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Muslim groups call for boycott of Hilton hotels over China mosque demolition

Uyghurs are free to leave China.

China is free to leave east Turkistan !
East Turkistan has been home to uighurs for all of history so if anyone has a issue China leaves it.
China should give autonomy to uighurs and let them rule them self how they want to that way their still part of China and Chinese citizens but they can rule east Turkistan islamically how they want
I don't understand. After the mosque is built, can't it be moved for any reason? For example, replacing old mosques with new ones and smaller ones with bigger ones.
I have a question. Are all mosques untouchable? Cities need to widen its streets and redesign its layout. This is very common thing. If mosques are untouchable, we don't want to build any mosque in any city. Because it would be definitely a big headache for future.

A mosque, by definition, is a piece of land that has been dedicated to the worship of Allah the Almighty till the Day of Judgement. Once dedicated, it cannot be moved. This is why, it is recommended not to build mosques in non-Muslim lands because there is no guarantee what will happen to them in the future. But if a non-Muslim government has taken control of areas where mosques are already built, they are expected to respect their sanctity. This is my understanding, but it is always best to contact a valid Mufti on such topics.
Unless it has special historic significance (hundreds of years old) I don't see any reason why they cannot be demolished. Mosque are not holy places, they are simply venues for Muslims to get together and pray. If it's later found there aren't enough mosque to house worshippers new ones can be built anytime.

You are completely incorrect. Don't peddle BS on topics you have no knowledge about.
A mosque, by definition, is a piece of land that has been dedicated to the worship of Allah the Almighty till the Day of Judgement. Once dedicated, it cannot be moved. This is why, it is recommended not to build mosques in non-Muslim lands because there is no guarantee what will happen to them in the future. But if a non-Muslim government has taken control of areas where mosques are already built, they are expected to respect their sanctity. This is my understanding, but it is always best to contact a valid Mufti on such topics.

You are completely incorrect. Don't peddle BS on topics you have no knowledge about.
If this opinion represents all Muslims, then we should not accept any Muslims. It's hard to imagine accepting a Muslim visit for a friendly purpose only to find that the area you live in becomes a Muslim area. In our mind, a mosque is no different from a movie theater or a bookstore. Muslims have a need for faith, and we build it for them.
If this opinion represents all Muslims, then we should not accept any Muslims. It's hard to imagine accepting a Muslim visit for a friendly purpose only to find that the area you live in becomes a Muslim area. In our mind, a mosque is no different from a movie theater or a bookstore. Muslims have a need for faith, and we build it for them.

The main point is not about visiting Muslims, the main point is about Uighyur lands that you have taken over which have already built mosques. And the fact that Muslims should be allowed to build as many mosques as they want in their own area. If you don't respect this, you will see trouble. This, I can promise you.
China is free to leave east Turkistan !
East Turkistan has been home to uighurs for all of history so if anyone has a issue China leaves it.
China should give autonomy to uighurs and let them rule them self how they want to that way their still part of China and Chinese citizens but they can rule east Turkistan islamically how they want
China will leave Xinjiang if only all non America Indians leave America. And you should leave Canada first.
The main point is not about visiting Muslims, the main point is about Uighyur lands that you have taken over which have already built mosques. And the fact that Muslims should be allowed to build as many mosques as they want in their own area. If you don't respect this, you will see trouble. This, I can promise you.
How can the Uighurs prove that they were the first people to arrive here? If the Uygurs take the land of other ethnic groups by force and build a mosque, does that mean the Uygurs have possession of the land forever?

The History of the Han people in Xinjiang is longer than the history of Islam as a whole. Both Turkic and Uyghur ethnic groups did not appear in Xinjiang until 500 AD. From 60 BC to 107 AD, the Han dynasty appointed 23 governors in Xinjiang and Central Asia.

Xinjiang was once ruled by the Xiongnu, Han, Tang, Turkic, Tubo, Mongol, Qing, ROC, PRC, and other governments. Only the PRC established Xinjiang as Uyghur Autonomous Region according to the Soviet ethnic theory. Around 1760, the Qing government massacred the Mongols in Xinjiang. From 1860 to 1945, Uighurs massacred Han And Hui Muslims, among other ethnic groups. Even so, by 1928, Uighurs accounted for less than 60 percent of Xinjiang's population, about 1.7 million. Most Uighurs live in the desert of southern Xinjiang because of years of war.

Uyghur terrorist groups refused to recognize themselves as Uyghur under the Tang Dynasty in order to split the country, and instead regarded the Turkic people who fought against them as their ancestors. It became East Turkestan with the support of the Soviet Union, and then slaughtered the Han, Hui, and other ethnic groups, using the proportion of the slaughtered ethnic groups as evidence to occupy Xinjiang. Why is there no problem with Hui, Tajik, Kazak, Dongxiang, Baoan, Tatar, Kirgiz, Salar, and other Muslims? Ask the People of Xinjiang what it means to "kill the Han, wipe out the Hui and drive out the Kazakhs"

Most Uyghur civilians have nothing to do with these terrorist groups. The Chinese government has not blamed the whole race like the United States, but it does not justify these terrorists on behalf of the Uyghur people nor are Uighurs claiming privileges on this basis. We are never afraid of trouble.
Hilton is usually my first preference among the most popular chain of 5 Star hotels but I am willing to boycott if that’s the case
Sir you are one of the unbiased person down here. A simple Question why you don't tell to boycott China?
A mosque, by definition, is a piece of land that has been dedicated to the worship of Allah the Almighty till the Day of Judgement. Once dedicated, it cannot be moved. This is why, it is recommended not to build mosques in non-Muslim lands because there is no guarantee what will happen to them in the future. But if a non-Muslim government has taken control of areas where mosques are already built, they are expected to respect their sanctity. This is my understanding, but it is always best to contact a valid Mufti on such topics.
The first time I hear such interpretation of mosque
How can the Uighurs prove that they were the first people to arrive here? If the Uygurs take the land of other ethnic groups by force and build a mosque, does that mean the Uygurs have possession of the land forever?

The History of the Han people in Xinjiang is longer than the history of Islam as a whole. Both Turkic and Uyghur ethnic groups did not appear in Xinjiang until 500 AD. From 60 BC to 107 AD, the Han dynasty appointed 23 governors in Xinjiang and Central Asia.

Xinjiang was once ruled by the Xiongnu, Han, Tang, Turkic, Tubo, Mongol, Qing, ROC, PRC, and other governments. Only the PRC established Xinjiang as Uyghur Autonomous Region according to the Soviet ethnic theory. Around 1760, the Qing government massacred the Mongols in Xinjiang. From 1860 to 1945, Uighurs massacred Han And Hui Muslims, among other ethnic groups. Even so, by 1928, Uighurs accounted for less than 60 percent of Xinjiang's population, about 1.7 million. Most Uighurs live in the desert of southern Xinjiang because of years of war.

Uyghur terrorist groups refused to recognize themselves as Uyghur under the Tang Dynasty in order to split the country, and instead regarded the Turkic people who fought against them as their ancestors. It became East Turkestan with the support of the Soviet Union, and then slaughtered the Han, Hui, and other ethnic groups, using the proportion of the slaughtered ethnic groups as evidence to occupy Xinjiang. Why is there no problem with Hui, Tajik, Kazak, Dongxiang, Baoan, Tatar, Kirgiz, Salar, and other Muslims? Ask the People of Xinjiang what it means to "kill the Han, wipe out the Hui and drive out the Kazakhs"

Most Uyghur civilians have nothing to do with these terrorist groups. The Chinese government has not blamed the whole race like the United States, but it does not justify these terrorists on behalf of the Uyghur people nor are Uighurs claiming privileges on this basis. We are never afraid of trouble.

I have not encouraged terrorism, separatism, or tried to justify them in any way. I stand strongly with One China and will always back you as our friends and allies in your quest for sovereignty. The present discussion is not about your sovereignty, it is about the fundamental human rights of Uighyurs, one of which is religious freedom, which includes respecting the sanctity of mosques. Let's not derail this present discussion.
The first time I hear such interpretation of mosque

Is this not the common interpretation of Mosque? So is a person or city build a mosque, and it becometoo small, old etc.Can the people build another mosque in the vicinity and demolish an old one?

Of course there are special landmark mosques. But it just does not make sense to treat every mosque like it’s the mosques of Mecca or Medina.
Is this not the common interpretation of Mosque? So is a person or city build a mosque, and it becometoo small, old etc.Can the people build another mosque in the vicinity and demolish an old one?

Of course there are special landmark mosques. But it just does not make sense to treat every mosque like it’s the mosques of Mecca or Medina.

Have you actually talked with a valid Mufti about the meaning of mosque?
I have not encouraged terrorism, separatism, or tried to justify them in any way. I stand strongly with One China and will always back you as our friends and allies in your quest for sovereignty. The present discussion is not about your sovereignty, it is about the fundamental human rights of Uighyurs, one of which is religious freedom, which includes respecting the sanctity of mosques. Let's not derail this present discussion.

1. The number of mosques in Xinjiang exceeds the total number of mosques in the USA&Europe.

2. China's urban construction needs overall planning. For example, Tex City, Xinjiang (see the picture).

3. The Chinese govt does not mind building more mosques, but if mosques can only be built and can not be demolished, they can not even replace the old mosques with new mosques. Then their attitude will certainly change. Because this will lead to the destruction of the future planning of the city.

4. If it is the Uygur Autonomous Region Government and Uygur civil servants, can they demolish these old mosque?

1. The number of mosques in Xinjiang exceeds the total number of mosques in the USA&Europe.

2. China's urban construction needs overall planning. For example, Tex City, Xinjiang (see the picture).

3. The Chinese govt does not mind building more mosques, but if mosques can only be built and can not be demolished, they can not even replace the old mosques with new mosques. Then their attitude will certainly change. Because this will lead to the destruction of the future planning of the city.

4. If it is the Uygur Autonomous Region Government and Uygur civil servants, can they demolish these old mosque?

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So here is an event from Islamic history that I have read about. The Muslim Caliph Haroon ur Rasheed said to his wife "Get out of my kingdom by nightfall otherwise I divorce you three times". The matter was brought in front of a Muslim scholar who told the wife to spend the night inside a mosque, because mosques do not fall under the purview of the Caliph's kingdom. The Caliph's rule does not extend over mosques.

If your urban planners set out to preserve mosques, they will definitely find a way. To every problem there is a solution. In today's era of AI, you can give the problem to a deep learning algorithm with the constraints that the position and size of the mosques must not change. See what plan it comes up with. There are so many ways to solve the problem!
You are completely incorrect. Don't peddle BS on topics you have no knowledge about.

I agree with @Maira La. Even though I am not a praying person I do know that unlike in Hinduism a mosque is not a House of God. It is a gathering place that can also be used for weddings ( the ideal simplest type ), as housing for travelers and other purposes. Calling it a House of God will make the mosque a place of idolatry.

Even in Saudia they demolish old mosques which come in way of various things.

Please make note that I am not in this thread to support the Chinese but just happened to pass by.
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I agree with @Maira La. Even though I am not a praying person I do know that unlike in Hinduism a mosque is not a House of God. It is a gathering place can also be used for weddings ( the ideal simplest type ), as housing for travelers and other purposes. Calling it a House of God will make the mosque a place of idolatry.

Even in Saudia they demolish old mosques which come in way of various things.

Please make note that I am not in this thread to support the Chinese but just happened to pass by.

Your knowledge on Islam is lacking in that case. I will make this easy for you. You have Darul Uloom Deoband right in your own country. How about you obtain a fatwa from them? Neither you are a scholar of Islam, nor am I. We should not be arguing on this based on limited knowledge. How about you contact the highest calibre of scholars that are present in your own country? You can quote this entire thread if you like. Or quote my post above about Haroon ur Rasheed. See what they have to say about it.
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