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Muslim youth in India dissociate from terror: Sufi cleric

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removing the unrelated parts. they moved on the name of religon and religon did not had enough force to keep them together. they again got separated in 71 and continue to kill one another.

Its not some muslims cannot live with hindus those kinda muslims cannot live even with muslims.

Again, incorrect.
Bangladesh is a Muslims country as is Pakistan.
The two nation theory still holds true, There is a Hindu nation and a Muslims nation.

so why dont you migrate to saudi and live by shariah and stop going to other countries to spread this rabid disease

Can't you see my flags ?
and be careful when you reply too fast.
you are referring to a religion as rabid disease ... is that what people who call them selves muslims told you ? or is your own discovery ?

Slight correction here. Hindus dont believe Idols are Gods. On the contrary, Hindus believe that idols are a manifestation of the ONE supreme being - Brahman. Idols are simply a way to represent that ONE Brahman in a way that different people with different cultures and traditions etc can relate and pray to.

Why should the religious law supersede the common law? Religious laws have been rigid and havent changed through time. So why should anyone follow those obsolete laws in a time when the world is changing rapidly?

What "Migration" you be talking about? Do you even know what migration means?

With all the "Good Muslims" having left India for Pakistan, why is Pakistan's condition so bad today? And why Indian Muslims are better off than Pakistanis? Says a lot about your ideologies and priorities, no?

This is precisely the point that started the debate.
For a muslims establishment of shariah ( religious law) is supreme to any thing else.
all laws pertaining to economy, civil affairs etc etc etc have to be made subject to the supreme religious law.
Too many to reply, so I will just post in general.

1. Muslims of subcontinent had a choice. In the name of religion move to pakistan.
some people sacrificed and moved to Pakistan, some people thought their money and business was more important, so they stayed in hindu-stan.

Do you still remember G M Syed's and Sindhi Nationalist comment on people who migrated(Hijrat) to Karachi. So don't pretend to be something which you aren't. Pakistan is like an open book and everyone can read that.
I was reading each and every Pakistani’s comment … Now I can proudly say that I am always correct about them….Some time my heart was feeling bad by saying all those, but they again proved me correct…Hey Love you guys…JUST CARRY ON.
Again, incorrect.
Bangladesh is a Muslims country as is Pakistan.
The two nation theory still holds true, There is a Hindu nation and a Muslims nation.
Wrong. Bangladesh is a democratic republic with a Muslim majority. It is NOT a Muslim State. Big Difference, dude. The "grandeur" of Two Nation theory has been proved to be extremely flawed. You are ignorant.

This is precisely the point that started the debate.
For a muslims establishment of shariah ( religious law) is supreme to any thing else.
all laws pertaining to economy, civil affairs etc etc etc have to be made subject to the supreme religious law.
That is according to the religious view point. Practically and logically, Shariah is not applicable. Anywhere. It simply cannot sustain the present day demands of the population, unless you want them and their aspirations to be suppressed violently.
Wrong. Bangladesh is a democratic republic with a Muslim majority. It is NOT a Muslim State. Big Difference, dude. The "grandeur" of Two Nation theory has been proved to be extremely flawed. You are very ignorant, not to mention unwilling to learn.

That is according to the religious view point. Practically and logically, Sharia is not applicable. It simply cannot sustain the present day demands of the population, unless you want them and their aspirations to be suppressed violently.

I'd say you are naive !
Ask the Bangldeshis ; I was surprised they are more hostile towards India than us !
They call them selves a Muslims country and all of them behave like it is a muslims country,

For you maybe Shariah is not applicable, for me it is the only thing which is applicable.
you make your country I will make mine.
Too many to reply, so I will just post in general.

1. Muslims of subcontinent had a choice. In the name of religion move to pakistan.
some people sacrificed and moved to Pakistan, some people thought their money and business was more important, so they stayed in hindu-stan.

Today, Pakistan may not be the shining example we wished it would be. There is no doubt in that.
however we are in the process, and at least trying to achieve our objectives.

A shining example ? Sir; its not even close. When i look at Pakistan, i see a nation at war with itself. Vast majority of your population insists on their ethnic and regional superiority over others. A Muslim country ? No sir, it is not. A country where shia and Sunni jump at each others throats , a country where the worth of a Muslim is determined by his skin color, a country where mohajirs who sacrificed everything, still continue to be looked through suspicious eyes, a country where minorities are not afforded the least bit of self respect; no sir, it is not a Muslim country. It is a hypocrisy. India may be a better "Muslim country" in comparison.

I am an Indian and a Muslim. I have faith in my people. For us the sun of freedom has already risen; with national growth many have chosen to reform themselves. The free Indian nation will continue to rise and ALL Indians will continue to take pride in it. Hindu, Muslim, Christian....or even a goddamn wiccan.
Two nation theory failed badly...

There are 180 million Muslims in Pakistan , 150 million in India and similar amount in Bangladesh ..

Two nation theory didn't give a nation to all the Muslims but it further divided them .
Prime example is formation of Bangladesh .. Even though they were Muslims they carved out a Muslim nation from a Muslim nation
I'd say you are naive !
Ask the Bangldeshis ; I was surprised they are more hostile towards India than us !

Do you understand the difference between an Islamic State and a Democratic Republic with a Muslim majority?
Can't you see my flags ?
and be careful when you reply too fast.
you are referring to a religion as rabid disease ... is that what people who call them selves muslims told you ? or is your own discovery ?
the day your left flag becomes SA talk...
Too many to reply, so I will just post in general.

1. Muslims of subcontinent had a choice. In the name of religion move to pakistan.
some people sacrificed and moved to Pakistan, some people thought their money and business was more important, so they stayed in hindu-stan.

Wrong .. My grandparents had no land/property .
They didn't migrate coz they were poor and couldn't afford transport
The same is the reason why many Muslims didn't migrate ..

And my point is proved by high number of Muslims located in underdeveloped states like UP and Bihar .

Lol .. I thank my grandparents now that they didn't migrate :P
Again, incorrect.
Bangladesh is a Muslims country as is Pakistan.
The two nation theory still holds true, There is a Hindu nation and a Muslims nation.

This is precisely the point that started the debate.
For a muslims establishment of shariah ( religious law) is supreme to any thing else.

all laws pertaining to economy, civil affairs etc etc etc have to be made subject to the supreme religious law.

first , BD is a secular country today.
Second shariah is not supreme to anything else. first decide whether its five pillars or establishing shariah?
if you consider eveyone to be your enemy, why should other s consider to be your friend. then why dont you join LeT or some org like that. better still ensure that you kids join it.
Religious law cannot talk about economy, civil affairs or anything.. how will you define cyber laws through religion? simply dont spread a negative perception about islam and muslims.
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