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Muslims(Pakistanis) and RSS Hindus(Indians) Non-Stop Clashes In Leicester(UK)

Wow I feel sorry for the white people in England. The probably hate you both for this, but they will always have a healthy respect for the Pakistanis. where as these hindutva violent vegetarians are a walking comedy for them.

BTW, England seems like such a craphole.

White brits don't like immigrants full stop regardless if you kiss their *** and behave or not.

All colours have have rioted throughout the years including the white far right, blacks and asians. It pops off once in a while.
you are just giving ammo to white nationalists with these shenanigansI

ndian RSS goons was egging the white nationalists to attacks Muslims since 911.

Today, white nationalists are sleeping and it's our time to teach tindu fascists a lesson.
you sent a message that you won't allow any bullying of Pakistani people - that's that and they'll stop if they're smart
now, leave it when you have the narrative
A message was sent 2 weeks ago in response to initial attacks by RSS in Leicester.

This weekend, RSS goons turned up again to abuse, attack and threaten muslims.

That's why the situation is going to get worse before it gets better for RSS supporters and goons.
not necessary, violence makes you the bad guy
Roadmen shouldn't be allowed to ruin harmony between people in foreign lands

Besides, you are just giving ammo to white nationalists with these shenanigans

The harmony won't ruined by roadmen or white nationalists. It was ruined by india hindu men who were attacking single non-indian men in groups of 30 to 50 and still getting their behinds handed to them........ :disagree:
Today, white nationalists are sleeping and it's our time to teach tindu fascists a lesson.

A message was sent 2 weeks ago in response to initial attacks by RSS in Leicester.

This weekend, RSS goons turned up again to abuse, attack and threaten muslims.

That's why the situation is going to get worse before it gets better for RSS supporters and goons.
if you keep making it bigger instead of coming together - who is going to be the popular candidate come next election

probably a far-right nut job who hates all of you, like I said

you already have the narrative and you sent the message- going above and beyond would ruin both
if you keep making it bigger instead of coming together - who is going to be the popular candidate come next election

probably a far-right nut job who hates all of you

Couldn't give a f**k. indians and white nationalists are nothing and they mean nothing to us. They're all puss**es. We'll treat them as such....... 8-)
if you keep making it bigger instead of coming together - who is going to be the popular candidate come next election
There is no coming together my bro.

What tindu friends I had, I heard anti Muslim abuse from them all when they thought I was not there. Really bad stuff. Their women are bigger bigots than the lads. Maybe because they have bigger balls then the boys.

What peace there has been is all superficial and fake.
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Couldn't give a f**k. indians and white nationalists are nothing and they mean nothing to us. They're all puss**es. We'll treat them as such....... 8-)
both maybe pu*** but when comes election times - you'll see the results (if you turn the whole thing into something bigger than it is)
not everything goes down on the streets, narrative matters
Now you have it - by responding in self defense

but you'll lose it by acting like roadmen

dude I am not joking, I am dead serious
this woman makes me puke , a genuine witch
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Wow I feel sorry for the white people in England. The probably hate you both for this, but they will always have a healthy respect for the Pakistanis. where as these hindutva violent vegetarians are a walking comedy for them.

BTW, England seems like such a craphole.
Best country in the world mate .

UK needs to clamp down on these dodgy student visas being issued to jungle bunnies & must investigate who issued them .

*cough cough *

There is a high up well connected family relation to a prominent Pakistani figure who sells student visas for £17,000 guaranteed .

To illustrate the harmony that was in that area - there is a mosque about 150m further down that same road - and a Gudwara about 600-700m in the other direction on that same road!

Video of the Protests :

( thankfully it all calmed down and did not get out of hand ).
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both maybe pu*** but when comes election times - you'll see the results (if you turn the whole thing into something bigger than it is)
not everything goes down on the streets, narrative matters
Now you have it - by responding in self defense

but you'll lose it by acting like roadmen

dude I am not joking, I am dead serious
this woman makes me puke , a genuine witch

The vast majority of indian women are even more ugly and physically deformed than she is.
Make sure this pic is spread across all social media.

If he makes it out of prison in one piece, his life will be hell :devil:

He will already have a hit ordered on him
Crackheads need jobs too .
They will put him in solitary for sure for he’s own protection.
The looks of him he will be targeted by white black or brown .

Glenparvaa jail is a shithole full of big strong rugby playing farmers from the surrounding areas . Racist to ****
The Pakistanis are least of he’s worries .

Few years back Unit 11 had a SO who had nazi tattoo on he’s forearm and a dread lock pinned to the officers mess wall as a sign to show black inmates .
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