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Muslims have lowest living standard in India: Govt survey -times of india

@shan Bhai koi lift hi nahin karvaiii ! :cray:

Maulana @Secur - Aaap nei bhi merii post pe quote nahin kiyaaa ! :cry:
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Stick to the topic guys,

Further trolling will lead to infractions
I feel sorry for many Indian Muslims. You Indians need to face the facts, the condition of Muslims in India on average is similar to blacks in the United States in the 50's and 60's. They face huge discrimination in all walks of life, education, employment, jobs and promotions, housing and social situations. Yes there are a lot of Muslim artistes, Bollywood actors and cricket stars and the whole nation idolizes them. But they are a minority.

I have seen plenty of examples where you Indians treat Muslims in social situations like a pariah; there's a clear demarcation line, "They're not one of us". In cities like Ahmedabad and even several parts of Delhi, Muslims are mostly restricted to their own ghettoes.

Despite so much discrimination, by personal observation I can state that most Muslims in India are patriotic, and more ready to die for the country than your average middle-class Hindu banya-brahmin chattering classes. Yet many of you question their loyalty if they have relatives in Pakistan or speak Urdu.

I'm not saying there aren't bad apples among Muslims but as a nation, we have failed to integrate them into our hearts and minds. But then again we have failed to integrate many other communities, Dalits, who are treated far worse than religious minorities.

Indians need to grow up and admit their faults. That's the first step to create harmony in any society. Look at America, there was huge discrimination against blacks way back in the 50's. Then the Civil Rights Movement happened, and today blacks are so integral to the American way of life. They aren't seen as blacks in most parts of the country but just regular Americans.
I feel sorry for many Indian Muslims. You Indians need to face the facts, the condition of Muslims in India on average is similar to blacks in the United States in the 50's and 60's. They face huge discrimination in all walks of life, education, employment, jobs and promotions, housing and social situations. Yes there are a lot of Muslim artistes, Bollywood actors and cricket stars and the whole nation idolizes them. But they are a minority.

I have seen plenty of examples where you Indians treat Muslims in social situations like a pariah; there's a clear demarcation line, "They're not one of us". In cities like Ahmedabad and even several parts of Delhi, Muslims are mostly restricted to their own ghettoes.

Despite so much discrimination, by personal observation I can state that most Muslims in India are patriotic, and more ready to die for the country than your average middle-class Hindu banya-brahmin chattering classes. Yet many of you question their loyalty if they have relatives in Pakistan or speak Urdu.

I'm not saying there aren't bad apples among Muslims but as a nation, we have failed to integrate them into our hearts and minds. But then again we have failed to integrate many other communities, Dalits, who are treated far worse than religious minorities.

Indians need to grow up and admit their faults. That's the first step to create harmony in any society. Look at America, there was huge discrimination against blacks way back in the 50's. Then the Civil Rights Movement happened, and today blacks are so integral to the American way of life. They aren't seen as blacks in most parts of the country but just regular Americans.
How will Muslims ever be integrated in any society if they keep cropping up in terrorist activities?

Or how when they riot when they protest and destroy national symbols like Amar Jawan Jyoti at Azad Maidan, Mumbai

Or how they deface and defile Budha statues in Lucknow to protest against what happens in Myanmar.

Why would Hindus/Budhists/Sikhs like them if they conduct such activities?
Hindus in Hindustan are poor:cry:

:yahoo: ..........yaaahoooo ...that is the final proof that Hindus are secular. But that is not enough. The day when Hindus become the poorest religious group will be the day when Hindus become truly secular. Manmohan singh has already said that Muslims deserve the first right on resources ...so that day is not too long away. Finally we can get the muslims and the christian nations to applaud us for our 'secular' nature. :yahoo:

Its not enough that Hindus are the Poorest religious group in the world.........Hindu's must also be the poorest religious group in India too. :yay:

Now only if we can demolish a few temples and reconfirm our secular nature all would be well. :victory:

More good news :tup:


With an eye on upcoming 2014 polls, the Samajwadi Party Government in Uttar Pradesh on Tuesday decided to allocate 20% budget of welfare schemes for minorities which include Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Buddhists, Parsis and Jains. Based on the recommendations of the Sachar committee, the decision was approved at the state cabinet meeting chaired by Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav.
I feel sorry for many Indian Muslims. You Indians need to face the facts, the condition of Muslims in India on average is similar to blacks in the United States in the 50's and 60's. They face huge discrimination in all walks of life, education, employment, jobs and promotions, housing and social situations. Yes there are a lot of Muslim artistes, Bollywood actors and cricket stars and the whole nation idolizes them. But they are a minority.

When was the last time you felt sorry for the Indian Hindu ? ....or for the pakistani Hindu or for the Bangladeshi Hindu ?

If you are not an Indian the we do not need your advice. You can stick it where the sun does not shine.

Every Indian faces discrimination in all walks of life. That is what poverty does. Indians face discrimination in Middle East, US and Europe and in Australia.

Come back to us when you fight for Hindu rights in those countries.

I have seen plenty of examples where you Indians treat Muslims in social situations like a pariah; there's a clear demarcation line, "They're not one of us". In cities like Ahmedabad and even several parts of Delhi, Muslims are mostly restricted to their own ghettoes.

Many Hindu's do not want to live near Muslims. There are many reasons and stating them would be in bad taste. Many communities in the US is 'restricted communities' ......a.k.a 'white only' communities. You first correct that before you start to lecture others.

Despite so much discrimination, by personal observation I can state that most Muslims in India are patriotic, and more ready to die for the country than your average middle-class Hindu banya-brahmin chattering classes. Yet many of you question their loyalty if they have relatives in Pakistan or speak Urdu.

They suffer no more discrimination than any other average Indian. Their pratiotism is questioned because they were the one's who asked for partition of India and were instrumental in forming the enemy state of Pakistan.

I'm not saying there aren't bad apples among Muslims but as a nation, we have failed to integrate them into our hearts and minds. But then again we have failed to integrate many other communities, Dalits, who are treated far worse than religious minorities.

If we had failed to integrate them in our heart and minds then we would not have been seeing them as hindi movie heroes and cricketing heroes. We would not have given kashmir article 370. We would not be having a muslim president and a muslim foreign minister and a muslim chief justice. UP would not have had a Dalit Chief Minister or India a dalit president.

Indians need to grow up and admit their faults. That's the first step to create harmony in any society. Look at America, there was huge discrimination against blacks way back in the 50's. Then the Civil Rights Movement happened, and today blacks are so integral to the American way of life. They aren't seen as blacks in most parts of the country but just regular Americans.

Indians have been admitting their faults for the last 1000 years. Its about time they stopped doing that and grow a pair of b@lls.

Come back to preach to us after America has elected their first Hindu president or even a white christian Women president.
"When was the last time you felt sorry for the Indian Hindu ? ....or for the pakistani Hindu or for the Bangladeshi Hindu ?"

Stupid correlation, the Indian Hindu upper-castes are a privileged lot in India. You have no idea the kind of everyday discrimination one faces because of being the wrong skin color, religion or sexual orientation. I condemn such discrimination universally so that should answer your question.

Just ask a Dalit in a village (say, someone from Chamar caste) if he's happy being Hindu.

"If you are not an Indian the we do not need your advice. You can stick it where the sun does not shine."


"Every Indian faces discrimination in all walks of life. That is what poverty does. Indians face discrimination in Middle East, US and Europe and in Australia."

Yea right, that explains why so many of you migrate in droves to these very countries that discriminate you so much.

Indians are quite successful and happy in these countries. None of them like to return to India. And it's not India can't provide a decent standard of living if you got the money; I know all the affluent localities of Delhi and Mumbai that compare the West when it comes to good living.

Honestly it sucks living among you Indians, you're all two-faced, deceitful liars full of hypocrisy and absent in honor. I'm not kidding, every other race and nationality in this world has more honor than bloody Indians, even Pakistanis are a few degrees above you when it comes to finding genuine people, although not much. In my experience, Pakistanis and Indians behave identically.

I have my own company and everytime I do business with Indians from India, I feel ripped off and cheated.

"Come back to us when you fight for Hindu rights in those countries."

You need to travel the world a little more. Talk to foreign visitors in India, read good books, educate yourself.

"Many Hindu's do not want to live near Muslims."

Now you finally admit it:See that's the basic thing I wanted to highlight about the Indian way of thinking: hypocrisy, you guys are so full with it. You basically see nothing wrong in discriminating against Muslims, for you it's perfectly normal and accepted practice. Instead of challenging its immorality, you play victim and pass the burden of proof onto Muslims. Such a typical Indian.

Now you know why you lot don't get liked in the West, coz you're so full of it :sick:

I'm being honest with you, I never heard any white American or European defend racism (although privately he may be racist). They're appalled and outraged by it, and there's legislation in the West to deal with racist incidents. Unfortunately, racism against minorities is internalized in Indian society, you people can't even see anything coz you're blind to it.

"There are many reasons and stating them would be in bad taste. Many communities in the US is 'restricted communities' ......a.k.a 'white only' communities. You first correct that before you start to lecture others."

That's BS. Most educated and well-off Indians in the US/UK/Canada live among whites, in as milky white suburbs as it can get. In my experience, whites and blacks in America love Indians. They're held as a model minority.

If you're comparing Muslim discrimination in India with possible racist incidents against Indians in the US, you're way off the mark. Try a better argument.

I don't know about you but I know plenty of Pakistanis in America, they're a wonderful, amazing people.

"They suffer no more discrimination than any other average Indian."
Typical Indian in denial mode.

"Their pratiotism is questioned because they were the one's who asked for partition of India and were instrumental in forming the enemy state of Pakistan."

OK so the Muslim tailor living next door to your home, was he directly responsible for Pakistan? Was he even born then? Do you want to pass the partition guilt onto his children whose hope and future lies in India? In a Western-style debate, you won't carry far with that kind of argument, it's called a logical fallacy.

You see this is what I really hate about you people; so full of hypocrisy.

"If we had failed to integrate them in our heart and minds then we would not have been seeing them as hindi movie heroes and cricketing heroes. We would not have given kashmir article 370. We would not be having a muslim president and a muslim foreign minister and a muslim chief justice. UP would not have had a Dalit Chief Minister or India a dalit president."

Good this is the only sensible argument you made so far. I like it, won't disagree one word.

"Indians have been admitting their faults for the last 1000 years. Its about time they stopped doing that and grow a pair of b@lls."

Get rid of your superstitious religions and add some meat protein to your diet (beef steak adds muscles and brawn) and you just might grow a pair.

Most Indians in the West are heavy meat eaters. Of course you will find the veggie nutcases.

"Come back to preach to us after America has elected their first Hindu president or even a white christian Women president."

We've already elected Obama, TWICE, thank you. We were close to electing Hilary Clinton too (glad it didn't happen).

Your hypothesis on privileges of the upper cast and discrimination on the lower caste deserves no reply.

Your personal opinion and lofy claims are irrelevant and is obviously a pathetic attempt in injecting some degree of respectability. This is also not considered as they cannot be substantiated and you could very well be a pakistani sitting in mutan.

Your attempt at denigrating Indians is taken as proof of your inferiority complex and guilty at betraying India.

It is also clear to me that you are a muslim Indian who has emigrated to US and who now claim to be atheist.

....I will focus on your replies that has any relevance, which is not much.

1. There are restricted communities in the USA. Your ignorance of them is not my problem.

OK so the Muslim tailor living next door to your home, was he directly responsible for Pakistan? Was he even born then? Do you want to pass the partition guilt onto his children whose hope and future lies in India?

Irreverent. The reason for seeking partition still remain which is unwillingness of Muslims to live with Hindus.

Partition was sought by 99% of all mulims in India when they voted for Muslim League knowing fully well what the Muslim League agenda was. Reason for seeking partition was their inability to live with Hindus or their unwillingness to live with Hindus.

Nothing has changed. Once partition was agreed by both communities then it is full and final. Pakistan has wiped out Hindus from their land. The burden henceforth is on Muslims to demonstrate their willingness to live with Hindus in a manner that is peaceful and respectful of hindu culture, tradition and values.

As I said earlier "Come back to preach to us after America has elected their first Hindu president or even a white christian Women president." since you haven't ...... don't preach to us about equality.
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The Sikh work ethic and self respect is the reason why Sikhs are hardly touched by poverty. A Sikh will work hard to provide a good life for his family. In India you will rarely if ever find a Sikh begging on the street.
The problem is in 47 when allowed these people to stay in India now we reap what we have sown. They are not just nonproductive they are counterproductive. They make up what, 15%- 200 million of the people in India? But do they make up 15% of the GDP? Nope. Instead we have to break our backs working extra to compensate for them. No wonder India is failing.
I feel sorry for many Indian Muslims. You Indians need to face the facts, the condition of Muslims in India on average is similar to blacks in the United States in the 50's and 60's. They face huge discrimination in all walks of life, education, employment, jobs and promotions, housing and social situations. Yes there are a lot of Muslim artistes, Bollywood actors and cricket stars and the whole nation idolizes them. But they are a minority.

I have seen plenty of examples where you Indians treat Muslims in social situations like a pariah; there's a clear demarcation line, "They're not one of us". In cities like Ahmedabad and even several parts of Delhi, Muslims are mostly restricted to their own ghettoes.

Despite so much discrimination, by personal observation I can state that most Muslims in India are patriotic, and more ready to die for the country than your average middle-class Hindu banya-brahmin chattering classes. Yet many of you question their loyalty if they have relatives in Pakistan or speak Urdu.

I'm not saying there aren't bad apples among Muslims but as a nation, we have failed to integrate them into our hearts and minds. But then again we have failed to integrate many other communities, Dalits, who are treated far worse than religious minorities.

Indians need to grow up and admit their faults. That's the first step to create harmony in any society. Look at America, there was huge discrimination against blacks way back in the 50's. Then the Civil Rights Movement happened, and today blacks are so integral to the American way of life. They aren't seen as blacks in most parts of the country but just regular Americans.

I agree with most of the things you said... not sure about blacks because I have never been to US..
I agree with most of the things you said... not sure about blacks because I have never been to US..

So how are Brownies like ourselves treated in the UK ? :unsure:

In case I do think of visiting the country ! :undecided:

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