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Muslim first or Pakistani first?

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Imagine, what would become of Islamic world, without Pakistan..... and you'll have your answer.

don't know about the muslim world but the entire world would have been peaceful and free of terrorism , since pakistan is the epicenter of terrorism , and oh yes the americans could have saved some dollars aswell

on topic- there is nothing called muslim world , it just the pakistanis who live in these illusions to comfort themselves
People fail to see that most Arabs in these Muslim countries consider us inferior to them - they don't even like us. And here we are trying to be Arabs and trying to glorify them (just because they are "descendants" of Muhammad PBUH and "safeguard" Mecca/Medina).
We're having a serious identity crisis - our nationality is:

Indian >> Pakistani
Arab >> Pakistani

We're from the Indian Subcontinent, not the Middle East!

Are you high on something?

Pakistanis are Pakistanis nor Indians nor Arabs. Don't disgrace others if you wanna be Indian or Arab.
Also there is no such thing as Indian subcontinent, either it is Subcontinent or South Asia. Remove our flag & put your correct flags.
Pakistan is in our hearts , Islam is in our blood , cant live without either one . Put one before the other what difference does it make when we created this state in the name of Islam in the first place ?

Islam <---> Pakistan
Muslim First. If GOD FORBID there is no Pakistan then one can live without Pakistan but cant live without Islam. Also we are going to be questioned about religion in grave and not nationality. Pakistan is the most important after Islam though.
I dont know about pakistanis but for me first i am indian then hindu.
I don't like these kind of questions and topics, human first or Muslim first or Pakistani first. What does it matter? Do I stop being a human if I'm Muslim first? Or vise versa or am i not Muslim if I'm Pakistani first?

All this is just to confuse people and nothing more. If you wanna devide people by the lowest common denominator than we can also throw in gender and color of skin and language. Muslim first or man or woman first. Man or woman first or white, black or lite or dark first, nationality first or ethnic group first.

You don't stop being the other by choosing the one first. You'll still be a Pakistani if you say you're Muslim first.

---------- Post added at 06:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:28 AM ----------

I dont know about pakistanis but for me first i am indian then hindu.

So if you're Indian first then you don't remain a Hindu?
Muslim First. If GOD FORBID there is no Pakistan then one can live without Pakistan but cant live without Islam. Also we are going to be questioned about religion in grave and not nationality. Pakistan is the most important after Islam though.

Islam is our personnal belief(Alhumdolillah) but our nationality is Pakistani, there are Christians,Hindus,Sikhs etc also in Pakistan.
In our grave we will be questioned about our personnal belief so it is our personal.
Muslim First. If GOD FORBID there is no Pakistan then one can live without Pakistan but cant live without Islam. Also we are going to be questioned about religion in grave and not nationality. Pakistan is the most important after Islam though.

exactly bro :tup: :tup: :tup: :tup:
Islam is our personnal belief(Alhumdolillah) but our nationality is Pakistani, there are Christians,Hindus,Sikhs etc also in Pakistan.
In our grave we will be questioned about our personnal belief so it is our personal.

My answer was about Muslim first or Pakistani. Religion sure is personal belief and different religions might have different answers. I dont expect the same answer from another religion because they have different beliefs regarding afterlife. Do you expect that a Hindu believes he will be questioned in grave when he knows hes not going to be in one?

Most of Muslim Pakistanis who can travel to western countries are very much happy giving birth to children in western countries and not Pakistan. Not everyone but majority. Even they do compromise on nationality for their children but they dont want their children to be either christian, hindu or sikkh. This should tell us which is more important between MUSLIM and PAKISTANI.
Muslim First. If GOD FORBID there is no Pakistan then one can live without Pakistan but cant live without Islam. Also we are going to be questioned about religion in grave and not nationality. Pakistan is the most important after Islam though.
islam been around for 1500 years but civilization around for more than 5000 years. after your death it doesnt matter if you ar e buried or burnt, this body is useless. no one knows for a fact what happen after death, its only matter of faith and that is purely speculative. so think for yourself if what you said is correct
islam been around for 1500 years but civilization around for more than 5000 years. after your death it doesnt matter if you ar e buried or burnt, this body is useless. no one knows for a fact what happen after death, its only matter of faith and that is purely speculative. so think for yourself if what you said is correct

I know what I said. I donot expect you to understand what I said simply because we might belong to 2 very different religions. If you dont care whats going to happen with you after death then trust me there is no point in discussing it at all with you. having said that I dont wanna sound that I dont wanna answer you but it will keep on going and going and we will reach no where. My answer will be very different than what it is if I was a follower of another religion.
My answer was about Muslim first or Pakistani. Religion sure is personal belief and different religions might have different answers. I dont expect the same answer from another religion because they have different beliefs regarding afterlife. Do you expect that a Hindu believes he will be questioned in grave when he knows hes not going to be in one?

Most of Muslim Pakistanis who can travel to western countries are very much happy giving birth to children in western countries and not Pakistan. Not everyone but majority. Even they do compromise on nationality for their children but they dont want their children to be either christian, hindu or sikkh. This should tell us which is more important between MUSLIM and PAKISTANI.
ok in that case if you can either save a muslim malay or a hindu pakistani and only 1 not both , what will it be.
I don't know when my Pakistaniat got competitive with my Musalmaniat.

Lets ask a more direct question to the Christians - will they piss over their religion to prove their national patriotism? Essentially thats what this question is asking by putting things that shouldn't be in competition with each other.

Ask a parent if they like their 1st born better than their 2nd?

It sounds good and patriotic to say I'm Pakistani first then everything else... But what does that mean? I mean how will you prove it? Quran jalake aana hoga? Would I have to be anti-Muslim? Would Muslims have to be anti-Pakistan?

Zakir Naik got it right, he knew this is a question posed just to embarrass first then persecute second by equating Muslim-first type people to the level of traitors.
ok in that case if you can either save a muslim malay or a hindu pakistani and only 1 not both , what will it be.

Is this thread regarding saving a muslim or a pakistani or whats your own faith being a muslim first or a pakistani? I will give a very general answer according to Islam which is saving one life is saving whole of humanity or mankind I am sorry am not too good with english. If I start answering your question then you will say ok what if between this and that. after that another question. Stick to the topic or make a new thread of who who one will save.
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