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(Must watch) India Israeli ties - Why Pakistan is worried.

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Why the fuss about Israelis selling weapons to China?

I hope you guys do realize Israel was first country in the Middle-East to recognize PRC in 1950, and only maintained non-governmental relationship with Taiwan despite PRC was internationally isolated at the times and ROC on Taiwan was a permanent member of the UN security council.

Indeed Israel was one of the only 15 countries to vote for PRC seat in the UN in 1950, and continued to support mainland China's quest for UN seat throughout the Cold War, contrary to U.S policy.

Israel and China has strong ties at the people-to-people level too. For example, parents of former PM Ehud Olmert migrated to Israel from Harbin (where a lot of Russian Jews took refuge during WWII) and the current commander of Israeli navy, Eli Marom, is of ethnically Chinese origin.
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^^^Because the world is supposed to be black and white. Becuase there are good guys and bad guys. Becuase you are either here or there and there is nothing in between.
We have community of Indian Jews in Israel, they have very cute girls

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becoa israel is the biggest anti Muslim state and even more bigger to anti pakistan state and when to enemies get together anyone will worry as india worries about pak-china collaberation and did whatever to stop china to sell weapons to pakistan many times vajpayee and even manmohan voiced threats from pak china friend ship so why you have double standards when you have concerns over our pak china friendshp than we also have equal right to do so what is the pain here
Long live india israel friendshp . . . .
Well, after going through the thread it seems some people here just dont understand politics. There are no allies or enemies in politics, just interests. And as long as our interests are aligned, we will be friends/allies.

Our interests have so far been aligned with those of Russia and Israel, and thats why we have a very good relationship. But as we grow and as the political climate changes, our interests might be realigned.

the point is, we can't RELY on anyone, because at the end of the day, every country has its own interests. We have to make the best of relationships while they last and try nurture them for as long as it viable, but at the end, we have to be prepared to operate without their support and be more self-sufficient. NEVER get too emotional or over-confident about international relations. Things change.
We have First hand Experience with Israelis and their ancestors for over 1500 years so we know who are we dealing with.

India should Keep its good relations with Israel but not just that they should do what they can to make them more strong. India will see what that means in the future.

"Don't Disturb an Idiot when you know that he is Making a Mistake"

Isn't it current state of Pakistan shows how they learnt from past & how they have developed relationship with their allies and what is the outcome?? India has good relations with Israel and many other neighbour countries and its good for all of us.
All must learn from their mistake and should not repeat in future.
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becoa israel is the biggest anti Muslim state and even more bigger to anti pakistan state
Israel is in conflict with some Muslims, but that does not mean that Israel is anti Muslim state. Many Muslim countries have conflicts with other Muslims too. Pakistan is sufferning from Islamic terrorism even more than Israel for example.

20% of Israel citizens are Muslim. Many Muslims serve in Israeli army.


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