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Muslim Politician From Ladakh Tells a Very Grim Story

What is so shocking!

He is only speaking the truth.

I don't like the fact that the area should go to China. I would prefer it join with Gilgit Baltistan with whom they share culture.

The Buddhists may leave to Himachal Pradesh around the Spiti Region if they don't wish to live alongside their Muslim neighbors.
What is so shocking!

He is only speaking the truth.

I don't like the fact that the area should go to China. I would prefer it join with Gilgit Baltistan with whom they share culture.

The Buddhists may leave to Himachal Pradesh around the Spiti Region if they don't wish to live alongside their Muslim neighbors.

The Buddhist area can join China. The Kargil Shia area can join GB.
The Indian Muslims may leave to Arab countries if they don't wish to live in India.

Thats a bit of topic but what can one expect from a depressed camp like the Indians.

It shows how disunited you and your nation is when you mention"Indian Muslims" - I thought you was Indian first and religion second in secular India but i guess being caught with your pants down is a common Indian trait.

India have lost massive amount of land, humiliating defeat, sad losses of life and now prisoners released after tasting Chinese "fantastic" tea. Enjoy what your government is putting you through...........
Can anyone brief what does the tape-recorded?
  • China brought black belt commandos and dissipated Indian soldiers.
  • China has invaded up to 135 Kilometers into Indian territory.
  • The caller is not sure but suggests some 200-250 Indian soldiers have died, and a few Chinese soldiers have injured.
  • China brought black belt commandos and dissipated Indian soldiers.
  • China has invaded up to 135 Kilometers into Indian territory.
  • The caller is not sure but suggests some 200-250 Indian soldiers have died, and a few Chinese soldiers have injured.
And they accuse him treason and want to arrest him because of it?
The Indian Muslims may leave to Arab countries if they don't wish to live in India.


No... All Muslim are converts. As are all Christians. They are natives of where they are. Over 70% Muslims are non Arabs.

Indian Muslims need to make another "Pakistan" and fight for their freedom from extremist Hindus.
I don't like the fact that the area should go to China.

Of course you don't, RSS bot. China has given you the spanking of a lifetime.

The Buddhist area can join China. The Kargil Shia area can join GB.

If China joins the fray (2-front a$$ whipping), of course we can come to some agreement over dividing up Leh district (but not Kargil).
Silencing the opposition.
Arresting anyone with a different viewpoint.
What are they going to charge him with? Telling the truth?
Then they have the cheek and gall to call China a dictatorship.
Chinese press is controlled apparently, and Indian press is to be believed as it is magical and "free".

Even Modi himself peddles fake newj when he claims China doesn't hold any Indian land. The deluded citizens of hindutvaland think they're free and live in a democratic nation with checks and balances galore. I bet Modi himself secretly laughs at the clowns who voted him into power.
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