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Muslims too are living the American Dream


Apr 30, 2010
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United States
United States
As a Muslim and working for US CENTCOM for over six years, I am always surprised when I hear people calling my country anti Muslims or Islam. In my thirty years or so in America, I have never once been discriminated upon. I feel this country values and rewards hard working and honest people without any regards to race and creed. I have seen this in private enterprises as well as government organizations. Random acts of discrimination can happen to anyone at any time; we are only human. Muslims in America started Ramadan on Thursday, June 18. We had an office lunch on the 17th and two of my departments heads came up to me to inquire if it was the first day of Ramadan or not because a day before they learnt that Wednesday could have been the first day of Ramadan. There was a sigh of relief that I could join in the office celebration. Why would they be concerned about a few Muslims fasting, but they were because they genuinely cared. This is the country where the President hosts an annual iftar dinner and invites Muslim Americans from all walks of life. President Obama hosted one yesterday. There are over 2500 Mosques in the United States where Muslims enjoy their daily prayers and their religious festivities like Ramadan and Eids. I enjoy my daily break of fast in a local mosque in Tampa where daily Ramadan traweeh is also performed. I meet with Muslim-Americans form all over the world who are free to practice their faith and believes.

I was disturbed with gruesome images and video released by ISIS of men in a cage being drowned. Islam never condones any act of brutalities like burning and drowning people alive. How can I, a practicing Muslim, not condemn these brutalities and that too in the holy month of Ramadan? I even saw news clippings that two young kids were hung upside down from a bar for half the day for eating during fasting times while the ISIS fighters are exempt from fasting. I can, without an iota of doubt, say that what ISIS is doing is not only against the norms of religion but humanity as well and it should be condemned with a very strong and clear voice.

Muslims in America enjoy freedom and liberty that our constitution offers to each and every one of us. Muslim communities thrive in most major cities. They have their mosques, schools and community centers. They enjoy their holidays with all its colors and pageantries. The American Dream is alive and you see the Muslims across America living it to the fullest.

Abdul Quddus
DET - U.S. Central Command
USA no doubt is good for its own people irrespective of their race and religion but its just that they dont care or value the lives of innocent people outside USA when they go for military adventure in different countries. Many Ex US marines openly admitted the war crimes which america committed in different countries

USA no doubt is good for its own people irrespective of their race and religion but its just that they dont care or value the lives of people outside USA when they go for military adventure in different countries. Many Ex US marines openly admitted the war crimes which america committed in different countries
Every country does/did that.
Muslims in America enjoy freedom and liberty that our constitution offers to each and every one of us. Muslim communities thrive in most major cities. They have their mosques, schools and community centers. They enjoy their holidays with all its colors and pageantries. The American Dream is alive and you see the Muslims across America living it to the fullest.

Absolutely yes! God Bless America indeed.
As a Muslim and working for US CENTCOM for over six years, I am always surprised when I hear people calling my country anti Muslims or Islam. In my thirty years or so in America, I have never once been discriminated upon. I feel this country values and rewards hard working and honest people without any regards to race and creed. I have seen this in private enterprises as well as government organizations. Random acts of discrimination can happen to anyone at any time; we are only human. Muslims in America started Ramadan on Thursday, June 18. We had an office lunch on the 17th and two of my departments heads came up to me to inquire if it was the first day of Ramadan or not because a day before they learnt that Wednesday could have been the first day of Ramadan. There was a sigh of relief that I could join in the office celebration. Why would they be concerned about a few Muslims fasting, but they were because they genuinely cared. This is the country where the President hosts an annual iftar dinner and invites Muslim Americans from all walks of life. President Obama hosted one yesterday. There are over 2500 Mosques in the United States where Muslims enjoy their daily prayers and their religious festivities like Ramadan and Eids. I enjoy my daily break of fast in a local mosque in Tampa where daily Ramadan traweeh is also performed. I meet with Muslim-Americans form all over the world who are free to practice their faith and believes.

I was disturbed with gruesome images and video released by ISIS of men in a cage being drowned. Islam never condones any act of brutalities like burning and drowning people alive. How can I, a practicing Muslim, not condemn these brutalities and that too in the holy month of Ramadan? I even saw news clippings that two young kids were hung upside down from a bar for half the day for eating during fasting times while the ISIS fighters are exempt from fasting. I can, without an iota of doubt, say that what ISIS is doing is not only against the norms of religion but humanity as well and it should be condemned with a very strong and clear voice.

Muslims in America enjoy freedom and liberty that our constitution offers to each and every one of us. Muslim communities thrive in most major cities. They have their mosques, schools and community centers. They enjoy their holidays with all its colors and pageantries. The American Dream is alive and you see the Muslims across America living it to the fullest.

Abdul Quddus
DET - U.S. Central Command

I hope they give you unopened can of soda at workplace
That link is from a obscure right wing website...
If the woman's story was a fraud the mainstream media in the U.S would have been all over it.....not to mention United Airlines given the blow to their reputation !

That woman never filed or pursued her claim. She had her fifteen minutes of fame and faded away after her lies were exposed. She did not even get a free voucher from UA.
LOL He conveniently chose to represent the fairytale depiction of "American dream" while utterly turning a blind eye to the ground realities. Let's applaud this man for being true to his job at-least.
True to job....they are pre written text blocks,drafts by some gora that he plasters here.
Absolutely yes! God Bless America indeed.
Pakistan need blessing of God more than Ameerka lakin app tu shah se zyada shah k wafadar hoo

This shair for you

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