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Muslim youths attack child and set him on fire in Pakistan because he is a Christian

that is true
a police officer in Islamabad was dismissed when he refused to open fire at protesters
my sympathies for the victim of this attack.
In the medieval Europe when such things happened kings would at least make an effort to imprison and hang the leaders and a few of their followers before leaving the rabble in peace. But Pakistan doesn't even do that, does it?
In the medieval Europe when such things happened kings would at least make an effort to imprison and hang the leaders and a few of their followers before leaving the rabble in peace. But Pakistan doesn't even do that, does it?

doesn't compute for the leaders in power unless they are directly hurt.

West evolved to a point where such public executions were no longer needed due to the effective enforcement of law and general abstaining from breaking it. even capital punishment has been discarded now in many western countries. but we in the east are still stuck in the time of centuries ago where we still need public display of force by the state to show that it doesnt pay to be an *** hole

Ahmediya is the richest community in pakistan
so they should be burnt too?
doesn't compute for the leaders in power unless they are directly hurt.

West evolved to a point where such public executions were no longer needed due to the effective enforcement of law and general abstaining from breaking it. even capital punishment has been discarded now in many western countries. but we in the east are still stuck in the time of centuries ago where we still need public display of force by the state to show that it doesnt pay to be an *** hole

so they should be burnt too?

No, how would you expect me to say this. Some indian above was mentioning ahmadiya community ,so i wrote that. As also when indians blow the trumpet of their human rights championship they cleverly brush this fact under the carpet that muslim communities in india are economically kept very browbeaten.
secondly, in your comment towards solomon where you talked abt west's justice system , well the latest and the last year (and even before that),lame daylight killings of black americams pretty much equate to public executions near me.
Secondly, again that is for everyone ,plz dont ever take me wrong about any minority in pakistan. i love them all.
secondly, in your comment towards solomon where you talked abt west's justice system , well the latest and the last year (and even before that),lame daylight killings of black americams pretty much equate to public executions near me.
Secondly, again that is for everyone ,plz dont ever take me wrong about any minority in pakistan. i love them all.
you can count them on fingers over years

compare that to what happens every day . sorry every hour in different parts of Pakistan and other third world countries).
doesn't compute for the leaders in power unless they are directly hurt.
Do you understand that this is the colonial mentality, that public order and maintaining imperial reign matters more than justice?

By contrast, if this was England or France 900 years ago the sovereign would have been obsessed over investigating and bringing the perps into court. Even centuries later, when Louis XIV was the sole witness of a homicide (spotted through a telescope!) he interrupted his routine of luxury and indolence to catch the suspects and investigate and gather evidence (because even though he was king under French law two eyewitnesses were required if no evidence or confession supported a criminal charge.)

(In this case, the murderers were half-brothers of their victim and sought his share of the family fortune. Supporting evidence was found on their persons, if I recall correctly. The King convened court immediately, the suspects were convicted, and he had them put to death by drowning. Their victim's body was discovered floating downstream the next day.)

The leader who delivered better justice could not only claim superior legitimacy but also gained a stronger hold upon the hearts of the people. But Pakistani leaders strike me as akin to the heads of the British East India Company, more interested in exploitation for their own ends while letting the rabble shift for themselves. The Company let hundreds of thousands of Indians starve in famines; if it wasn't for foreign aid after the 2005 earthquake and 2010 floods many Pakistanis would have met a similar fate, for foreign diplomats and fund-raisers were shocked to discover that Pakistan's elite donated little or nothing to relief themselves: link
Do you understand that this is the colonial mentality, that public order and maintaining imperial reign matters more than justice?

By contrast, if this was England or France 900 years ago the sovereign would have been obsessed over investigating and bringing the perps into court. Even centuries later, when Louis XIV was the sole witness of a homicide (spotted through a telescope!) he interrupted his routine of luxury and indolence to catch the suspects and investigate and gather evidence (because even though he was king under French law two eyewitnesses were required if no evidence or confession supported a criminal charge.)

(In this case, the murderers were half-brothers of their victim and sought his share of the family fortune. Supporting evidence was found on their persons, if I recall correctly. The King convened court immediately, the suspects were convicted, and he had them put to death by drowning. Their victim's body was discovered floating downstream the next day.)

The leader who delivered better justice could not only claim superior legitimacy but also gained a stronger hold upon the hearts of the people. But Pakistani leaders strike me as akin to the heads of the British East India Company, more interested in exploitation for their own ends while letting the rabble shift for themselves. The Company let hundreds of thousands of Indians starve in famines; if it wasn't for foreign aid after the 2005 earthquake and 2010 floods many Pakistanis would have met a similar fate, for foreign diplomats and fund-raisers were shocked to discover that Pakistan's elite donated little or nothing to relief themselves: link
what you are mentioning is true but that was how the empires operate.

that said in the normal times the Brits were always fair in their justice (yes they took a grim view of insurgents but that is an exception).

justice is one of the keys to the success of the west there are many more but one thing people of the old British Raj remember was that the white man (called Gora in local language) was legendary in dispensing justice hence only about 2000 British were able to rule us for a century
it should be stopped ,,....we need to bring them closure ,not scare them away
Really? Can Christians eat pork in Pakistan? Restaurants in Delhi sell beef, in Kerala they sell beef. Does one restaurant or market in Pakistan has the balls to sell pork?

Minority abuse was what made bangladesh a separate country. India is pathetic in its attitude towards linguist and ethnic minorities, but Pakistan is downright disgusting.

We hunt that pest and then sell it to ones who consume it :enjoy:. Don't know what made you so sympathetic about pork but we have hunting grounds in Pakistan :D
...one thing people of the old British Raj remember was that the white man (called Gora in local language) was legendary in dispensing justice hence only about 2000 British were able to rule us for a century
Amazing that colonial justice is seen as an improvement over the current system.

Did you know, there seems to be an intimate connection between the British justice system in India and militant Islam in Pakistan today? Colonial judges were of the opinion that while it was possible to compel by oath Arabs to not lie in the courtroom Indians would lie in court under oath to provide an alibi to a relative, "even a tenth cousin". So they encouraged, flattered, and even paid for Arabs to send mullahs to India, speculating that this would lead to improved public morals and rights for women. But what the Brits missed, imo, was that the Arabs have fear of Allah while Indians (and Pakistanis) don't; and it was that fear of Allah that compelled Arabs not to lie in court while under oath. So heightened religious education only meant an increase in I'm-better-than-you-because-I-know-more-about-Islam bigotry rather than the desired moral improvement.
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