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Muslims clash with China police who destroyed mosque

(Easy on the nitrous oxide.)


For those of you who did not get it check out laughing gas

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after police declared illegal a newly renovated mosque in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and moved to destroy it,

In CHina it is illegal to rennovate any religious place without prior approval from the authorities..rule of law but the response was heavy handed.
The western media like to publish such kind of news, They don't investigate the news firstly. There are much precedent event!!
In china, most of people are giaours, But we do our best to respect the minority race. many province which minority live in are given autonomy. compare with other province, they have more right to manager their province!!! And many han hear the story, In a village, han and hui are live together, But the han don't know much about the hui religion, One day, Han kill the pig to eat. When hui know that, they kill the han's all family, Should we han revenge for those to hui?
In china, there are many races, different life style, and different religions, It is inevitable that contradict happened, Even in the same race, many people have clash with each other, not a big deal. Find the root, and deal with it legally, that's will OK!!
But the news that western and indian newspaper just to step up the contradict, compare with western and indian, china handle the race contradict well!! at least now, china are more stable than indian. no such much blast as happened in india!!
You have the right to your opinion, but you should not tell Pakistanis how to think or feel.

i call an apple and apple,so same goes with hypocrit,just one news of an indian(or even the west/christian/jews) legally demolishing a mosque and there will be no end to trolls
As for the pathetic Indians dragging in Pakistan / Pakistanis, here, read these news items where illegally constructed mosques right in Pakistan have been demolished. This is not new, its happening in Pakistan, so it can happen anywhere else also. If Indians can remember Lal Masjid episode, major portion / area of the mosque serving as madrasa also got demolished, it happens all the time in Pakistan, illegal mosques get demolished. Hope now the pathetic Indians with their idiotic comments will stop and not make an issue out of it, since it happens right in Islamic Republic of Pakistan and we have no issue with that, since illegal is illegal. And hopefully no more pathetic Indians will bring in Pakistanis again in this discussion or ask for their views.

LDA demolishes illegal under-construction

Protest against contrived demolition of Siddique Trade Centre mosque

Lahore Estate .Net Website| Pakistan Property News: Protest against contrived demolition of Siddique Trade Centre mosque

Use google and search for more such demolitions of illegal constructions of mosques in Pakistan.

---------- Post added at 07:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:20 PM ----------

i call an apple and apple,so same goes with hypocrit,just one news of an indian(or even the west/christian/jews) legally demolishing a mosque and there will be no end to trolls

And there is always no end to Indian trolls too. Keep that in mind too.
As for the pathetic Indians dragging in Pakistan / Pakistanis, here, read these news items where illegally constructed mosques right in Pakistan have been demolished. This is not new, its happening in Pakistan, so it can happen anywhere else also. If Indians can remember Lal Masjid episode, major portion / area of the mosque serving as madrasa also got demolished, it happens all the time in Pakistan, illegal mosques get demolished. Hope now the pathetic Indians with their idiotic comments will stop and not make an issue out of it, since it happens right in Islamic Republic of Pakistan and we have no issue with that, since illegal is illegal. And hopefully no more pathetic Indians will bring in Pakistanis again in this discussion or ask for their views.

LDA demolishes illegal under-construction

Protest against contrived demolition of Siddique Trade Centre mosque

Lahore Estate .Net Website| Pakistan Property News: Protest against contrived demolition of Siddique Trade Centre mosque

Use google and search for more such demolitions of illegal constructions of mosques in Pakistan.

---------- Post added at 07:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:20 PM ----------

and i meant demolishing illegal mosques in india or western nations or by jews or christians or hindus,i never said demolishing by muslim/islamic nations and china
The mosque was recently renovated, don't see how something can become illegal right after being renovated. Was it not illegal before the renovation?
and i meant demolishing illegal mosques in india or western nations or by jews or christians or hindus,i never said demolishing by muslim/islamic nations and china

If we are demolishing mosques due to illegal procedure, then you can also, with us doing the same i don't think we have the right to object to anyone else.

Yeah tearing down a perfectly legal mosque without any valid reason, mostly out of hate is not acceptable.
Aren't Indians the first to remind everyone that Muslims should follow the law of the land?

There should be an investigation. If the mosque was built illegally, then there is no cause for complaint.

This is their own country, they are not migrants.
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