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Must read for all paksitanis. What Modi actually said about Dawood Ibrahim.

thats why Mr Nisar said first decide where he actually is!!!
What if he is sitting in Karachi near the Saudi Consulate as alleged and even goes to Dolmen mall to get a facial from Tony & Guy?? Would you, or I .. or anyone notice in all the confusion?

If the Indians were hypothetically on to him and watched him as he relaxed over a cup of coffee... would they be able to prove that it is him and not another ordinary citizen?

One has to look at the complexity it took to verify OBLs identity even in a fairly isolated and distinctive place as abbotabad. In a city like Karachi or even Lahore, its a madhouse. Khalid Shiekh Mohammad was found through sheer luck and cooperation of Pakistani intel with US sources.. using telecom snoops and other methods.
Your asked a right question....We civilians can only depend on our agencies... May be he lives some where else... But i remember listening to Mushraff when he came for India today enclave.... when ever the question raised about dawood, he always asked counter questions on other wanted fugitives of Pakistan (BLA)... but not even once he denied that dawood is not in Pakistan.... which is quite unusual
I have watch that India Enclave 2009 session, all he said was that u want yr terrorist but how abt our terrorists living and supported by yr RAW? Then later on he said to the anchor specifically if we destroy the camps and handover him to u then is there is guarantee that the relations will be normalized?? And yr entire crowd and Anchor, Mr Arun was left speechless.

All He was trying to make a point in sake of yr peoples arguments. It doesnt mean he said he was here nor was implying on it.
It could be that Dawood is in Pakistan, or maybe he is not. After all, how much wealth must the guy have to gift what he did to his daughter on her wedding?o_O
Would you think that Pakistan is the only country interested in the application of all that black money in white funds?
Would the emirate of Dubai mind?

Well I agree with you.... He may be or may not be there in pakistan..... But He is not only in to black money, but also into other terror activities....That makes him most dangerous... our politicians has more black money than any of these underworld kings...

I have watch that India Enclave 2009 session, all he said was that u want yr terrorist but how abt our terrorists living and supported by yr RAW? Then later on he said to the anchor specifically if we destroy the camps and handover him to u then is there is guarantee that the relations will be normalized?? And yr entire crowd and Anchor, Mr Arun was left speechless.

All He was trying to make a point in sake of yr peoples arguments. It doesnt mean he said he was here nor was implying on it.

But mushraff normally refuse or reject the presence of fugitives.... You look at his speeches you will realise... I was surprised....

I think the Minister's sensitivity on this matter is understandable because of various Indian Politicians and Media implying that since US took that step with Osama, India should do likewise. Now any time anyone mentions the Osama affair people on this side are spring loaded to a strong reaction.

My point is that this incident doesn't deserve such sharp response.... atleast at ministerial level...

Modi was replying to a question raised by a journalist, he never made a statement himself.... Btw it is election time in india... wait for 14 more days.... everything will be back to normal....
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Well I agree with you.... He may be or may not be there in pakistan..... But He is not only in to black money, but also into other terror activities....That makes him most dangerous... our politicians has more black money than any of these underworld kings...

But mushraff normally refuse or reject the presence of fugitives.... You look at his speeches you will realise... I was surprised....

It also makes him a very valuable asset for ANY nation to have. After all.. he is the quintessential image of what people consider a crime lord in the region. With the biggest plus of his service being plausible deniability.
By the way is there anything wrong in saying "I will bring back the most wanted criminal" to india once i become PM..... What is wrong.... some of you say he is in UAE.... If that is the case then it is a bilateral issue between UAE/Malaysia or any other country for that matter....

Unless you are very sure that Dawood is in Karachi.....
The point is not what he said...more like how it is written ...gives a different impression:

Did the US hold a press conference before chasing Osama, Modi asked Modi also slammed India's Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde, saying the latter showed a sign of immaturity recently by speaking on the joint effort between India and the USA to try and bring Dawood back. Dawood is believed to be residing in Pakistan.

So Dawood is believed /supposed to be residing in Pakistan

and then he says Did the US hold a press conference before chasing Osama

unless you are playing blind or something..it implied lets barge into Pakistan based on "believes"
Why would Pakistan keep a man alleged to be one of its most effective assets in a city where Indians can find better places to base themselves for intelligence operations?

Well, then why did ur interior minister got so worked up? Modi hasn't stated anything about pakistan. He just said he'll bring dawood back.

He didn't say from where. I would have understood ur IM's stmt if modi said he would bring hafiz saeed to India (Since he was officially living in pakistan). But he said about a person who doesn't have a official residence.
and @nair you clearly forget the current market value of a Kg of Heroin or money trafficking when compared to any black selling that the politicians can come up with.

Well, then why did ur interior minister got so worked up? Modi hasn't stated anything about pakistan. He just said he'll bring dawood back.

He didn't say from where. I would have understood ur IM's stmt if modi said he would bring hafiz saeed to India (Since he was officially living in pakistan). But he said about a person who doesn't have a official residence.
If you are threatening to violate Pakistani sovereignty for any reason(valid or invalid) openly before you are elected PM. You will rile up anybody including me.. save the minister.
and @nair you clearly forget the current market value of a Kg of Heroin or money trafficking when compared to any black selling that the politicians can come up with.

Sorry forgot about heroin.... Dawood is more interested in heroine than Heroin......
Also this dude has forgotten what we did to that mug Brig Mehta, Sorubh Kalia and these puny soldiers who got their heads cut off in LOC.

Issy kehty hain kutty ki moot marna.In our Ministry's statement what Pakistan's peace efforts must not be taken its weakness and yr words like India is no USA speaks for themselves.

Shows ur true colors. @Oscar, am i permitted to use the same language against ur soldiers?
The point is not what he said...more like how it is written ...gives a different impression:

You may be right on the implications of it... But Modi never mentioned Pakistan.....
The point is not what he said...more like how it is written ...gives a different impression:

Actually he SAID it. The news reports were based on what he said in a televised interview not on what he wrote

and @nair you clearly forget the current market value of a Kg of Heroin or money trafficking when compared to any black selling that the politicians can come up with.

If you are threatening to violate Pakistani sovereignty for any reason(valid or invalid) openly before you are elected PM. You will rile up anybody including me.. save the minister.

Did he mention anything about violating ur sovereignty.. He said when US conducted a mission against their most wanted man they did it with secrecy not like our HM, who makes public statement.

and you guys deduced from it that modi intends to violate ur sovereignty and your Interior Minister must have choosen his words more carefully.
Actually he SAID it. The news reports were based on what he said in a televised interview not on what he wrote
I dont have time to watch what he says...I read what OP posted and on that alone one can see what he did...
Shows ur true colors. @Oscar, am i permitted to use the same language against ur soldiers?

Its not how he shows his true colours, but what are yours? Are your true colours just a mirror image of his? The off topic and offending post has been removed.
But mushraff normally refuse or reject the presence of fugitives.... You look at his speeches you will realise... I was surprised....
It seems u havnt met a real life pakistani. In our usual talks and arguments we tend to use arguments in hypothetical manner. Eg if when someone disagree we even take this point for sake of argument and try to prove it wrong.

Yes we usually dont mention like ''ok lets say for sake of yr argument..............'' etc in our sentence in the flow of conversation thats why u may have assumed otherwise.

But just on this dont count yr chickens.
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