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Muslim students asked 'Do you beat your wife?' by Oklahoma lawmaker


Sep 20, 2014
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Muslim students visiting an Oklahoma lawmaker's office in the state capitol were required to fill out a form that asked if they beat their wives and other questions that offended them, an Islamic advocacy group said.

The two-page form from Republican state Representative John Bennett's office, which was shared by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), also asked whether they believed an adherent to Islam should be punished for leaving the faith and if Muslims should rule over non-Muslims.

A staff member at Bennett's handed the form to Muslim students who visited his office on Thursday seeking to meet with him, said Adam Soltani, the executive director of the Oklahoma chapter of CAIR. It was presented as a requirement before they could meet Bennett, Soltani said.

The students were at the capitol in Oklahoma City for an annual Muslim Day event organized by CAIR to introduce members of the community to their state lawmakers and encourage democratic engagement, Soltani said by phone on Saturday.

Bennett confirmed to the Tulsa World newspaper in an email that three Muslim students visiting his office on Thursday as part of Muslim Day activities at the state capitol were handed tracts that, among other things, asked "Do you beat your wife?"

The lawmaker said that Islamic law and the Koran permit Muslims to beat their wives, though "this certainly does not mean that all Muslim men beat their wives," he wrote in the email, according to the newspaper.

Bennett and the state Republican party did not respond to repeated requests for comment.

The students who visited the office of the former U.S. Marine were told he was away and they never did talk to the lawmaker, Soltani said.

"What's most inflammatory is the questions itself, the fact that Muslims have to pass a religious test in order to see a representative of our state, surely he does not do this to Christian constituents or Jewish constituents," Soltani said.

This is not the first time Bennett has faced criticism for his statements against Islam.

In a speech in 2014, the lawmaker said he had read the Koran and the Prophet Mohammad's sayings and that "90 percent of it is violence."

He acknowledged facing rebukes over his positions on the religion and being called an Islamophobe.

"If I'm an Islamophobe speaking the truth about Islam then you're absolutely right," he said at the speech, according to video from the Tulsa World newspaper.

The heading on the questionnaire said it was from an Oklahoma chapter of ACT for America, a national organization which the Southern Poverty Law Center calls the largest grassroots anti-Muslim group in the United States.

A representative for the Oklahoma chapter of the group did not return an email seeking comment.

(Reporting by Alex Dobuzinskis in Los Angeles; Editing by Frank McGurty and Mary Milliken)

Problem with translation of the arabic text to English by people who are not natives of both tongues leads to problems.
In the translation one can read you can beat your wife. Now scholars will tell you its meaning. The beating mean to use a miswak (toothbrush). Intention is not to hurt but to shame.
Westenrrabhave always been a bit silly.
Example Arabs father's even today refer to their kids as baba. Doesn't mean the kid is the father it's a term of endearment. When aramaic i.e. the language of the original bible was seen by the westerners they took it literally that Jesus was the son of God (astagfarallah)
Damn I can never meet US Politicians anymore because I beat my wife once before breakfast, after lunch, and before dinner on weekdays, on sunday I throw in a beating before super too.
Damn I can never meet US Politicians anymore because I beat my wife once before breakfast, after lunch, and before dinner on weekdays, on sunday I throw in a beating before super too.
Have all the fun while you are young. The beating impulse reduces with age. The Beataline count, the hormone responsible for beating, will decrease as you grow older.
Have all the fun while you are young. The beating impulse reduces with age. The Beataline count, the hormone responsible for beating, will decrease as you grow older.

here comes a philosopher, at what age your hormones died? tell me so I can look forward to beating free life
Nothing wrong in asking, such questions are asked because in majority of such cases these things happen.
Domestic violence seems to cross all boundaries, these red neck hicks are known to be wife beaters among many other things.
Disgusting. That's all I can say.

There are some real lunatics out there. A few even hold office.
It is allowed in kuran to beat wife. Right? I read somewhere there is law in pakistan which allows soft beating of wife. Is it true?
Why are all the Pakistanis trying to show sarcasm here.

This is what is allowed in Islam as per Pakistanis:

Pakistani husbands can ‘lightly beat’ their wives, Islamic council says

First of all, this news about the US and its Muslims, not Pakistan. Don't derail the discussion.

Secondly, that proposal was never passed in Pakistan, it was just a request from one group. Per Pakistan, the suggestion from this group was never enacted.

And while I don't like this group, this is what the article says:

If all else fails, he added, “hit her with light things like handkerchief, a hat or a turban, but do not hit her on the face or private parts.

Believe it or not, hitting someone with a handkerchief, a hat, or a turban generally won't land you in jail here in the US.
Firstly, I will say this, Domestic Violence is a crime under the laws of Pakistan and no one will condemn DV more than me.

That said, if I had to fill out the form I would write; "regularly, since she read Fifty Shades of Grey". Might as well make the jackass uncomfortable, since I doubt his balls have dropped.
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