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Muslim Philosopher Says Islam Has Given Birth To Monsters, Needs Reform

It produced the same during the life of Muhammed himself as well..numerous looting raids and massacres conducted by him and his companions.

I dont think so ... Mohd (PBUH) never conducted wars unless he was attacked upon him and his companions faught all wars in defence .. Islam was not spread by the fear of sword
taliban was a matter of pride untill they created a havoc. IS may be young islamic fighters for many but as soon as they start behading people in pakistan they will meet the same fate as taliban the zarb i azb.
islam is perfect....who cares what muslims do....if its good, its islam, if its bad, its not islam...

lol..gotta love the logic.

You should love the logic becuase Islam has all ready declared ''There is no compulsion in religion''. Islamophobes like you love to see all Muslims being branded as terrorists. There is no wonder many famous anti-Islamic sites are full of Indians talking about genocides against Muslims.
You should love the logic becuase Islam has all ready declared ''There is no compulsion in religion''. Islamophobes like you love to see all Muslims being branded as terrorists. There is no wonder many famous anti-Islamic sites are full of Indians talking about genocides against Muslims.
We non-Muslims are tired of hearing that.

It is amazing to us that you are not tired of saying that to us instead of saying it to those Muslims who are performing forced conversions of non-Muslims. You telling us that does NOT help us. Your words of 'no compulsion in religion' directed at us does not deflect the Sword of Islam that is threatening our necks. If anything, your preach of 'no compulsion in religion' to us only encourage the wielders of the Sword of Islam because they know that if you try to preach to them, they would cut of your head to the tune of 'Allahu Akbar', which in turn frightened you enough that it is safer to self righteously preach to the nonbelievers than to the believers.

It is amazing that the Muslims would preach 'no compulsion in religion' to those who actually live 'no compulsion in religion' as if we need reinforcement about that. :rolleyes:
It is amazing that the Muslims would preach 'no compulsion in religion' to those who actually live 'no compulsion in religion' as if we need reinforcement about that. :rolleyes:
Yes, we have ample sight of your "living a no compulsion religion" from world war I until today of what you folks are doing all over the world. Muslims would have not killed even 10% of humans combined in 1500 years compared to the number you have scored in two world wars, Korean War, Vietnam War, Iraq and Afghanistan. Tell these thing to those who are unaware or oblivious of the brilliant crimes you have committed against the humanity.
Yes, we have ample sight of your "living a no compulsion religion" from world war I until today of what you folks are doing all over the world. Muslims would have not killed even 10% of humans combined in 1500 years compared to the number you have scored in two world wars, Korean War, Vietnam War, Iraq and Afghanistan. Tell these thing to those who are unaware or oblivious of the brilliant crimes you have committed against the humanity.
This is about 'no compulsion in religion'. Not of war between states. So tell me, how many Muslims in the US were forced into conversions into Christianity ?
I dont think so ... Mohd (PBUH) never conducted wars unless he was attacked upon him and his companions faught all wars in defence .. Islam was not spread by the fear of sword[/QUOTE]

after Muhammad PBUH I cant say what you claimed in in the end of your post
this is a funny claim.

whether it was a just cause or a typical imperial expansion in Islamic drab, the Islam was exported through conquest and was no different to any other classical invasion where the defeated saw their women violated, distributed and sold like other war booty and the corpses of their men desecrated and severed heads exhibited for others to see.
The Quran's Verses Of Violence

Is IS a cult or is IS just Islam and nothing else? Is Inquisition non Christian or is Inquisition Christian?
If you to clear misconceptions about Quran teaching violence then this :
The interpretation of the verses of the Quran is normally made with reference to the historical, grammatical and theme aspects of the verses.

Some of the Quranic verses were revealed addressing issues current to that time of history, while others were revealed addressing a general principle or a matter applicable to every time and place. All verses serve as guidance for Muslims.

The substance addressed to a specific location with specific people may or may not apply to subjects outside the scope of the verses. Unless the addressees are elucidated, the Quranic verses would not be interpreted correctly.

Misinterpretation of the verses of the Quran occurs when the historical, grammatical and theme contextual aspects are not taken into consideration.

Unfortunately, some people wrongly accuse Islam of teaching violence based on an improper understanding of a few verses of the Quran that were actually addressed to a specific group of people, with a specific historical background. We will explore these verses in the light of their historical framework and of the subject matter in order to bring about their correct meaning and purpose.
The first to be addressed is verse 191 from Chapter 2:191. This verse is misunderstood to command Muslims to kill disbelievers, Christians and Jews.

In order for us to study this verse within its historical and subject matter context, we need to consider verse 190 as well. Verses 190-191 say:

{And fight in the cause of God those who have (initially) waged war against you, but do not transgress limits (by causing more damage to your enemy than the damage they initially caused you, thereby expanding the circle of war). Indeed, Allah loves not transgressors.

And slay them wherever you overtake them and expel them from where they have expelled you (a reference to Quraysh who for 14 years had been expelling the Muslims from Makkah), for tumult and oppression (that Quraysh heavily incurred on you) are worse than killing; but fight them not at the Inviolable House of Worship, unless they (first) fight you there. If they were to fight you, then do not be reluctant to kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers (in the sanctity of the Holy Shrine of Ka’ba).} (Al-Baqarah 2: 190-91)

Considering the history surrounding these verses, we learn that they were revealed after the peace treaty of Hudaybiyah signed between the Idolaters of Quraysh and the Muslims in the year six after emigration, and prior to the performing of one of the treaty’s conditions. This condition states that the Muslims visit Makkah and perform the Lesser Pilgrimage in the following year. At the time to perform the Lesser Pilgrimage in the following year, some Muslims were concerned that Quraysh may not fulfill its promise in allowing the Muslims to enter Makkah and conversely attack them while performing their rituals. This legitimate concern was indeed answered by God in the above verses. In case Quraysh broke the Hudaybiyah peace agreement by attacking the Muslims during the pilgrimage, only then Muslims were commanded to defend themselves and were given the details of how to act in the battlefield.
Muslims were told to kill the Idolaters wherever they may come upon them and to drive them away from wherever they initially drove them away. Muslims also were commanded to preserve the old sanctity of the Shrine of Ka’bah by not fighting in it {But fight them not at the Sacred Mosque, unless they [first] fight you there.}

Note in verse 190 the subject of the verb “fight” is the clause {those who have [initially] waged war against you}. This descriptive clause is making direct reference to Quraysh and could not be mistaken by any other than the Idolaters of Quraysh.

Similarly, the first part of verse 191, the subject of the verbs “slay,” “overtake,” and “expel” is Quraysh, who earlier had expelled the Muslims from Makkah. The second part of verse 191, however, a new descriptive word, kafireen, is given to the subject to-be-killed for fighting in the Sacred Mosque. The word kafireen (disbelievers) can take two possible meanings:
a. Quraysh who is the reference in the previous verse and who is also the guardian of the Holy Shrine, and,

b. Specific people of Quraysh who disbelieved in the age-old sanctity of the Ka’bah and incurred violence within it. If Quraysh or those who disbelieved in the age-old sanctity of the Ka’bah fight you, only then do not be reluctant to kill them.

The majority of the Quranic interpreters took the word kafireen in the second part of verse 191 to mean the Idolaters of Quraysh as a whole. Other interpreters took the word kafireen to be those who incurred violence within the Holy Shrine of Ka’bah from amongst Quraysh. Dr. Fathi Othman in his book The Concepts of the Quran is one of those who took this approach. Dr. Othman’s approach seems to be the more accurate one, since the requital of killing is made to the subject in the second part of the verse 191, those who ‘disbelieved in the sanctity’ of the Inviolable House of Worship.

In either case, the word disbelievers in verse 191 cannot be taken to mean Christians nor Jews or any disbeliever other than Quraysh. Thus, the claim that Islam teaches violence is proven false. On the contrary, many see these two verses as ground for Islam’s quest for peace. Such that even when Muslims were commanded to fight in self defense, they were instructed to practice war-morality: Do not start a fight. But fight in the cause of God those who initially fight you, but do not transgress limits thereby expanding the circle of war. The word “limit” is interpreted by the majority of scholars as “limiting enemy’s loss only to their own.” Any more loss beyond that is considered transgression. Thus, the verse teaches Muslims not to start hostility and to use hostility-stopping techniques if war ever started.

Causing more damage to the enemy is an invitation to more violence. Furthermore, the Quran commands Muslims that if the opponents inclined towards truce, they are to seek an end to hostilities. God said:

{But if the enemy inclined to peace, then incline to it.} (Al-Anfal 8: 61)

Reflecting on this Islamic fundamental teaching, Karen Armstrong in her book,Muhammad, A Biography of the Prophet stated:

“The Quran teaches that war is always abominable. Muslims must never open hostilities, …but, once they have taken a war, Muslims must fight with absolute commitment in order to bring the fighting to an end as soon as possible.” (209)

Studying the Quranic verses in the light of its historical context is an ever important matter in understanding Islam, its people and their culture.

The second verse to be examined is verse five from chapter At-Tawbah, or Declaration of Disassociation. In order to do a fair study of the verse, again, its subject matter context must be considered along with other verses that were revealed with it. Additional consideration must be given to the events and time period in which these verses were revealed.
This is about 'no compulsion in religion'. Not of war between states. So tell me, how many Muslims in the US were forced into conversions into Christianity ?
It is all about compulsion in religion my friend. I have been living in States for 5 long years while doing my post-Doc and am well aware of the truthfulness of the term WASP. Those were not the wars between the states but the racial, cultural, and social ideologies and the Americans always considered in-fact believed themselves to be racially, culturally, and religiously superior to those they were waging war against. Hitler thought the same way and once defended his onslaught against the Jews as the Lord's wish.

Instead of me telling you how many Muslims are forced to convert into Christianity, why not you tell me how many Muslims are allowed in congress and senate? How many Muslims are allowed to hold high positions? How much hue an cry we heard when Keith Ellison took oath? Why? Forced conversions are condemnable but so is marginalizing an entire community based of its religious beliefs.
Yes, we have ample sight of your "living a no compulsion religion" from world war I until today of what you folks are doing all over the world. Muslims would have not killed even 10% of humans combined in 1500 years compared to the number you have scored in two world wars, Korean War, Vietnam War, Iraq and Afghanistan. Tell these thing to those who are unaware or oblivious of the brilliant crimes you have committed against the humanity.

Your facts are wrong.

Timur lang, a single muslim , killed 17 million people worldwide; more than Hitler + Stalin + All American overseas wars combined, that too 500 year ago when world population was 1/7 th of what it is today.( In today's world it would be equal to killing 350 million people )

And don't get me started about other Islamic mass murderers. The toll may run close to a billion overtime.
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Your facts are wrong.

Timur lang, a single muslim , killed 17 million people worldwide; more than Hitler + Stalin + All American overseas wars combined, that too 500 year ago when world population was 1/7 th of what it is today.

And don't get me started about other Islamic mass murderers. The toll may run close to a billion overtime.
And you were counting the dead bodies.
And you were counting the dead bodies.

No, your shameless co-religionists were recording it themselves ,while boasting about creating pyramids of human Skull.

Killing infidels is considered a pious deed by your co-religionists. All pious Ghazis have recorded their deeds of mass murder with great pride.
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It is all about compulsion in religion my friend. I have been living in States for 5 long years while doing my post-Doc and am well aware of the truthfulness of the term WASP. Those were not the wars between the states but the racial, cultural, and social ideologies and the Americans always considered in-fact believed themselves to be racially, culturally, and religiously superior to those they were waging war against. Hitler thought the same way and once defended his onslaught against the Jews as the Lord's wish.

Instead of me telling you how many Muslims are forced to convert into Christianity, why not you tell me how many Muslims are allowed in congress and senate? How many Muslims are allowed to hold high positions? How much hue an cry we heard when Keith Ellison took oath? Why? Forced conversions are condemnable but so is marginalizing an entire community based of its religious beliefs.
Allowed ? :lol:

So now you are equating voting, which depends on one's skill at persuasion, with legal apportionment ? A forced conversion into another religion is essentially theft. A theft of one's spirituality, something that even atheists acknowledged as real and vital to humanity and what it means to be human. Marginalization based upon false perceptions is nothing compares to what you are trying to deflect attention from with your ridiculous arguments. You are essentially saying that the denial of something voluntary -- a vote or a positive opinion -- is the same as an act of thievery. If I refuse to give you something, that make me no better than the bank robber.

For all the hue and cry from the Muslims about being 'marginalized', they have their own countries with their own governments. They are free to travel and socialize as they wish. They are free to prosyletize with impunity. They are free with their speech, hateful and even treasonous speech. But here you are crying that you are marginalized because you cannot convince enough Americans to vote for you.

You brought up warfare and what a warmonger we are. It is funny that you would brought that up considering with so many Muslims having no problems with forced conversions, we wonder how many would die under a Muslim army from forced conversions if the Muslims are a military peer to us.
Allowed ? :lol:

So now you are equating voting, which depends on one's skill at persuasion, with legal apportionment ? A forced conversion into another religion is essentially theft. A theft of one's spirituality, something that even atheists acknowledged as real and vital to humanity and what it means to be human. Marginalization based upon false perceptions is nothing compares to what you are trying to deflect attention from with your ridiculous arguments. You are essentially saying that the denial of something voluntary -- a vote or a positive opinion -- is the same as an act of thievery. If I refuse to give you something, that make me no better than the bank robber.

For all the hue and cry from the Muslims about being 'marginalized', they have their own countries with their own governments. They are free to travel and socialize as they wish. They are free to prosyletize with impunity. They are free with their speech, hateful and even treasonous speech. But here you are crying that you are marginalized because you cannot convince enough Americans to vote for you.

You brought up warfare and what a warmonger we are. It is funny that you would brought that up considering with so many Muslims having no problems with forced conversions, we wonder how many would die under a Muslim army from forced conversions if the Muslims are a military peer to us.
I heard you.
. .

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