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Muslim population 'rising 10 times faster than rest of society'

Muslim population 'rising 10 times faster than rest of society'

Not surprising.. if you have more wives, you are bound to have more children. Just add more children per wife to this.

Coming from an Indian with a 1+ billion population... What's this world heading to. Reminds me of, the pot calling the kettle black...
Most of Europe is suffering from a population crisis, with the projected retirement of the post war baby boom children. Many countries have given incentives, to try to bring the birth rate up. Germany is suffering because of its low birth rate and many other countries besides.

immigration has given these countries a lifeline, as the number of workers had been shrinking, while long life expectancy was depleting resources in terms of pension payments, etc. Europeans need new blood to pay for the pensions of those working now, which is why immigration has been tolerated/encouraged even while being criticised by politicians.

The muslim birth rate is a blessing in disguise for western countries, and needed for their own survival as vibrant, rich economies.

People used to talk about the strains of population growth in Bharat, but lately Bharat's huge population has become their prime bonanza in terms of economic growth.

Bengladesh is probably regretting the steps it took to reduce population growth, as the bigger countries are now those with bigger clout.

That's extremely spurious reasoning, simply because you are equating economic growth with quality of life. They are completely different things.

A country can grow at 15 percent per annum, but it can have the worst living conditions. On the other hand, another country may be in recession but its citizens may still live in luxury.

India's large population growth means that more poor Indians have to journey up the social ladder, hence the high economic growth. It is certainly not something to envy.

However, if someone is eagerly awaiting the "Islamic takeover of the world" then he might be very pleased with the growth of the flock, unmindful of the fact that the majority of muslim children are born in abject poverty with no hope and no future.
More like a recipe for disaster. They should adopt family planning techniques and try to improve their quality rather than quantity.

population growth rate had nothing to do with Islam or being Muslim- before curb - china was one of the fastest growing population. with minority of Muslim.

Actually, it does because of antiquated religious ideas which discourage contraception and family planning.

Same for religious Christians - their preachers discourage them from using contraception.

Muslim population 'rising 10 times faster than rest of society'

Not surprising.. if you have more wives, you are bound to have more children. Just add more children per wife to this.

All of you missed the immigration and "conversion to Islam" part.
More than just numbers, the more relevant question is: Are Muslims doing their fair share to the society that has made them their own?

For example: Do they have proportionate share in paying taxes, in the education system, medical system, Science, in the various professions etc.

From the accounts that I am aware of, that is not the case. A disproportionate number is dependent on state doles, refuses to learn the national language, is vengeful towards the host society, feels alienated, is not integrated and rouses suspicions of the mainstream society.

Not a happy situation at all. If these trends continue and just the numbers increase without the contribution to society, guess what is in store.

The rise of the likes of National Front that would seek to violently drive out all people they feel are non-British!
More than just numbers, the more relevant question is: Are Muslims doing their fair share to the society that has made them their own?

For example: Do they have proportionate share in paying taxes, in the education system, medical system, Science, in the various professions etc.

From the accounts that I am aware of, that is not the case. A disproportionate number is dependent on state doles, refuses to learn the national language, is vengeful towards the host society, feels alienated, is not integrated and rouses suspicions of the mainstream society.

Not a happy situation at all. If these trends continue and just the numbers increase without the contribution to society, guess what is in store.

The rise of the likes of National Front that would seek to violently drive out all people they feel are non-British!

Aren't you exaggerating it a little?
Perhaps the "older" Muslims, mostly first or perhaps some 2nd generation of Muslims "abroad" are indeed a little hard or uneasy when it comes to the country they are currently living in and the regulations different then their own heritage and regulations.
But still, in time, that will fade away, foreign Muslims sometimes don't know what their rights are and what they can demand and expect, sometimes they're treated unfairly, it happens all the time, however, the younger and newer generation of Muslims, who are quite educated know what they can and what they cannot, foreign minorities always have a different kind of treatment in the country they currently are living in, it happens to all kinds of people with different religions.
One has to adapt and blend in so that his "differences" aren't really seen or noticed, some people are more tolerant then others.
It just depends on where these Muslims are living at.
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