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Muslims too are living the American Dream

This comes from a country which has excelled in setting base for Islamophobia and anti-Muslim trends world over.

True to job....they are pre written text blocks,drafts by some gora that he plasters here.
Ohi na! He's only doing what he's paid for.
Her account was incorrect, and the airline's response was merely to placate her. There was no formal complaint of discrimination or apology.
From the above link

"United Airlines has apologized to a Muslim chaplain who said she was denied an unopened can of soft drink on an affiliated US domestic flight by an attendant who said it could be used as a weapon.
The US airline also said in a statement on Wednesday that the flight attendant had been banned from serving its customers."
Oh forget it :rolleyes:
Pakistan need blessing of God more than Ameerka lakin app tu shah se zyada shah k wafadar hoo

Pakistan is firmly in Allah's camp, and therefore there is nothing to worry about. :D

From the above link

"United Airlines has apologized to a Muslim chaplain who said she was denied an unopened can of soft drink on an affiliated US domestic flight by an attendant who said it could be used as a weapon.
The US airline also said in a statement on Wednesday that the flight attendant had been banned from serving its customers."
Oh forget it :rolleyes:

The attendant was a Shuttle America employee and was returned to that pool. That is all.

United Hub - Shuttle America Flight 3504 - News

Shuttle America Flight 3504

United Communications
United Communications
UPDATED: Jun 3, 2015 at 1:45PM

While United did not operate the flight, Ms. Ahmad was our customer and we apologize to her for what occurred on the flight.

After investigating this matter, United has ensured that the flight attendant, a Shuttle America employee, will no longer serve United customers.

United does not tolerate behavior that is discriminatory – or that appears to be discriminatory - against our customers or employees.

All of United’s customer-facing employees undergo annual and recurrent customer service training, which includes lessons in cultural awareness. Customer-facing employees for Shuttle America also undergo cultural sensitivity training, and United will continue to work with all of our partners to deliver service that reflects United’s commitment to cultural awareness.
What is this person syed haider ali's problem??? Denying outright clear evidences for furthering what agenda?

This comes from a country which has excelled in setting base for Islamophobia and anti-Muslim trends world over.

Ohi na! He's only doing what he's paid for.
Exactly islamophobia...and guess wat its constantly western media that is glorfying isis ad keep showing their footages , doing special features on their executioner and relevant individuals etc etc. Glorify it and then push ppl to join then blame every muslim for that.
What is this person syed haider ali's problem??? Denying outright clear evidences for furthering what agenda?

Exactly islamophobia...and guess wat its constantly western media that is glorfying isis ad keep showing their footages , doing special features on their executioner and relevant individuals etc etc. Glorify it and then push ppl to join then blame every muslim for that.
I guess Mr Syed Haider is an ardent American national just like the OP.
I hope they give you unopened can of soda at workplace

I'm given entire magazines of M-4 and the responsibility to lead.

This comes from a country which has excelled in setting base for Islamophobia and anti-Muslim trends world over.

Oh grow up. The vast majority of these extreme right wing nut-cases like that Pamela and Pat Robertson are few and far between. The vast majority of Americans don't discriminate against me, I've grown up lived with individuals accepting others regardless of background and religion. Where there some a-holes yes, but its up to you who you decide to hang around with.

Exactly islamophobia...and guess wat its constantly western media that is glorfying isis ad keep showing their footages , doing special features on their executioner and relevant individuals etc etc. Glorify it and then push ppl to join then blame every muslim for that.

The media is going to show anything that will boost the ratings. They broadcast-ed worthless court testimony from the Trayvon Martin case, even though the majority of the audience didnt give a damn about it.

Who's fault is it that CNN is showing the executions? The dumbasses that are carrying them out due to their perverted view of what the Quran says? Who's fault is it that FOX is showing Pakistanis burning the American flag? FOX or the dumbasses running around being told to burn American Flags?

Don't point the blame on others just because your own house is fu<ked up.
I'm given entire magazines of M-4 and the responsibility to lead.

Oh grow up. The vast majority of these extreme right wing nut-cases like that Pamela and Pat Robertson are few and far between. The vast majority of Americans don't discriminate against me, I've grown up lived with individuals accepting others regardless of background and religion. Where there some a-holes yes, but its up to you who you decide to hang around with.

The media is going to show anything that will boost the ratings. They broadcast-ed worthless court testimony from the Trayvon Martin case, even though the majority of the audience didnt give a damn about it.

Who's fault is it that CNN is showing the executions? The dumbasses that are carrying them out due to their perverted view of what the Quran says? Who's fault is it that FOX is showing Pakistanis burning the American flag? FOX or the dumbasses running around being told to burn American Flags?

Don't point the blame on others just because your own house is fu<ked up.
Yea kya cartoon hai??
Oh grow up. The vast majority of these extreme right wing nut-cases like that Pamela and Pat Robertson are few and far between. The vast majority of Americans don't discriminate against me, I've grown up lived with individuals accepting others regardless of background and religion. Where there some a-holes yes, but its up to you who you decide to hang around with.
I am sorry...... who are you again? Did i mention i cared what happened with you in US or not. My post was made in the light of certain facts related to Americans leading the Anti-Muslim propaganda globally. Starting from public banners to social & electronic media--------The anti-Muslim drive in US is a precedent that needs no elucidation. Since you are in mood of gloating about the liberties you enjoy in US, why don't you create a page on FB which says 'Everbody let's deny Holocaust' or 'lets draw swastika's for jews'........And then see how things turn out for you.
My post was made in the light of certain facts related to Americans leading the Anti-Muslim propaganda globally. Starting from public banners to social & electronic media--------The anti-Muslim drive in US is a precedent that needs no elucidation. Since you are in mood of gloating about the liberties you enjoy in US, why don't you create a page on FB which says 'Everbody let's deny Holocaust' or 'lets draw swastika's for jews'........And then see how things turn out for you.

Facts? Provide the facts.Just because you have some nut jobs who's only mission is to draw cartoons to incite a violent response the entire country should be blamed? Lets take this point up. If you want to dedicate your entire post on what the fringe minority does what makes you different from CNN & FOX?

The vast majority of Muslims in American are integrated into the society. Compared to the UK that is the major logistical center of sending it's Muslim youth to ISIL/ISIS/IS.

This is the response the Muslim community in Texas gave a arsonist who burned their Masjid down:
Islamic leaders of burned center ask prosecutors to drop arson charge - Houston Chronicle

This is that Arizona guys who wanted the Rally for Freedom part 2, he decided to grow a pair of brain cells and went into a masjid to learn about Islam.

It's openness and forgiveness that will bring people who are being battered by negative Islam agendas to know what Islam is about. Islam isn't the only religion that has been attacked. Christianity was attacked, Judaism, Buddhism, all religions have been in similar stance.

The freedoms enjoyed by Americans are freedoms the government can not infringe upon. I can create a facebook page to incite a response from Jews, but you know what? They're not going to start burning American flags or beheading random people. This isn't the 9th century where the victor writes the history books. And only a person who has no legs for his argument is going to start point at some other religion to reflect off his deficiencies.

Fix your own house before you decide your neighbor's house is pathetic.

Yea kya cartoon hai??
Well being muslim in US certainly better than being muslim in China no one gonna force you to not fast or grow beard.
Secular, free, democratic, open-minded societies are remarkably productive and give plethora of opportunities for individuals to flourish. Islamic countries are often curtailed by their narrow minded and over religious views. No wonder their contribution to Science, Industry and Technology are so limited. Muslims in US are religious, tolerant, secular and productive. Something for the individuals from Islamic republics to ponder about.
Pageantries? :lol: :rofl:

ISIS was born out of war. There's nothing religious about them. And war can be an ugly business. Especially in a guerrilla war where civilians are heavily impacted where civilian areas quickly turn into theaters of battle. This has become an ugly trend in the 21st century. Back in the old days of war, things weren't like that. ISIS is a mafia in disguise.

People just say that the US is anti-Muslim due to the negative impacts against nations that happen to be Muslim majority, particularly in the middle east. And there's also the matter of the Israeli Palestinian conflict. It's a matter of perception. A common man would come up with very general conclusions, he doesn't need to think far.

The US being an anti-Muslim bigot is not strictly the case. I've seen worse at my doorstep.

As for me, I don't believe in the 'American Dream', or anybody's dream for that matter. To me, America is a very powerful nation without purpose.

Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite :lol:

Secular, free, democratic, open-minded societies are remarkably productive and give plethora of opportunities for individuals to flourish. Islamic countries are often curtailed by their narrow minded and over religious views. No wonder their contribution to Science, Industry and Technology are so limited. Muslims in US are religious, tolerant, secular and productive. Something for the individuals from Islamic republics to ponder about.

Yeah, talk about having dogmatic views on life for starters.
How should we know Abdul Quddus sahab isn't passing through some mid life crisis and turns out to be another Major Nidal Malik Hasan ?

We don't know. That is the beauty of the system in allowing everyone to be who they want to be, good or bad, of every shade and persuasion. It is up to him to decide.
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