کی اور سندھ کی سیاسی صورت حال پرتفصیلی تبادلہ خیال کیا۔
MQM confirms alliance talks under way: PPP gains of likely coalition shrouded in mystery


KARACHI: Amid speculation and media reports, the Muttahida Qaumi Movement on Wednesday confirmed its contact with the Pakistan Peoples Party for forging a coalition in Sindh but the two parties did not say a word as to what prompted them to engage in a dialogue process for having a fresh alliance, which is seen to be not that necessary for the ruling party.

Senior MQM leaders confirmed the reports about recent meetings between the two parties but said it was part of consideration for a future alliance to establish a consistent democratic environment.

“It’s third such contact during the past 10 months since the PPP government’s formation in Sindh after the May 11 general elections,” said Faisal Ali Subzwari, the leader of the opposition in the Sindh Assembly. “Yes, I can confirm that there have been a series of fresh meetings on this particular agenda —MQM-PPP alliance in the Sindh government. There is nothing new as such contacts were also made in the past.”

He was referring to the contacts made between the leadership of the two parties as well as PPP co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari and MQM chief Altaf Hussain soon after the May 11, 2013 elections.

“So you can say it’s a third such contact between the two sides after the May 11 elections. There is nothing concrete to share at this point as both sides are looking into several aspects before any conclusion,” added Mr Subzwari.

A recent meeting between Mr Zardari and Sindh Governor Dr Ishratul Ibad Khan and some MQM leaders triggered speculation of a possible MQM-PPP alliance in Sindh. Later, a statement of Sindh Information Minister Sharjeel Inam Memon in which he hinted that the PPP was ready to embrace the MQM strengthened the rumours that both parties were making headway in their talks.

However, when the two parties were discussing modalities for their future partnership, Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly Syed Khurshid Shah of the PPP reacted strongly to a statement by Mr Hussain in which he had asked the armed forces to ignore any order of sending troops to Syria.

“The PPP is a democratic party whereas the MQM leadership talks about an army takeover. Therefore, it will be difficult for our leaders to include the MQM in the Sindh government,” he had said. However, the PPP leadership denied any deadlock in the dialogue.

“We don’t want them [the MQM] to strengthen the government, we want them to strengthen democracy,” said Waqar Mehdi, a special assistant to the Sindh chief minister. “The PPP has a very clear policy of reconciliation. So it’s the spirit behind the recent contact with the MQM.”

He agreed with Mr Subzwari that the thought process was continuing on both sides and it would lead to some better results. But he sounded quite hopeful of the conclusion of the recent contact.

“Our intentions are very clear,” said Mr Mehdi. “We want the MQM as a partner in the Sindh government to strengthen democracy, development in the province and most importantly harmony and peace in Karachi. One can’t say with authority but I hope that the MQM wants the same this time.”

MQM confirms alliance talks under way: PPP gains of likely coalition shrouded in mystery - DAWN.COM
hold on to your hourses, you are a good thinker!
there is need of strong political opposition base in pakistan, sadlly when IMRAN shake handed NAWAZ all the hopes, starting the political movement against AMIR UL MUNAFIQIN was gone?
so then there was no political opposition base camp left?
as terrorists been declared angels in KPK, FATA, & in BALUCHISTAN, whole responsibility came back to karachi , the only place in which peoples openly came out to support pakarmy.
karachi,s leadership was vocal against, TTp terrorism, & its pushing a united political front, its would be awise decesion to be apart of sind govt, where PPP cant do anything, cause of its massive crouption, MQM needs to take a possitive role to fight political the sell out of pakistan!

Utterly rejected decision to joining SG ..............

MQM is the most professional and well organised party in pakistan

MQM joined PPP in 2008 so that the PPP and MQM whose relations had been strained in the 90s should get back on track and remembering the blood shed which happened in the 90s the step was taken, since MQM took the decision to form an alliance with PPP, it maintained the alliance for five years

now since MQM is not satisfied with PPP and in its referendum when MQM workers decided that MQM should not join the government again and should do opposition MQM will keep it at least for next five years, this is the decision MQM has taken and im sure MQM will maintain till next elections

the meetings are only happening to discuss the governance issues in Sind and how can they both improve the governance in SInd by mutual cooperation, any opposition becomes meaningless when its done less for the people and more or political point scoring, i mean for serious politics, the interests of Sindis is discussed and not party's interest

people who are not satisfied with PPP should keep this in their mind that PPP holds the mandate now, there is no other way to improve the situation other than dialoguing with them and resolving matters on the table

ok i will not defend this action, mark my post and be happy, i'm not like a typical supporter like PTI

i have official statements from farooq sattar and other party guys who say its an effort to establish working relation ship and nothing else, media has aso speculated before as well

i believe that a true guy doesn't get by the snake from the same hole twice, if MQM is joining Sind govt then i think its a very bad decision and will cost movement a lot in the long run

@M-48 its payback time now

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