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Muslim techie beaten to death in Pune, 7 men of Hindu outfit held

I saw that FB page which caused the fury amongst people and it was denigrating beyond imagination. Well, this does'nt anyway justify mob justice. The point I am trying to make to all friends from other side of border is no violence is reported after that FB post. Had something similar happened to a figure you adore/ worship (insulting/ denigrating) of 10% scale than this, I can image the response from you people.
I was being sarcastic of your statements. The man was really immature to have posted bad stuff about a figure who is revered by Marathi people and the Hindus in general.

I ask you again, what will you do with a guy who posts inflammatory pics or posts about your prophets in Pakistan?

You will get your answer.

Simply put, it was a foolish step unnecessarily to post such inflammatory things.

Wtf? Still doesn't mean he deserved to be killed like that.
The poor guy was killed for just looking a "Muslim", he had no connection to any of this. However I find your attitude troubling, even if anyone was involved in saying stuff about Sivaji or anyone else, are you suggestion that it ok for anyone to kill him/her? For that? Do you understand how closely your argument sounds to those made by terrorists as justification? You are the one being silly here. The first case had nothing to do with the religion, the second was primarily & only about that. The chap was killed for being & looking a Muslim and for no other reason. How then does it not becoome news? And why are you indulging in the standard obfuscation that extremist nutters use? Makes as much sense as many Muslims claiming conspiracy, don't see you buying those arguments.

Think about it; lakhs of muslims in India wear skullcaps and sport beards.

Why was this one man only killed for 'looking muslim'?

Come on man, you are a senior member and have had excellent discussions here. You would know better than this.

How can you believe just one side of the report? One half it says that he posted stuff that offended marathi Hindus, and the other side it says that he didn't do anything.

As a neutral reader, I think you and I both should be leaving this matter in the hands of the law.

Wtf? Still doesn't mean he deserved to be killed like that.

That is true. But it has happened and you cannot blame a few guys. The report also says that this Hindu group didn't kill them.

So we have to wait for the investigation to come up.

You know how easily the news traders come up with statements to keep their readership up.
I repeat here. I am not sure if the FB page in question is still available. But the morphed pictures of Great Shivaji were denigrating beyond extreme. Look, there is not violence/ riots/ genocide even after this hateful incident.

To sum up, feel sad that this guy was lynched to death just for his looks (or even if he is culprit, should have been left to police)
Wtf? Still doesn't mean he deserved to be killed like that.

The report also says that the ones accused of killing didn't do it with their group leader saying that they didn't.

Can you pass a judgement as a reader? I can't.

I cannot even say that the inflammatory pic that was circulated was there or not. But the source says that it was circulated through whatsapp.

What I am saying is:

1- the man, if at all had posted derogatory stuff, was foolish and wrong to do.

2- killing doesn't justify this, no it doesn't. But the death happened due to beating him up rather than simply a gunfight or something.

3- The group in this report, claims that they haven't killed. So it is ambiguous there.

Which simply means that any random politically motivated group of guys could put up tilaks and wear saffron bandannas and go and kill him to make the ruling government (if they are that crazy) look bad.

You are grossly mistaken and judgemental.

Chor ko sare chor nazar aate hain. Check out the status of minorities in Pakistan. You'll see why they are so over the edge all the time.
This deplorable. Equally deplorable if

he was completely innocent


he was the one who posted offensive material

Does not matter. I HATE IT when people think their offended feelings justify violence. Thats just uncivilised. Even the most ardent kattar Hindutvadadi should think long and hard about this, THAT THIS MAKES THEM LOOK LIKE THE RAMPAGING MUSLIM MOBS WHO GO BERSERK FOR SUCH EQUALLY FLIMSY SUPERSTITIOUS MATTERS. Do you wanna be like THEM now???

I'm glad police however have made arrests and these people will face the law. Atleast there we stand apart from failed states.

I repeat here. I am not sure if the FB page in question is still available. But the morphed pictures of Great Shivaji were denigrating beyond extreme. Look, there is not violence/ riots/ genocide even after this hateful incident.
To sum up, feel sad that this guy was lynched to death just for his looks (or even if he is culprit, should have been left to police)

Could you describe what was in the pictures?
RIP to poor man.
But he must know one fact that hindu hardliners will not tolerate a criticism against Bal Thackrey
.We know the dificulties faced by two girls for some post in fb about thackrey early this year.
For one who criticising Modi he cant do nothing about it.And relation between BJP and shiva sena is not that good
ISI kidr se aa gai ISI na un hinduo ka bola ka maro isko ajeeb ho yaar tum to apni gulti maan be lea kro
It is because a true Hindu can not do such thing. So they are not Hindus. They must be paid by foreign intelligence agency. A true Hindu can not do this.

a true hindu can murder 1000 of muslims in gujrat ??
That is a propaganda created by muslims/ terrorists in order to malign the name of India in general and Hinduism in particular. A true Hindu can not do that kind of thing. Hinduism means peace. They are non state actors.
Think about it; lakhs of muslims in India wear skullcaps and sport beards.

Why was this one man only killed for 'looking muslim'?

Come on man, you are a senior member and have had excellent discussions here. You would know better than this.

How can you believe just one side of the report? One half it says that he posted stuff that offended marathi Hindus, and the other side it says that he didn't do anything.

As a neutral reader, I think you and I both should be leaving this matter in the hands of the law

it has to be left to the law but unless we hear a completely different story, this does seem to be the truth (for now, can stand corrected if it turns out different). Your argument did not assume a different story which was why I disagreed with you. This man was killed during an agitation & unless we know different, he was simply collateral damage in as much as a he was a "Muslim" in the wrong place, at the wrong time. I think you need to be fair & you should be that regardless of your political/religious inclination. I'm happy to be convinced that this was not a case of right wing Hindu extremist nutters gone amok, if there is evidence to that effect. As of now, the law, which as you said is the deciding authority, has arrested 7 persons of that persuasion. Until we have other evidence, that is what we should go by.
so u r justifying the murder of an innocent muslim guy??

300 million so you are saying america and Russia are muslim countries ?? they are killing innocent around the world
No no no. you did not get this. What we want to say that they are not true hindus. A true Hindu can not do such thing. Hinduism means peace. It is a fake news or propaganda circulated by non-hindus in order to malign the name of hindus and India.
3- The group in this report, claims that they haven't killed. So it is ambiguous there.

Yup...the LeT claims likewise........

Let's not go by what the scumbags say, their very presence is abnoxious. They are not chaps following non-violence as their organisation's motto.
Yup...the LeT claims likewise........

Let's not go by what the scumbags say, their very presence is abnoxious. They are not chaps following non-violence as their organisation's motto.

Again, you are calling them scumbags just because they are a Hindu group.

Why this bias?

When the police has not passed the judgement, the law has not taken course, then why call them scumbags?

Is this not bias? :)
Again, you are calling them scumbags just because they are a Hindu group.

Why this bias?

When the police has not passed the judgement, the law has not taken course, then why call them scumbags?

Is this not bias? :)

Err....do you see me mollycoddling any extremist group? I'm as consistent in these matters as can be..... The law will decide whther or not they are criminals, they being scumbags is pretty clear to me. Btw, are you waiting for the law to say something about guys like Owaisi or do you join me as thinking of them in the same manner?
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