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Muslim youth in India dissociate from terror: Sufi cleric

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I asked you a question which you seems to be conveniently ignoring..I ask again

must have missed out ...

To all Muslims the duty of establishing a Muslim social and economic structure is of utmost priority.
If Muslims are out numbered they should migrate,

now for some other comments about Pakistani and other muslims getting European and other nationalities.
If they are doing this for economic purposes , and value their financial and social well being more than their duty
towards Islam,
than it is non Islamic.

In the words of quran Surah Al-Tawba
Say: If your fathers, and your sons, and your brethren, and your wives, and your tribe, and the wealth ye have acquired, and merchandise for which ye fear that there will be no sale, and dwellings ye desire are dearer to you than Allah and His messenger and striving in His way: then wait till Allah bringeth His command to pass. Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk. (24)
no !
it is 150 million fools who think they are muslims because they have muslims names.
they know that they serve a non muslim regime; but still pretend that they are msulim.
they are the worst scum of earth.

So you mean all Muslims in non Muslim countries are "the worst scum of earth"?

What do you think is the solution?
must have missed out ...

To all Muslims the duty of establishing a Muslim social and economic structure is of utmost priority.
If Muslims are out numbered they should migrate,

now for some other comments about Pakistani and other muslims getting European and other nationalities.
If they are doing this for economic purposes , and value their financial and social well being more than their duty
towards Islam,
than it is non Islamic.

In the words of quran (not exact ) " If your brother, sisters, your parents , your wealth and your business come more dear to you than Islam, than go and wait for your turn to come on the day of judgement "

ALL of them are in no muslims countries for wealth. RazPak this guys is calling you nonIslamic. LOL.
I wish you guys never migrated then you would not have been able to spread.
must have missed out ...

To all Muslims the duty of establishing a Muslim social and economic structure is of utmost priority.
If Muslims are out numbered they should migrate,

So what about all the Muslims who are migrating to the kaffir West?

What are they?
So what about all the Muslims who are migrating to the kaffir West?

What are they?
even islamic saudi doesnt care for this third world muslim from pak. having a pak passport is the worst in the world.. dont know what he is crowing about being muslim and islam

cant you read the whole post ?
do you or your parents put money in a bank?
if so do you get intreest on it?
even islamic saudi doesnt care for this third world muslim from pak. having a pak passport is the worst in the world.. dont know what he is crowing about being muslim and islam

do you or your parents put money in a bank?
if so do you get intreest on it?

Sure we do, Here in a Muslims countries we have what is called a current account.
Never take any interest, we put 100 we take 100.

I read the "whole post"! There was nothing spectacular. ;)

BTW, Saudis and Arabs treat Pakistanis like slaves. The kaffirs treat them far better.

Saudis have nothing to do here, they are responsible for what they do and we are responsible for what we do.
I am in Saudi for some time now, and I am treated very very well.
There are many many Hindus here too, and are treated well.

what are you talking about ?
Pakistanis in this thread are just unhappy that the theory that created their nation has been proven to be B.S. :lol:

Funny how you would say that; after all it was our ancestors which gave birth to yours :lol:
Sure we do, Here in a Muslims countries we have what is called a current account.
Never take any interest, we put 100 we take 100.
thats pretty stupid.. but anyways.....
do you have money in a pak bank and if so do you get any interest..
I am working on uplifting my country from outside.
I work, study, send money to family and various charities for the poor.
Don't be jealous Indian.
I hope to go back to my Pakistan.
According to Salman108's interpretation of Islam, you are still "Shirk". You value your country, money, education and your family more over Allah and His ways.
According to Salman108's interpretation of Islam, you are still "Shirk". You value your country, money, education and your family more over Allah and His ways.

Actually that is so. God is supreme in Islam; shirk is associating or giving power to anything other than him. Hence, valuing money etc over God is basically shirk; another term for that is Money worship.
Funny how you would say that; after all it was our ancestors which gave birth to yours :lol:
You do know that there is History beyond 1000 AD? Ever heard about Ashoka the Great (304-232 BC)?
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