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Muslim Punjabi Tribes and their origins

Bhutto are not arain, they are Rajasthani rajput who migrated to Sindh couple of centuries ago and were granted jagir by Mughals.

Do you have source? Bhutto word comes from Bhutta not Bhatti as in Sindhi words ending in -a become -o. For example Larkana is called 'Larkano'. Bhutto are thought to be related to the Bhutta Arains of Southern Punjab. Many of them are Seraiki nationalists.


I have noticed that there is a very much interest of many members to discuss about Punjabi muslims so why not lets list and discuss Muslim Punjabi Tribes and their origins.

Arrains: Almost all of them are sunnis and they claim their descent from Syrian soldiers who migrated with Mohd. Bin Qassim from a town in Syria called Areeha ( in english "Jericho" ). Areeha was considered military district of Shaam region. It can be an exaggeration to their claim but one has to look into the research done about them. i read at wikipedia that there some people who think Arain are sub caste of rajputs but I think it is nonsense & some says that arains are persian origin race and Kambojahs are there closest cousins in this regard but again i dont know any kaamboj so i dont know their habits.

1. B blood group is common among them.
2. Most of them are sunnis muslims
3. Most of them live in Punjab and many of them are also living in Sindh
4. Mian, Chaudhry, Bhutta & Meher are common titles found among them
5. They dont have any sub tribes and castes.
6. They are small Landowners. Mostly grow vegetables ( in jokes people always talk about arrains and onions ) The place i mentioned in the introduction from where they originated it is called Areha in arabic and in English its called Jericho. I found out that the people there r into farming so may b there is a clue but then i can be wrong because many people in India are also into agri business too.
7. they are also famous to be in angry mood. ( an old sikh lady told me that Arain badday daadaay honday ne & when i told her that i am an Arrain she was like speechless and said pehle kyun nai dasyea ) i was laughing too.
8. They try not to marry into other tribes or castes but this is a trend of every tribe in Punjab or may i gues everywhere especially in muslim world. ( once a Syed Gillani girl told me that they tend to marry in Pathans and Rajputs and they see others including arrain as a low tribe)

This is what i have found so far please enlighten me with your knowledge of all other Tribes. It will be better if you tell some traits of the tribes as well thank you :)

Actually, they traditionally claimed descent from Rai Jaj of Lahore and Raja Bhutta of Multan/Uch Sharif regions not Arabs.
This is only recently made due to them being apart from Awans, the only muslim exclusive tribe in Punjab.
It is kind of like Jatts (both Sikh and Muslim) and Scythian descent claims, although most Jatts traditionally didnt use to claim Scythian descent but it has only recently became popular. However, Jatts are indeed somewhat 'steppe' shifted as recent genetic tests have found out and Arains are also somewhat 'West-shifted'. From Eurasia K9 calculator

Punjabi Arain 1/Faisalabad

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Caucausus_Hunter_Gatherer 50.77
2 Ancestral_South_Indian 12.09
3 SW_Asian 9.59
4 SE_Asian 9.15
5 Early_Neolithic_Farmers 6.42
6 Eastern_Hunter_Gatherer 6.36
7 WHG 4.24
8 W_African 1.08
9 Siberian_E_Asian 0.28

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Pathan 8.39
2 Pashtun_Afghan 9.42
3 Burusho 9.77
4 Punjabi 10.08
5 Balochi 11.77
6 Makrani 13.04
7 Brahui 13.14
8 Kurd_SE 13.9
9 Kalash 15.35
10 Tajik_Afghan 15.94
11 Uzbek_Afghan 17
12 Tajik_Pomiri 18.21
13 Bengali 21.34
14 Iranian 22.17
15 Azeri_Dagestan 23.14
16 Lezgin 23.65
17 KOTIAS 23.79
18 Kurd_C 24.42
19 Chechen 25.24
20 Azeri 25.34

Punjabi arain 2

# Population Percent
1 Caucausus_Hunter_Gatherer 49.27
2 SW_Asian 11.41
3 Ancestral_South_Indian 11.16
4 Eastern_Hunter_Gatherer 9.93
5 SE_Asian 8.9
6 WHG 4.53
7 Early_Neolithic_Farmers 4.43
8 Siberian_E_Asian 0.37

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Pashtun_Afghan 8.42
2 Pathan 8.99
3 Burusho 10.5
4 Punjabi 11.17
5 Balochi 13.28
6 Kurd_SE 14.13
7 Makrani 14.32
8 Brahui 14.91
9 Kalash 15.28
10 Tajik_Afghan 15.6
11 Tajik_Pomiri 15.96
12 Uzbek_Afghan 16.25
13 Lezgin 22.03
14 Iranian 22.12
15 Azeri_Dagestan 22.24
16 Bengali 22.8
17 KOTIAS 23.71
18 Chechen 24.04
19 Hazara_Afghan 24.69
20 Kurd_C 24.89

Punjabi arain 3

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Caucausus_Hunter_Gatherer 50.71
2 Ancestral_South_Indian 12.53
3 Eastern_Hunter_Gatherer 9.66
4 SW_Asian 9.2
5 SE_Asian 7.44
6 Early_Neolithic_Farmers 4.29
7 WHG 3.17
8 Siberian_E_Asian 3

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Pathan 6.84
2 Pashtun_Afghan 8.22
3 Burusho 8.34
4 Punjabi 8.37
5 Kurd_SE 11.71
6 Balochi 11.9
7 Kalash 12.17
8 Brahui 13.36
9 Makrani 13.6
10 Tajik_Afghan 15.59
11 Tajik_Pomiri 16.94
12 Uzbek_Afghan 17.11
13 Bengali 22.02
14 KOTIAS 23.2
15 Iranian 23.74
16 Azeri_Dagestan 23.78
17 Lezgin 23.78
18 Hazara_Afghan 24.84
19 Chechen 25.69
20 Kurd_C 25.94

most of originaly Sindhis are Rajputs and all their tribes have rajput ancestory soomro, samma, kalharo, palejos even memons

In Sindh, there isnt any firm Rajput identity present. There are mainly two types/confederations in Sindh
a) Sindhi Baloch who are linguistically and culturally Sindhi but of Baloch origin (Jatois, Talpurs, Chandios etc.)
b) Sammat Sindhis : Old Sindhi tribes before Baloch migrations. They are native Sindhis (Junejo, Abro, Halepoto etc.)

Rajput isnt ethnicity as a Kashmiri Rajput is genetically/culturally closer to Kashmiri Gujjar rather than to Bihari Rajput.
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Do you have source? Bhutto word comes from Bhutta not Bhatti as in Sindhi words ending in -a become -o. For example Larkana is called 'Larkano'. Bhutto are thought to be related to the Bhutta Arains of Southern Punjab. Many of them are Seraiki nationalists.


Actually, they traditionally claimed descent from Rai Jaj of Lahore and Raja Bhutta of Multan/Uch Sharif regions not Arabs.
This is only recently made due to them being apart from Awans, the only muslim exclusive tribe in Punjab.
It is kind of like Jatts (both Sikh and Muslim) and Scythian descent claims, although most Jatts traditionally didnt use to claim Scythian descent but it has only recently became popular. However, Jatts are indeed somewhat 'steppe' shifted as recent genetic tests have found out and Arains are also somewhat 'West-shifted'. From Eurasia K9 calculator

Punjabi Arain 1/Faisalabad

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Caucausus_Hunter_Gatherer 50.77
2 Ancestral_South_Indian 12.09
3 SW_Asian 9.59
4 SE_Asian 9.15
5 Early_Neolithic_Farmers 6.42
6 Eastern_Hunter_Gatherer 6.36
7 WHG 4.24
8 W_African 1.08
9 Siberian_E_Asian 0.28

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Pathan 8.39
2 Pashtun_Afghan 9.42
3 Burusho 9.77
4 Punjabi 10.08
5 Balochi 11.77
6 Makrani 13.04
7 Brahui 13.14
8 Kurd_SE 13.9
9 Kalash 15.35
10 Tajik_Afghan 15.94
11 Uzbek_Afghan 17
12 Tajik_Pomiri 18.21
13 Bengali 21.34
14 Iranian 22.17
15 Azeri_Dagestan 23.14
16 Lezgin 23.65
17 KOTIAS 23.79
18 Kurd_C 24.42
19 Chechen 25.24
20 Azeri 25.34

Punjabi arain 2

# Population Percent
1 Caucausus_Hunter_Gatherer 49.27
2 SW_Asian 11.41
3 Ancestral_South_Indian 11.16
4 Eastern_Hunter_Gatherer 9.93
5 SE_Asian 8.9
6 WHG 4.53
7 Early_Neolithic_Farmers 4.43
8 Siberian_E_Asian 0.37

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Pashtun_Afghan 8.42
2 Pathan 8.99
3 Burusho 10.5
4 Punjabi 11.17
5 Balochi 13.28
6 Kurd_SE 14.13
7 Makrani 14.32
8 Brahui 14.91
9 Kalash 15.28
10 Tajik_Afghan 15.6
11 Tajik_Pomiri 15.96
12 Uzbek_Afghan 16.25
13 Lezgin 22.03
14 Iranian 22.12
15 Azeri_Dagestan 22.24
16 Bengali 22.8
17 KOTIAS 23.71
18 Chechen 24.04
19 Hazara_Afghan 24.69
20 Kurd_C 24.89

Punjabi arain 3

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Caucausus_Hunter_Gatherer 50.71
2 Ancestral_South_Indian 12.53
3 Eastern_Hunter_Gatherer 9.66
4 SW_Asian 9.2
5 SE_Asian 7.44
6 Early_Neolithic_Farmers 4.29
7 WHG 3.17
8 Siberian_E_Asian 3

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 Pathan 6.84
2 Pashtun_Afghan 8.22
3 Burusho 8.34
4 Punjabi 8.37
5 Kurd_SE 11.71
6 Balochi 11.9
7 Kalash 12.17
8 Brahui 13.36
9 Makrani 13.6
10 Tajik_Afghan 15.59
11 Tajik_Pomiri 16.94
12 Uzbek_Afghan 17.11
13 Bengali 22.02
14 KOTIAS 23.2
15 Iranian 23.74
16 Azeri_Dagestan 23.78
17 Lezgin 23.78
18 Hazara_Afghan 24.84
19 Chechen 25.69
20 Kurd_C 25.94

In Sindh, there isnt any firm Rajput identity present. There are mainly two types/confederations in Sindh
a) Sindhi Baloch who are linguistically and culturally Sindhi but of Baloch origin (Jatois, Talpurs, Chandios etc.)
b) Sammat Sindhis : Old Sindhi tribes before Baloch migrations. They are native Sindhis (Junejo, Abro, Halepoto etc.)

Rajput isnt ethnicity as a Kashmiri Rajput is genetically/culturally closer to Kashmiri Gujjar rather than to Bihari Rajput.

Are junejos muslims ? We have muslim "Junejas" here
Do you have source? Bhutto word comes from Bhutta not Bhatti as in Sindhi words ending in -a become -o. For example Larkana is called 'Larkano'. Bhutto are thought to be related to the Bhutta Arains of Southern Punjab. Many of them are Seraiki nationalists.

that Bhutto/arain connection is fake. Zulfikar grand mother was bhil. Arains in sindh are post british migrants.

Bhuttos originally migrated to Sindh in the early 18th century from the neighboring region of Rajputana (now Rajasthan in India). Bhutto's paternal ancestors were Rajputs, who converted to Islam in the late 17th century.[3] In Sindh, Bhuttos under Sheto first settled at Ratodero, a few miles north of Larkana.

Shah Nawaz Bhutto, a direct descendant of Sheto, came to prominence during the British Raj as a dewan of the princely state of Junagadh in south-western Gujarat in India. During the Partition of India in 1947, the Muslim Nawab of Junagarh wanted to accede his state to the newly created Pakistan, but he faced rebellion by the population of Junagadh, majority of whom were Hindus. The Indian government thwarted Junagadh's accession to Pakistan, and the Bhuttos fled to Sindh in modern-day Pakisan. Shah Nawaz Bhutto moved to Larkana District in Sindh, where his land-ownership made him one of the wealthiest and most influential people in Sindh.[4] Beginning the political dynasty, Shah Nawaz's third son Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (1928-1979) founded the Pakistan People's Party (PPP) in 1967 and served as President and Prime Minister. His daughter, Benazir (1953-2007), also served as Prime Minister, while Benazir's husband, Asif Ali Zardari, later served as president from 2008 to 2013 CE. The Bhuttos continue to dominate the leadership of the PPP. Benazir's son Bilawal Bhutto Zardari became co-chairperson in 2007.

The family has experienced many premature deaths, drawing comparisons to the Kennedy curse: Zulfikar was convicted and executed in 1979; Shahnawaz died in France in 1983; Murtaza was killed in a police encounter during his sister's government in 1996; and Benazir died in an assassination in 2007.
https://www.revolvy.com/main/index.php?s=Bhutto family&item_type=topic
that Bhutto/arain connection is fake. Zulfikar grand mother was bhil. Arains in sindh are post british migrants.

Bhuttos originally migrated to Sindh in the early 18th century from the neighboring region of Rajputana (now Rajasthan in India). Bhutto's paternal ancestors were Rajputs, who converted to Islam in the late 17th century.[3] In Sindh, Bhuttos under Sheto first settled at Ratodero, a few miles north of Larkana.

Shah Nawaz Bhutto, a direct descendant of Sheto, came to prominence during the British Raj as a dewan of the princely state of Junagadh in south-western Gujarat in India. During the Partition of India in 1947, the Muslim Nawab of Junagarh wanted to accede his state to the newly created Pakistan, but he faced rebellion by the population of Junagadh, majority of whom were Hindus. The Indian government thwarted Junagadh's accession to Pakistan, and the Bhuttos fled to Sindh in modern-day Pakisan. Shah Nawaz Bhutto moved to Larkana District in Sindh, where his land-ownership made him one of the wealthiest and most influential people in Sindh.[4] Beginning the political dynasty, Shah Nawaz's third son Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (1928-1979) founded the Pakistan People's Party (PPP) in 1967 and served as President and Prime Minister. His daughter, Benazir (1953-2007), also served as Prime Minister, while Benazir's husband, Asif Ali Zardari, later served as president from 2008 to 2013 CE. The Bhuttos continue to dominate the leadership of the PPP. Benazir's son Bilawal Bhutto Zardari became co-chairperson in 2007.

The family has experienced many premature deaths, drawing comparisons to the Kennedy curse: Zulfikar was convicted and executed in 1979; Shahnawaz died in France in 1983; Murtaza was killed in a police encounter during his sister's government in 1996; and Benazir died in an assassination in 2007.
https://www.revolvy.com/main/index.php?s=Bhutto family&item_type=topic

That source is not even credible, and you know there are stories of Rajasthan for every other biradery. Yes, Zulfiqar Bhutto's mother was Bhil, but that was because she was a concubine of his father.
There are too many proofs of them being Arains.
Firstly, you know how much Rajasthani Rajputs and Sindhis differ in genetics, while Arains are the closest to Sindhis, so them being from Rajasthan makes no sense. Secondly, there is no Bhutta clan in Rajasthan and Bhutto is derived from Bhutta (as per Sindhi linguistic rules). There are Bhutta Arains in South Punjab and Northern Sindh.


Another source A Short Sketch of Musalman Races found in Sindh, Baluchistan and Afghanistan. There is hardly any Rajsthani clan assimilated as Sindhi, the ones that are speak Marwari and live in Thar.
When mentioning Sammat Sindhi tribes:
"Arain; also called Bhuta"
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That source is not even credible, and you know there are stories of Rajasthan for every other biradery. Yes, Zulfiqar Bhutto's mother was Bhil, but that was because she was a concubine of his father.
There are too many proofs of them being Arains.
Firstly, you know how much Rajasthani Rajputs and Sindhis differ in genetics, while Arains are the closest to Sindhis, so them being from Rajasthan makes no sense. Secondly, there is no Bhutta clan in Rajasthan and Bhutto is derived from Bhutta (as per Sindhi linguistic rules). There are Bhutta Arains in South Punjab.

Another source A Short Sketch of Musalman Races found in Sindh, Baluchistan and Afghanistan. There is hardly any Rajsthani clan assimilated as Sindhi, the ones that are speak Marwari and live in Thar.
When mentioning Sammat Sindhi tribes:
"Arain; also called Bhuta"

I also used to believe that but then I found proper source.

"This is a myth which has spread through the Arain community like wilfire. The reason or cause of all this confusion and debate is actually quite simple. After researching the name Sir Shah Nawaz I found a Punjabi Arain politician belonging to the powerful Mian Family of Baghbanpura by the name Mian Sir Muhammad Shah Nawaz. Now Mian Sir Muhammad Shah Nawaz lived in the same time period as Sir Shahnawaz Bhutto and probably from what I could find did chair the All India Arain Convention of 1905."


Obviously likes of Jamot, Soomro etc are all old sindhi tribes and probably bhutto as well. But they are not arains.
I also used to believe that but then I found proper source.

"This is a myth which has spread through the Arain community like wilfire. The reason or cause of all this confusion and debate is actually quite simple. After researching the name Sir Shah Nawaz I found a Punjabi Arain politician belonging to the powerful Mian Family of Baghbanpura by the name Mian Sir Muhammad Shah Nawaz. Now Mian Sir Muhammad Shah Nawaz lived in the same time period as Sir Shahnawaz Bhutto and probably from what I could find did chair the All India Arain Convention of 1905."


Obviously likes of Jamot, Soomro etc are all old sindhi tribes and probably bhutto as well. But they are not arains.

Look at the sources I posted, as well as genetic proof. Rajasthani connection is out of question due to genetics.

from https://www.scribd.com/mobile/doc/3...ES-FOUND-IN-SINDH-BALUCHISTAN-AND-AFGHANISTAN
I also used to believe that but then I found proper source.

"This is a myth which has spread through the Arain community like wilfire. The reason or cause of all this confusion and debate is actually quite simple. After researching the name Sir Shah Nawaz I found a Punjabi Arain politician belonging to the powerful Mian Family of Baghbanpura by the name Mian Sir Muhammad Shah Nawaz. Now Mian Sir Muhammad Shah Nawaz lived in the same time period as Sir Shahnawaz Bhutto and probably from what I could find did chair the All India Arain Convention of 1905."


Obviously likes of Jamot, Soomro etc are all old sindhi tribes and probably bhutto as well. But they are not arains.

Btw, I found more proof.

"Ex Governor Chaudhry Sarwar elected chieftain
HYDERABAD, Mar 23: Golden Jubilee (100 years celebration ) gathering of Anjuman Araian Pakistan was held here last night which was attended by thousands of people of Arain community from all over Pakistan. Among those attended the congregation included former Punjab governor Chowdhry Sarwar Arain, Naib Amir Jamat Islami Maulana Asadullah Bhutto Arain, All Pakistan Cable operators chairman Khalid Mahmood Arain, Chowdhry Shabbir president Anjuman Araian Sindh organizers of convention Javed Arain, Safdar Mahmood, Shahid Arain and others. The gathering elected former Punjab governor Chowdhry Sarwar Arain as new Sardar (chieftain) of Pakistan Arain community"


Asadullah Bhutto was JI MNA and current head in Sindh.

This guy on the left maybe Bhutto as well.

Also, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto won an election from Lahore in 1970s, he was supported by the Bhutta Arains of Lahore thinking him as their kinsman.

This guy Chaudhry Naseer Ahmed Bhutta is Bhutta Arain MNA from Lahore
Cant read all this but kindly guide me to info on Raja Jalap if available
Btw, I found more proof.

"Ex Governor Chaudhry Sarwar elected chieftain
HYDERABAD, Mar 23: Golden Jubilee (100 years celebration ) gathering of Anjuman Araian Pakistan was held here last night which was attended by thousands of people of Arain community from all over Pakistan. Among those attended the congregation included former Punjab governor Chowdhry Sarwar Arain, Naib Amir Jamat Islami Maulana Asadullah Bhutto Arain, All Pakistan Cable operators chairman Khalid Mahmood Arain, Chowdhry Shabbir president Anjuman Araian Sindh organizers of convention Javed Arain, Safdar Mahmood, Shahid Arain and others. The gathering elected former Punjab governor Chowdhry Sarwar Arain as new Sardar (chieftain) of Pakistan Arain community"


Asadullah Bhutto was JI MNA and current head in Sindh.

This guy on the left maybe Bhutto as well.
View attachment 393880

Also, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto won an election from Lahore in 1970s, he was supported by the Bhutta Arains of Lahore thinking him as their kinsman.

This guy Chaudhry Naseer Ahmed Bhutta is Bhutta Arain MNA from Lahore

I just don't see sindhis supporting Bhutto if he was arain. In Bhutto regime they toke some lands away from punjabi settlers..... punjabis only settled there in late19th century after British canal colonies. Many of these caste surnames are even exact similar across ethnic groups because thousands of them exist. People could have confused him.

And Bhutto family in Sindh is older then British rule.
I just don't see sindhis supporting Bhutto if he was arain. In Bhutto regime they toke some lands away from punjabi settlers..... punjabis only settled there in late19th century after British canal colonies. Many of these caste surnames are even exact similar across ethnic groups because thousands of them exist. People could have confused him.

And Bhutto family in Sindh is older then British rule.

Bhuttos are the original Arains that didnt move up to Punjab. Theres too much proof to deny it. And I already told you about native Bhutta Arains of South Punjab/North Sindh.
By the same logic Zardari is actually Sindhi Jat, why would Sindhis support him since Jat is synonymous with Punjab? Now there were many Jats that settled from Punjab to Sindh during developement of canal colonies but Zardaris etc. were older ones, natives of Sindh.
Bhuttos are the original Arains that didnt move up to Punjab. Theres too much proof to deny it. And I already told you about native Bhutta Arains of South Punjab/North Sindh.
By the same logic Zardari is actually Sindhi Jat, why would Sindhis support him since Jat is synonymous with Punjab? Now there were many Jats that settled from Punjab to Sindh during developement of canal colonies but Zardaris etc. were older ones, natives of Sindh.

Come on you know looking at arain genetics that they didn't move up from Sindh, that's all theory put in rest now. Only arains that exist in Sindh moved there post British rule. Zardari is Baloch tribe who were there many centuries ago, they starting to migrate in 16th century. 30-40% of sindhi speaking are baluch by birth. While so called sindhi jut are less then 1%. Also unlike jats, arains are exclusively punjabi. While jats are found in rajasthan, haryana, up etc
Come on you know looking at arain genetics that they didn't move up from Sindh, that's all theory put in rest now.
How? In many of their oracles in gedmatch they would get Sindhi or even Pathan before Punjabi_Jat reference. They also have lower WHG/steppe than other Punjabis and higher Caucasus/Med. Some results are almost indistuingishable from Sindhis.
Only arains that exist in Sindh moved there post British rule. Zardari is Baloch tribe who were there many centuries ago, they starting to migrate in 16th century. 30-40% of sindhi speaking are baluch by birth. While so called sindhi jut are less then 1%. Also unlike jats, arains are exclusively punjabi. While jats are found in rajasthan, haryana, up etc
Zardaris of Sindh are Jats
"The Zardari tribe originally belongs to the Jat clan living in Sindh and Balochistan"
Others like Jamots of Lasbela are also Sindhi Jats. I think many of the current Sindhi clans maybe Jat origin given that they were listed as the main population of Sindh in the Chachnama.
There there's also this ()
revised version of 1901 book on Sindhi tribes as well as Asadullah Bhutto of Sindh.

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