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Muslim inventions that shaped the modern world


Dec 10, 2008
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Interesting facts.
I've seen a few threads "asking why the Muslim world lags in science?"
I believe this is a good answer.

London, England (CNN) -- Think of the origins of that staple of modern life, the cup of coffee, and Italy often springs to mind.

But in fact, Yemen is where the ubiquitous brew has its true origins.

Along with the first university, and even the toothbrush, it is among surprising Muslim inventions that have shaped the world we live in today.

The origins of these fundamental ideas and objects -- the basis of everything from the bicycle to musical scales -- are the focus of "1001 Inventions," a book celebrating "the forgotten" history of 1,000 years of Muslim heritage.

"There's a hole in our knowledge, we leap frog from the Renaissance to the Greeks," professor Salim al-Hassani, Chairman of the Foundation for Science, Technology and Civilisation, and editor of the book told CNN.

"1001 Inventions" is now an exhibition at London's Science Museum. Hassani hopes the exhibition will highlight the contributions of non-Western cultures -- like the Muslim empire that once covered Spain and Portugal, Southern Italy and stretched as far as parts of China -- to present day civilization.

Here Hassani shares his top 10 outstanding Muslim inventions:

1. Surgery

Around the year 1,000, the celebrated doctor Al Zahrawi published a 1,500 page illustrated encyclopedia of surgery that was used in Europe as a medical reference for the next 500 years. Among his many inventions, Zahrawi discovered the use of dissolving cat gut to stitch wounds -- beforehand a second surgery had to be performed to remove sutures. He also reportedly performed the first caesarean operation and created the first pair of forceps.

2. Coffee

Now the Western world's drink du jour, coffee was first brewed in Yemen around the 9th century. In its earliest days, coffee helped Sufis stay up during late nights of devotion. Later brought to Cairo by a group of students, the coffee buzz soon caught on around the empire. By the 13th century it reached Turkey, but not until the 16th century did the beans start boiling in Europe, brought to Italy by a Venetian trader.

3. Flying machine

"Abbas ibn Firnas was the first person to make a real attempt to construct a flying machine and fly," said Hassani. In the 9th century he designed a winged apparatus, roughly resembling a bird costume. In his most famous trial near Cordoba in Spain, Firnas flew upward for a few moments, before falling to the ground and partially breaking his back. His designs would undoubtedly have been an inspiration for famed Italian artist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci's hundreds of years later, said Hassani.

4. University

In 859 a young princess named Fatima al-Firhi founded the first degree-granting university in Fez, Morocco. Her sister Miriam founded an adjacent mosque and together the complex became the al-Qarawiyyin Mosque and University. Still operating almost 1,200 years later, Hassani says he hopes the center will remind people that learning is at the core of the Islamic tradition and that the story of the al-Firhi sisters will inspire young Muslim women around the world today.

5. Algebra

The word algebra comes from the title of a Persian mathematician's famous 9th century treatise "Kitab al-Jabr Wa l-Mugabala" which translates roughly as "The Book of Reasoning and Balancing." Built on the roots of Greek and Hindu systems, the new algebraic order was a unifying system for rational numbers, irrational numbers and geometrical magnitudes. The same mathematician, Al-Khwarizmi, was also the first to introduce the concept of raising a number to a power.

6. Optics

"Many of the most important advances in the study of optics come from the Muslim world," says Hassani. Around the year 1000 Ibn al-Haitham proved that humans see objects by light reflecting off of them and entering the eye, dismissing Euclid and Ptolemy's theories that light was emitted from the eye itself. This great Muslim physicist also discovered the camera obscura phenomenon, which explains how the eye sees images upright due to the connection between the optic nerve and the brain.

7. Music

Muslim musicians have had a profound impact on Europe, dating back to Charlemagne tried to compete with the music of Baghdad and Cordoba, according to Hassani. Among many instruments that arrived in Europe through the Middle East are the lute and the rahab, an ancestor of the violin. Modern musical scales are also said to derive from the Arabic alphabet.

8. Toothbrush

According to Hassani, the Prophet Mohammed popularized the use of the first toothbrush in around 600. Using a twig from the Meswak tree, he cleaned his teeth and freshened his breath. Substances similar to Meswak are used in modern toothpaste.

9. The crank

Many of the basics of modern automatics were first put to use in the Muslim world, including the revolutionary crank-connecting rod system. By converting rotary motion to linear motion, the crank enables the lifting of heavy objects with relative ease. This technology, discovered by Al-Jazari in the 12th century, exploded across the globe, leading to everything from the bicycle to the internal combustion engine.

10. Hospitals

"Hospitals as we know them today, with wards and teaching centers, come from 9th century Egypt," explained Hassani. The first such medical center was the Ahmad ibn Tulun Hospital, founded in 872 in Cairo. Tulun hospital provided free care for anyone who needed it -- a policy based on the Muslim tradition of caring for all who are sick. From Cairo, such hospitals spread around the Muslim world.

For more information on muslim inventions go to: muslimheritage.com. For more information about the exhibition at London's Science Museum go to: science museum.org.uk

Muslim inventions that shaped the modern world - CNN.com
I am a realist

Most of cash is going to build

1- Shopping plaza
2- Parking lots
3- Swiss Bank accounts
4- Lavish wedding ceremonies
5- Makeup (Guy/Women)

Our Universities are ******* with no research and development funds
Most of the gov don't encourage local market and engineering to flourish , all machinery comes from out side of our countries.

Our grade 10 can't even write a basic , application letter in exams and they need to write a "pha-rrra" so they ca pass basic course.

But we still produce 5-6% genius students but even they get lost - and never reach , status of nobel awards or others due to lack of research funds...

We can't even build a engine - with basic principles of burning fuel

Most of the people pushing the limits on

Mathmatics / Physics / Music come from western thought process. And this is a reality

Besides 1-2 Nations we don't even have a Grade 1 resuce team or mobile force that can help releif efforts , just man power.

Just with Pakistan as reference:

Our education system produces good that are only 10% good, these 10% are cream of crop and they migrate outside. The remaining 80%never even reaches potential

Only 5% are innovative enough to create something in our country and even they get to face gov neglect

Even our Humanities and Arts section rot away , look at the status of our TV/Movie sector - no funds , dieing economy that we have to borrow from neighbours ...becasue they have a flourishing movie industry.
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Here is a story of , death of a visionary Automobile company who dared to setup a 100% Pakistani owned car manufacturing compay in Pakistan - when our own gov has no protection for local markets how can any one invent anything

Pakistan pioneer passenger car bites the dust

Saturday, September 06, 2008
By Saad Hasan

KARACHI: The odds were seemingly stacked against Feroz Khan when he was born to homeless migrants from India, but the span of 59 years has changed matters. Khan grew up in Lalukhait, one of the lower income areas in Karachi, but has nonetheless travelled far and wide, working in Saudi Arabia, England, and the United States.

After returning to Pakistan, he later became the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Adam Motor Company Ltd, maker of Pakistan’s car, the Revo. This plant was forced to close down, but adjacent to it stands another one of Khan’s factories: Omar Jibran (OJ) Engineering Services, the largest supplier of original car parts to Toyota, Honda and Suzuki in Pakistan.

OJ Engineering is the result of a lifelong struggle for Khan.

“I had a very humble beginning,” he says. One of six siblings, Khan studied at a government school. He earned a scholarship to DJ College, and then another to NED University, from where he graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering. After a bad job experience at Karachi Port Trust, Khan decided to move abroad.

Borrowing $300 from a sister, in 1972, he began an arduous journey to Germany by bus. On the way, he paid a visit to shrines in Kabul, Herat, Mashhad, Tehran, Kirmanshah, and Baghdad in the hopes that it would get him a job. However, this was when members of Israel’s Olympic team were killed by Palestinian militants, causing Germany to stop issuing visas. Four months after being on the road and with only $100 in hand, Khan had to come back to Beirut.

Eventually, his luck turned for the better. Without having anyone sponsor him, he managed to get a visa for Saudi Arabia, and got a well-paid job in Saudi Aramco. By the time he left Saudi Arabia in 1978, Khan has earned enough to buy 42.5 per cent shares of a company in England that made thread protectors for oil pipes.

After two years in England, he moved to Houston, Texas and set up a company called Tubular Protection of America. He has not looked back since. He eventually returned to Pakistan, and in 1990, established OJ Engineering, which manufactured car parts for Pak Suzuki Motors. His reputation started to grow and soon, other car assemblers became his customers.

“Pakistan’s auto industry has come a long way,” said Khan. “There was a time when we used to make only tyres, car batteries, seats, and wiring harnesses. Now, we make everything except for the transmission and engine.”

The auto industry, however, is facing a slowdown, and according to Khan, the government needs to bring political stability for it to make a turnaround. Had time remained on his side, he believes he would have taken the country a step further by making engines.

“I am not defeated,” declared Feroz Khan. “What does not break you makes you stronger.” Three years ago, Pakistan launched its first car, the snub-nosed Revo manufactured by Adam Motor Company Ltd, but deteriorating law and order, inconsistent government policies, and a bad business decision forced the plant to close.

Launched in 2005, the Revo had an edge over its competitors. With the exception of the engine and transmission system, all its parts were manufactured locally, rendering it the cheapest car in the market and the pride and joy of Feroz Khan.

The then finance minister Shaukat Aziz had inaugurated the plant in 2003. Even today, outside the closed factory gates of Adam Motors in Bin Qasim Industrial Estate, there is still a plaque carrying the announcement of the inauguration. Three months before the launch of the Revo in 2005, Shaukat Aziz, who had become Prime Minister by then, promised Khan that the car would be on list of the government’s purchases.

“And since it would have been the cheapest, the government would have been able to buy 5,000 to 10,000 cars a year,” recalled Khan ruefully. However, before even the first car was rolled out, the roads became crowded with more efficient imported vehicles.

The Revo was not purchased by the government, and the plant where it was manufactured eventually had to close.

One of Khan’s mistakes was that he did not arrange for a financier before the car was launched. He had believed that the word of the Prime Minister would be enough. “I have learned my lesson. No one should ever trust a political appointee,” said Khan in an interview with The News.

With no investor and few orders in hand, Khan had little money available for aggressive marketing. Eventually, he found a Kuwaiti investor willing to help. However, this was when the ongoing political crisis in the country with suicide bombings and assassinations began.

“He waited for two years for situation to improve,” said Khan of the investor. “The same thing happened to another investor from Dubai. Why would anyone invest here when Pakistanis themselves are shifting their capital abroad?” Today, Khan is still searching for someone who will buy the plant that closed down, but he has been able to come to terms with its closure.

“Looking back, I feel that to have a dream, to try it and fail is much better than to never have tried at all,” he said.

This was a car I wanted to get as a gift prized possesion as its part of history, too bad ... it closed down
This is all BS.

The above mentioned ll the inventions are done by Indians thousands of year ago. Then it travels to Arab and from Arab to Europe so many thinks that the Arabs have invented all this.



The oldest known surgical texts date back to ancient India about 3500 years ago and many evidences found around the Indus valley civilization show that even dentistry is practised then.Sushruta (also spelled Susruta or Sushrutha) is called as the father of surgery and the first known surgeon in the world and even wrote a book and his practices reached the middle east and later to the west .In his book, he described over 120 surgical instruments, 300 surgical procedures and classifies human surgery into 8 categories. Sushruta is also known as the father of plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery. He was a surgeon from the dhanvantari school of Ayurveda. In Ancient Egypt surgeries were performed by priests, specialized in medical treatments similar to today.

In ancient India, remains from the early Harappan periods of the Indus Valley Civilization (c. 3300 BC) show evidence of teeth having been drilled dating back 9,000 years.

Surgery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Nālandā (Hindi: नालंदा) is the name of an ancient university in Bihar, India. The site of Nalanda is located in the Indian state of Bihar, about 55 miles south east of Patna, and was a Buddhist center of learning from 427 to 1197 CE.[1][2] It has been called "one of the first great universities in recorded history. Nalanda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Taxila University

Taxila - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


While the word algebra comes from the Arabic language (al-jabr, الجبر literally, restoration) and much of its methods from Arabic/Islamic mathematics, its roots can be traced to earlier traditions, most notably ancient Indian mathematics, which had a direct influence on Muhammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī (c. 780-850). He learned Indian mathematics and introduced it to the Muslim world through his famous arithmetic text, Kitab al-jam’wal tafriq bi hisab al-Hindi (Book on Addition and Subtraction after the Method of the Indians).[1][2] He later wrote al-Kitāb al-muḫtaṣar fī ḥisāb al-jabr wa-l-muqābala (The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing), which established algebra as a mathematical discipline that is independent of geometry and arithmetic.

I have tired of writing all the facts, aur kitna likha hai, yaar

Above are the few examples the each and every inversion was in India. Except Coffee.

The article must have written by some one when he was high on drugs. This is ther old tactis divede and rule. They always deny the respectfull owners and just loot.

They have invaded Afganistan, Iraq and giving this lollypop to you people. I have no objection of giving lollypop but they should not steal mine.

We live in Present and Future .. All the past achivement were great but that was like 700-800 years ago ... man .. 700-800 years ago ...

Past is history - what are we doing now ..!!!! I don't like to read about past and go wow .. how great we were and yadah yadah ... what interests me is what we can do to make positive contributions i society. I already know how great we once were ... but that is past

Yes I admire the folks who setup the educational location to educate out past they made a great contribution... its educational

If I see one more big shopping plaza or stupid highrise as sign of achivement I will puke

Apart from Turkey who are doing some good work in electronics field , what are our contributions , we all all like 30 years behind everything ....ppl were building tanks in 1920... which we just managed to do ... if you know what I am trying to say ...

We have not even made a space flight
Above are the few examples the each and every inversion was in India. Except Coffee.

There you have it guys, the Muslims offered nothing to the world except coffee.

Perhaps you should take your research to the National Science Museum in London, that attracts around 2.8 million people every year, because these idiots are holding an exhibition:

Science Museum

The exhibition is called:

Science Museum - Visit the museum - 1001 Inventions

001 Inventions Exhibition in London Science Museum
Fri, 15/01/2010 - 16:15

The Science Museum today announced that it will host a new exhibition, 1001 Inventions: Discover the Muslim Heritage in Our World, which traces the forgotten story of a thousand years of science from the Muslim world, from the 7th century onwards. The free exhibition, which runs from the 21 January to 25 April 2010, will look at the social, scientific and technical achievements that are credited to the Muslim world, whilst celebrating the shared scientific heritage of other cultures. The exhibition is a British based project, produced in association with the Jameel Foundation.

These idiots at the national science museum are actually holding it on the first floor, for a 4 month duration!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Quickly ring them and show them your research, tell them to replace the few thousand artifacts with mugs of coffee.

Challo, jaldi karoo puttar.
Quickly name me 10 muslim inventions in last 10 years...exactly ...the only thing I can remember is some lady invented fibre for better hijab... I am not being unpolite but this is what I remember. I do recall I thought she was quite a briliant innovator

Now lets look at the other side
I can name you 10 , in last 2 years , I can name you ... from western civilization in mere minutes

1- Hedron collider (Dark Matter)
2- Touch screen cell phones
3- Wireless electrictity propagation projects
4- Invisible cloaks
5- Duel chip PC
6- Super computers
7- Electric cars
8- Better solar cells
9- Hard drive sizes
10 - Improved search algoritims in google....

....stealth, mars landers, discovery of water on moon, discovery of water on mars...

Sure , Algebra helped the things .. but ... you know we are living in past

May be muslims contribited 0.0001 % in above projects but you can't live in PAST ...

What we need to do is let go of PAST and grab the future and answer lies in Research and development and technology ...Turkey is a shinning example - of such secular thought process

Our students , and enterprenurs , graduate and we don't get any funding to use the theory and implemet these research ideas into workable solutions - Jews give 2.5 million 100 million dollars for young ppl with ideas ... so they create stuff like Facebook, ICQ etc ... its not that they have better intellect etc , just that they know if they have cash they can invest in research and developmet ... which is wonderful thought process

Our rich ppl they move the fuds to SWISS accounts and when economy goes down they lose the billion dollar they did not wanted to invest in first place...

May be if that billion dollar was spent in Universities to do research and development we could have our own car engines, better efficient electrical engines, and our own super computers , but no those fuds went into Bank account and when economy went bust .. all that CASH ... went down the drain ...

PS: India need not to be involed this is .. a purely different topic
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well......i do believe that a lot of people have to learn to stop believing everything somebody tells ya !!!!!and stick to reality......am not against any religon or something.......but what is the purpose of this thread here?. gloat about the past and feel good about it???(although most of the things claimed are crap anyway) when there is nothing to be proud of at present!!!!!??????

grow up people!!!!!!!the subcontinent was way more educated and advanced that the arab world or any other part of the world in the past......and besides although islam has a history that includes adam, moses ,jesus and the others , i do believe it was given the form of a religon only after prophet muhammed(pbuh) gave it a form in around 570AD .and the scientific inventions mentioned here date even before that period eg.indus valley civilization----2600 b.c.
Our Achivement are WELL known ...

Point I wanted to make was live in present time , and aim for future

Donate heavility to universities and scholor ship programs and research and development and Buy Pakistani, give your children hope

One thing our generation must live on with is a lessson how the world whipped us aroud

If Arabs had not backstabbed Ottoman Empire , I doubt anyone would have whipped us around like we are being whipped aroud at airports and in general lives we live world wide...

Unless lessons are learned - we will be just like Native Indians , and one day we will be owning casinos - but that is how it looks like from my point of view

Infact we are owing sorta like casios already places like halal meat shops , 711 Franchises or uselsss resturants and shopping malls -

There are alot of ppl who do the big talk just to feel good but reality is there is no scholor ship programs for our youth , there is no investment on ideas , there is no innovation our thought process is

a) Why should we invest time in learning when we can but it ready made.

With thinking like that we are stuck in 1930's while the world is 80-90 years ahead....of us.... and moving even faster each year.

What is stopping us from Making the BIGGEST cancer reasearch facility now in Saudia Arabia or UAE or Kuwait or Pakistan???

What is stopping us from Making the new innovations in surgery , and human health sciece????

What is stopping us from research in Arts and Music ??? Why are we stuck with Naat and Qawalis ???

What is stopping out Venture capatalist firms to support Pakistani Youths ?? Why can't we give 100 Million-200 Million just like that to bold ideas

Why can't we have next blueberry device made in Pakistan , after all our engineers work on these anyways....

I tell you why civilizations that invest in R&D reap the rewards...

Why do our roads have , Suzuki .. and other heavy oil based cars ?? Why can't we have a company in Pakistan selling Solar cars ?? Where is the innovation where is our thinking - ?????

Where is our next physics expert - or a genius mathmatician ?? who can give us the formula to determine hidden secrets of space & time ??????

Or a pharmacutical company in Pakistan coming up with cure to H1N flu virus , but who can invest ?? right ...

Are we not the same people ... ??? That were 700 years ago what is differece its just fiances - the difference is now we put all that cash in Banks -

We are now speding 80% of time trying to find bread and butter that we no longer have dreams and ambitions - when we can't realize things - we simply say oh that is how .. all mighty choose ... it to be while we have 0% innovation and desire.

So I say keep saving your cash in the BANKS ... and be happy with the bankblance end of day .. becuase that does not translates to anything.

Civilizations that spend on their society reap rewards of those steps

Reading about past - is facinating but its fairy tales now..

Untill , we can generate 30,000 scholors who stick to our own countries of high calibre we can't achive much .. specially with advacement in technologies already our countries look like stone ages , with cow carts and horse carts

We still use the same railway system built with british how sad is that - this is the most annoying fact I think about daily and go , wow .. why can't we just move to solar train system or something more innovative - and get rid of this old 1950's system
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There you have it guys, the Muslims offered nothing to the world except coffee.

Perhaps you should take your research to the National Science Museum in London, that attracts around 2.8 million people every year, because these idiots are holding an exhibition:

Science Museum

The exhibition is called:

Science Museum - Visit the museum - 1001 Inventions

001 Inventions Exhibition in London Science Museum
Fri, 15/01/2010 - 16:15

The Science Museum today announced that it will host a new exhibition, 1001 Inventions: Discover the Muslim Heritage in Our World, which traces the forgotten story of a thousand years of science from the Muslim world, from the 7th century onwards. The free exhibition, which runs from the 21 January to 25 April 2010, will look at the social, scientific and technical achievements that are credited to the Muslim world, whilst celebrating the shared scientific heritage of other cultures. The exhibition is a British based project, produced in association with the Jameel Foundation.

These idiots at the national science museum are actually holding it on the first floor, for a 4 month duration!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Quickly ring them and show them your research, tell them to replace the few thousand artifacts with mugs of coffee.

Challo, jaldi karoo puttar.

Don't twist my words.

I have not said that Muslim's contribution is only coffee.

What i have said it that the article mentions some inventions as muslim inventions which infact were discovered way back in India.

Like university, hospital, surgery and algebra etc.
algebra and surgery was invented by indians OH GOOD LORD.
Dont disect the history ultimate.
algebra and surgery was invented by indians OH GOOD LORD.
Dont disect the history ultimate.

Just click the links and see ur self.

I can further scan or show more references from the world but what is for. I know the truth, you don't then i have informed u. Now it is upto you to do the research of feel good by false news.

BTW, few days back i have watched the discover channel they were also saying the same.

Feel good or do some researech.

What i have said it that the article mentions some inventions as muslim inventions which infact were discovered way back in India.

Like university, hospital, surgery and algebra etc.

The article makes no such claim, in fact it claims the opposite by fully acknowledging other contributors, for example:

5. Algebra

The word algebra comes from the title of a Persian mathematician's famous 9th century treatise "Kitab al-Jabr Wa l-Mugabala" which translates roughly as "The Book of Reasoning and Balancing." Built on the roots of Greek and Hindu systems, the new algebraic order was a unifying system for rational numbers, irrational numbers and geometrical magnitudes. The same mathematician, Al-Khwarizmi, was also the first to introduce the concept of raising a number to a power.

Perhaps you missed the part highlighted?

Or, maybe you did not bother to read the article to begin with, and posted something unnecessarily due to your hatered of Islam and Muslims?

You called the whole article BS - is the part highlighted also BS?

Nobody is denying the fact of Indian contributions to science, but the fact of the matter is that Muslim scientists further enhanced and improved upon the sciences they collated.

Algebra and chemistry are prime examples.
Many things of Indian origin was adopted by ancient arabs and spread them to teh west, creatin g the impression of them being of their origin ( there were no patent laws... :) ). One good example of them being the present day numeral system. In the west it was known as Arabic numeral system.
Having said that , there were some good inventions by Arabs. One being Navigaion system for the ships..No doubt they were good traders ( and pirates ...later on ) ...before they struck Oil.
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