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Muslim leaders visit Auschwitz prior to liberation anniversary

Dec 19, 2019
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of


A high-level delegation of Muslim religious leaders has visited Auschwitz along with a Jewish group.

Organisers said it was "the most senior Islamic leadership delegation" to visit the site of a Nazi German death camp.
ashkenazis are 100% euro whites. Even in Israel they suppress mizrahi jews


Ashkenazis like most western europeans are predominantly athiest and thoroughly westernized....how can one call them Jews if they don't believe in the tenants of their supposed forefathers? Even in jewish history the main 'cultured' jews like RaMbAm were sephardic
No they aren’t white Europeans they have different look and they called kikes not honkeys.
What does the holocaust have to do with Muslims or even Eastern Christians of the Middle East??

Nobody should bring the Al Husseini card to imply us Muslims are responsible due to some Muslim collarborators fighting or helping the Nazis because you also have many Jewish collarborators of the Nazis.

Nothing wrong in paying respect but im sick of how the holocaust card is used against Muslims or even at times we are blamed for it due to Al Husseini collarborating with Hitler.
the Jews are lying about the holocaust, nevertheless, the recent events of the previous decade have shown the reality of things, the Jews are the number two enemy of Islam far behind the number one enemy who is the Muslims themselves .I m not worried about the Jews, but the evil Munafiquines Hypocrites like these Shikhs are the biggest threat .
Just a Pro-Israel propaganda show by some clerics from saudi arabia to prepare the muslims to accept giving away Golan, Parts of Jordan, Palestine to (greater/Eretz) Israel.
Further the goal of this so called "6 million" holocaust attendance by saudi clerics is to make the muslims accept Jordan importing Israeli gas and Egypt exporting gas to Israel.
Not questioning the observing of holocaust but what about a million semites massacred by white Christians in Iraq? Who gonna mourn their plight?
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