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Muslim population share decides their mentality: RSS women wing wisdom

Not my fantasies. I was speaking in the hypothetical third person.

Yeah I figured, just pulling your leg.

This conversation is so dreary and serious...and I think I've been over all these issues before and just stashed them away somewhere and couldn't care less about talking about it more :P

I'm just hoping the UCC will get through asap.
Yeah I figured, just pulling your leg.

This conversation is so dreary and serious...and I think I've been over all these issues before and just stashed them away somewhere and couldn't care less about talking about it more :P

I'm just hoping the UCC will get through asap.


But remember. Its we non Muslims who have to fight for our Muslims on this. Because they will not fight for themselves. Because they cannot. Going back to the point I started with Joe on.

We need to provide the community the same perfect legal foil I spoke about with respect to the individual woman. So that guilt (at best) and righteous Jihad (at worst) does not take over. So that they can inwardly shrug their shoulders and say, we would love to live by the Sharia. Too bad the law of the land (this land) does not allow it.

And still not feel they are being bad Muslims for doing so.

But remember. Its we non Muslims who have to fight for our Muslims on this. Because they will not fight for themselves. Because they cannot. Going back to the point I started with Joe on.

We need to provide the community the same perfect legal foil I spoke about with respect to the individual woman. So that guilt (at best) and righteous Jihad (at worst) does not take over. So that they can inwardly shrug their shoulders and say, we would love to live by the Sharia. Too bad the law of the land (this land) does not allow it.

And still not feel they are being bad Muslims for doing so.

It gives a standard option/protection in the short term while better education, exposure and emancipation do their work in the long term.

I like it!
It gives a standard option/protection in the short term while better education, exposure and emancipation do their work in the long term.

I like it!


I believe a lot of Islamic fundamentalism is borne out of fear and guilt.

Take both out of the equation.
Doesn't a muslim man have to seek permission of first (or existing) wives before he can marry another?

I haven't read about it in depth so am curious.

Yes, technically, but men in all countries and all religions are bastards.
Yes, technically, but men in all countries and all religions are bastards.

I wanted to know more. Maybe you can help.

Is it a one time permission (at the time of marriage) or every night, from each individual wife separately?
You did not complete the most important part of your post.

I fell asleep. I was told this was a reaction to the extreme stress of the past ten days. I was told my BP needs tender, loving care.

And it's complete. You really have no case. There is no common law of the land, and it has been left to the personal law of each creed.

[An aside]There are two, not one, for the Hindus, so they should worry about standardising their own, and that is where the fun will start. You see, all the Hindus follow Mitakshara. Except the Bengalis and the Assamese. So watch them try to standardise :rofl:

Because I find it quite medieval and abhorrent to be honest.

Just as I as a married man would not be delirious with joy about 3 more guys giving it to my wife by turns different nights of the week, I am pretty certain no woman in the world is pretty excited about the obverse as well.

Hope that was crudely put but honest enough.

No reason for Indian girls to be put through that by legal sanction.

Good. That's as good a reason as any. Incidentally, the Supreme Court has stepped in vigorously through interpretative and curative action and without any prompting by the unspeakables.

Where do we draw the line Joe. Mutaa and Misyar (one day marriages)?


It's simple, and we don't spot the solution because we are, as the Puranic saying has it, as menfolk, obsessed with our stomach and our penis.

Just stop triple talaq by word. Make it the formal Islamic way, with due process. Watch the number of multiple marriages plummet like a stone. Fifty thousand Muslim women have already signed a petition endorsing a public interest litigation in front of the Supreme Court. Watch this space.

Bottom line, @laphroaig

You haven't made your case.

I wanted to know more. Maybe you can help.

Is it a one time permission (at the time of marriage) or every night, from each individual wife separately?

I wanted to know more. Maybe you can help.

Is it a one time permission (at the time of marriage) or every night, from each individual wife separately?
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I don't agree I have not made my case.

But the stomach and penis part is me to a T.

Or P.

P.S. But you make a good point about the verbal (or Whatsapped) triple T.

I though would still like there to be a common law for all Indians.
My problem is with Islam, not with Muslims. It is also with Christianity, with Hinduism, with Buddhism, ....with the whole pack of them.

Muslims must be ready to be treated as absolutely equal in the eyes of the law. Within that boundary, they can do what they like, believe what they like, behave as they like. As long as they are Muslim Indians, nobody can hem them in.

It is individuals or groups that represent not themselves but a larger idea, a larger transcendental reality which does not come under the law that disturbs civilised society. My problem is with all religions as religions, in that they encourage violence in support of the beliefs preached within that religion, and present a future free of punishment under the law, because that future is a future outside the reach of the law of the land.

I agree, everyone using religion as a tool... instead absorbing positive side, most people tending towards negative... few years ago we used to hear communal riots but now a days Muslims attacking masjid too.. even if these people convert to Hinduism or Christianity or Buddhism, their mentality will remain same .. I completely agree with abolishing personal laws or khappanchayat.. yesterday I heard a news in Vijayawada a mother killed her 16+ year old daughter, as she loved a boy from another community..
There are problems with / in Muslims.. but Islam is not problem..

I used to and want to continue to agree with this statement. The trend of events however make this increasingly difficult.

For example I used to think that when teenagers get radicalized it is to do with ghetto poverty - then a bunch of rich muslim teenagers proved that wrong.

I used to think it is the illiterate and uneducated muslims that get radicalized - only to be proven wrong by a bunch of well educated muslim youth also did not feel any qualms in shooting up their fellow human beings

I used to think it is only muslims in certain countries - but then a succession of second generation muslims in developed countries proved that wrong.

remember radicalized almost always seems to imply massacre killing and violent behavior.

So then I have to look at what other common thread exists if it is not wealth, education, social demographics, nationality, race and ethnicity.

One thing and only one thing stands out: islam

I am hoping to be wrong on this
I usbo and want to continue to agree with this statement. The trend of events however make this increasingly difficult.

For example I used to think that when teenagers get radicalized it is to do with ghetto poverty - then a bunch of rich muslim teenagers proved that wrong.

I used to think it is the illiterate and uneducated muslims that get radicalized - only to be proven wrong by a bunch of well educated muslim youth also did not feel any qualms in shooting up their fellow human beings

I used to think it is only muslims in certain countries - but then a succession of second generation muslims in developed countries proved that wrong.

remember radicalized almost always seems to imply massacre killing and violent behavior.

So then I have to look at what other common thread exists if it is not wealth, education, social demographics, nationality, race and ethnicity.

One thing and only one thing stands out: islam

I am hoping to be wrong on this

I have seen very mature Muslims Hindus and so on.. if we ignore some morons..
Depends on how one quantifies the problem. There are plenty of Islamic nations where minorities thrive but one's selective bias will now allow it. Take Malaysia or Indonesia, or the Maldives, or Senegal. However, due to your own selectiveness in this issue you will fail to acknowledge this like all those jumping on the bandwagon of fear.
Well if Malaysia and Indonesia are the upper thresholds for peaceful integration....I think things aren't going that well!

The problem is that Muslims follow a book written 1400 years ago word by word. What makes it even worse is that the book is open to different interpretations due to ambiguous nature of the Arabic language. Ideally they should translate the old book to simple English so that everyone can understand it but then it won't be God's words. God apparently only speaks Arabic. :lol:
In this modern age referencing a 10 years old work is considered a bad practise but 1000 years old one's....nah!It's all good!
Well if Malaysia and Indonesia are the upper thresholds for peaceful integration....I think things aren't going that well!
Based on what comparative metric with what other group that has 1 billion adherents spread over half the world?

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