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Muslim Rights Group Demands Hilton Stop Building Hotel on Site of Demolished Mosque in China’s Xinjiang


Aug 26, 2010
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Muslim Rights Group Demands Hilton Stop Building Hotel on Site of Demolished Mosque in China’s Xinjiang
The Council on American-Islamic Relations says it is unacceptable for a U.S. company to build a hotel in a location of an ongoing genocide.

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The largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy group in the United States has called on the Hilton hospitality company to halt the construction of a hotel on the site of a destroyed Uyghur mosque in northwestern China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR).
Recent reporting by the UK newspaper the The Daily Telegraph revealed that Chinese authorities had torn down the mosque in the city of Hotan (in Chinese, Hetian) and were planning to replace it with a large shopping center, including a Hampton, a hotel brand owned by Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc.
Huan Peng Hotel Management Company, Ltd. told the newspaper that the land on which the hotel is being built was purchased at a public auction by a local landowner in 2019. The Chinese company signed a contract with him in August 2020 to develop a Hampton hotel.
RFA’s Uyghur service confirmed that the destroyed mosque was the Duling mosque in central Hotan, a city of 409,000 people in southwestern Xinjiang.
On June 15, Edward Ahmed Mitchell, national deputy director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), wrote a letter to Christopher Nassetta, chief executive officer of Virginia-based Hilton Worldwide, calling on the company to “stand on the right side of history by announcing that Hilton will be canceling this project and ceasing all operations in the Uyghur region of China until its government ends its persecution of millions of innocent people.”
In a telephone interview with RFA, Mitchell said that opening a hotel in a place where a genocide is occurring is immoral and illegal.
The U.S. State Department in January designated abuses in the region were part of a campaign of genocide. The parliaments of Belgium, the Czech Republic, Canada, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Lithuania have passed motions determining that China’s policies in the XUAR constitute genocide.
Authorities in the XUAR are believed to have held up to 1.8 million Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities in a vast network of internment camps since early 2017. China says they are vocational training centers to combat radicalism and prepare young Uyghurs for employment and it stridently rejects genocide accusations.
“Hilton has got to do the right thing, they have got to cancel this project, Mitchell said. “If they continue with the project, they are being complicit in a genocide. Simple as that.”
Contacted by RFA’s Uyghur Service, a spokesperson for the hotel chain, who declined to be identified by name, said: “We are aware of the controversy, but I’m not able to give you a statement at this time.”
The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), in a written statement to RFA’s Uyghur Service on June 16, said U.S. companies, including Hilton, need to increase their awareness of the ongoing crackdown and atrocities committed against Uyghurs and other Muslims in the XUAR.
USCIRF vice chairman Nury Turkel told RFA in a phone interview that many American companies have yet to wake up to the crisis in the Uyghur region, and that the U.S. State Department is currently preparing a new business advisory for U.S. firms to follow.
“These companies [profiting from] ongoing genocide and crimes against humanity and these American companies who are sponsoring the Winter Olympics slated for next year are asleep,” he said, referring to the 2022 Winter Games which will be held in Beijing. “They have yet to wake up.”
“Just what will wake them up, perhaps law passed by Congress or the executive branch, is a very pressing matter,” Turkel said.
Hilton Worldwide already operates a Hampton hotel at Urumqi International Airport in the XUAR's capital, the Hilton Urumqi in the city center, and a Conrad hotel also in the city center that will open for business on Aug. 31.
Moving ahead with plans
In January, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) issued a Withhold Release Order (WRO) to detain all cotton products and tomatoes from the XUAR at the country’s ports of entry, saying that the agency had identified indicators of forced labor.
The move followed similar steps in 2020 against hair-product and garment producers in the XUAR.
Brenda Smith, CBP’s executive assistant commissioner for trade, told RFA’s Uyghur Service at the time that the WRO was “a message to the trade community that we expect them to do their due diligence around shipments coming from that region and that we will detain and ask questions if a shipment that falls under those parameters arrives in the U.S.”
Robert S. McCaw, CAIR’s government affairs director, said that Hilton will be helping to cover up a genocide if it does not stop the project. He also said that the U.S. government should investigate whether Hilton has violated the law.
“The U.S. government recognizes a campaign of genocide being carried out by the government of China, targeting Uyghur Muslims and other Turkic minorities in Xinjiang,” he said. “And yet, Hilton, a U.S.-based company is moving ahead with its plans to build on this desecrated mosque.”

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“It’s unconscionable, and Hilton Worldwide Holdings needs to immediately cancel its plans to build this hotel, because otherwise it would be profiting off the genocide of Uyghur Muslims,” McCaw said. “It would actually be helping cover up the genocide of Muslims in that region, by building over their history, their culture, and the fact that they lived in that region.”
As part of the process of wiping out Uyghur culture and religious identity, the Chinese state has destroyed or damaged about 16,000 of the more than 24,000 mosques in the XUAR mostly since 2017, according to a September 2020 report by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), a think tank.
Mitchell called on the U.S. Congress to pass the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, which aims to address the systematic use for Uyghur forced labor in the XUAR and ensure that U.S. companies are not complicit.
The legislation would change U.S. policy on the XUAR with the goal of ensuring that American entities are not funding forced labor among ethnic minorities in the region. The bill passed in the House of Representatives by a 406-3 vote in September 2020.
“If corporations are not going to do the right thing, then the American government must require them to do the right thing,” he said. “No one should be able — no American corporation should be able — to benefit from our country at the same time they are supporting a genocide in another country.”

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Congress is also considering passage of the Uyghur Human Rights Protection Act, which designates Uyghurs who are at risk of refoulement in multiple countries as priority refugees and allows them to apply to resettle in the U.S. The bill was introduced in April.

Muslim Rights Group Demands Hilton Stop Building Hotel on Site of Demolished Mosque in China’s Xinjiang
yup, freshly flushed with success of their mission to stop the demolition of an actual mosque, namely babri masjid and preventing the construction of ram mandir they have set their sights on China to save imaginary masaajid. bravo!
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yup, freshly flushed with success of their mission to stop the demolition of an actual mosque, namely babry masjid and preventing the construction of ram mandir they have set their sites on China to save imaginary masaajid. bravo!

the source is the issue we have many other independent sources

Thousands of Xinjiang mosques destroyed or damaged, report finds

American fake poster parotting American state run propaganda mouthpiece faking to be a Asian news outlet, echoing its own made up fake stories trough another American propaganda mouthpiece with a different name faking to be an American activist group, inventing fake controversies to obstruct the business investing into China, the same American shills are claiming are divesting away from China citing fake American de/moralization propagnada in the other hundreds threads citing hundred fake "independent" American fake "news sources" echoing the same American fake reports about China collapsing because they are all part of the same American fake disinfo network 🙄

Thats the same American state propaganda outlet that ran a campaign with other American state propaganda outlets to claim in big headlines that Muslims are somehow forced to celebrate Eid in China in an evil plot to make it look like Muslims are free to celebrate Eid in China and lied about Muslims in China having no culture of dancing and open celebrations, just to scramble for a story to distract from Israelis bombing the **** out people in Palestine at the same moment.
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a temporary but unfortunate fact of the muslim ummah is that some have that "heard of sheep" mindset where they are too numb and dumb to realize who is their true friend while their western white butchers lead them to the freedom of a slaughterhouse. Thankfully such muslims are few and far between and are primarily found in europe & america; yeah these are the same sheep who stand in a mosque and make ridiculous comments like "being gay is not haram, taking interest as it is today is not haram, drinking alcohol is not haram as long you don't get drunk, etc" and what have you...
That's a lie without any legitimacy in this source. Is it so stupid for Chinese to touch this issue and burn themselves?
It looks like they're using the same source where they got Pakistan and Turkey recruiting children as soldiers. What a rip-off
In order to contain China, I think the US and Western Europe have become mad dogs, and will bite anyone they like.
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the source is the issue we have many other independent sources

Thousands of Xinjiang mosques destroyed or damaged, report finds

less than 3.5 million Muslims in america...
Screenshot_20210704-164950_Samsung Internet.jpg

almost 80 million Muslims in China
Screenshot_20210704-165003_Samsung Internet.jpg

less than 1300 mosques in america...
Screenshot_20210704-165020_Samsung Internet.jpg

almost 20,000 mosques in China and increasing...
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Radio Free Asia sponsored by US intelligence vs US Corporate.

So it is yet another all US event, show and drama to demonize China using religion card instead of the pawn Uyghur race card.

Regular trolls in here like aziqbal instantly grabbed the opportunity and created a thread just for this end to promote disputr between members.

It is so obvious. :coffee:
less than 3.5 million Muslims in america...
View attachment 759442

almost 80 million Muslims in China
View attachment 759443

less than 1300 mosques in america...
View attachment 759444

almost 20,000 mosques in China and increasing...
View attachment 759445
Many religious places in Singapore including old Temples, Churches, Mosque or Surau were demolished during the early days in Singapore.
But they were given alternative sites.
But not before the presses, NGOs, oppositions, etc organised protests and even filed police reports, creating an air of tension and disharmony badmouthing the authorities.
in the end, the result is always the same. They get demolished. It is indeed illegal under the law of the land as the court ruled.
And I bet that is what happened in Xinjiang and elsewhere.

Many buildings were marked as illegal because as the owners have failed in their submission of proper documents or building plans to the authority hence they are illegal. If the land is an agricultural land, one cannot build a temple there.

It would be provocative and sensitive if one were to build a place of worship of another religion on the top on another.
it happened in one country.
Not commenting on the choice of location, but who was the retard who chose Hilton when where are way better ones....
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