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Muslim extremists attempted 'uprising' in Xinjiang: China

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I won't belabour any more.

You have nothing worthwhile to say and your argument is convoluted.

Chechnya is no concern of Pakistan and yet the ummah is important in Palestine!

Its not the Ummah, its about right and wrong. Like i said Ummah card was never played by pakistan anywhere neither in the past nor anywhere in the future otherwise we would have been supporting movements both in chechnya and Xinjiang. Palestine is an altogether a different story. You cant interrelate kashmir and palestine with chechnya and xinjiang unless facts run short and you need something to rely on as clearly indicated by your posts bringing different issues one after the other and interrelating them without any logic or reasoning.

I have no interest in starting a thread on it. This was just to indicate that it is matter of convenience that you adopt to drive hard your point of view and blatantly ignoring events and working up a web of "facts" that are but figment of imagination and does not stand scrutiny!!

Too bad! anyhow let me remind you that Ummah thing was brought in by you and not me and i gave you the example of chechnya, very clearly identifying the faults in your judgement. You at first claimed that pakistan does not feel the same sympathy for muslims in china because china gives pakistan technology and i proved you wrong by posting a fact that pakistan does not support chechnya aswell and calls it an internal matter of Russia, now Russia doesnt give pakistan anything. Now when you could not contradict that and so you decided to bring in another issue the Palestine issue so that you could continue the argument without logic and perhaps derail the thread.
Anyways like i said this is not the thread and i would not derail it just because a lost soul is hanging around. Cheers and have a good day:cheers:
From The Sunday Times
April 6, 2008
China struggles to quell Tibet rebels

A PICTURE is emerging of desperate and prolonged Tibetan resistance despite the huge scale of China’s military operation across the mountainous region that one ancient poet called “a place where snow lions dance”.

The Chinese press focused yesterday on a campaign to whip up resentment against the foreign media as reports outside China spoke of at least eight unarmed Tibetans shot dead by paramilitary police.

Scraps of evidence collected by exiles, campaigners, military analysts and daring witnesses inside Tibet all point to the conclusion that China can subdue the Tibetans but cannot win the spiritual war.

There is also new evidence this weekend in eyewitness accounts provided to The Sunday Times of the spread of unrest among Muslims in the vast province of Xinjiang, which borders Tibet.

These are the two most turbulent regions in the People’s Republic and a simultaneous crisis in both of them would present the Chinese leadership with the most serious challenge it has faced since 1989.

Piecing together official statements with accounts reaching Tibetans in exile, the size of the Tibet operation suggests that the Chinese are having to hold down dozens of villages, man hundreds of checkpoints and retain control of more than 100 important monasteries and shrines.

China has committed the key 52nd and 55th divisions of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), dressed soldiers up as paramilitary police and employed Marxist psychological warfare tactics to break the Tibetan resistance.

Most of the security forces are Han Chinese from the farmlands of eastern China, untrained for hard work at high altitudes on the Tibetan plateau.

Thousands of regular troops backed by armoured vehicles have deployed to support the police, patrolling roads in a vast area stretching from the Himalayan border with India to the provinces of southwestern China. “No military machine on earth is designed to do that permanently,” commented a foreign military attaché.

So far China’s top leadership, the nine-man standing committee of the politburo, has thrown its support behind the PLA’s iron-fisted response. The prospect of talks with the Dalai Lama seems unlikely.

Zhou Yongkang, the security chief, and Li Changchun, the Communist party’s head propagandist, are said to have persuaded the rest of the standing committee that China can win in Tibet and in the arena of world opinion.

On the propaganda front, the farcical results of a conducted tour for journalists to a temple in Lhasa, where monks wept and pleaded for freedom, suggest that official plans to reopen Tibet to tourists on May 1 look distinctly optimistic.

In terms of what China calls “stability”, Tibet remains volatile. The fresh violence broke out near a military headquarters at Kangding which controls the passes between the Tibetan plateau and the city of Chengdu.

The state news agency conceded that a “riot” broke out in Kardze, west of Kangding, in which a government official was seriously wounded.

However, reporters for the Tibetan service of Radio Free Asia found witnesses who said that one monk and seven lay people had been shot after the police banned pictures of the Dalai Lama and tried to force people to criticise him.

According to Urgen Tenzin, director of the Indian-based Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy, the number of dead could be as high as 15.

The officials had not only demanded that all photographs and posters of the Dalai Lama be destroyed but also that all monks denounce their spiritual leader. “Skirmishes” broke out when officials began room-to-room searches in a monastery. Two monks, Tsultrim Tenzin and Yeshe Nyima, were arrested when they protested at Chinese officials throwing pictures of the Dalai Lama on the floor.

This intensified the protest, with more than 300 monks and several hundred Tibetan villagers demonstrating close to where the monks were being held.

Police opened fire on a crowd of Tibetans at Nyatso Monastery in Dawu, west of Chengdu, on Saturday at midday after lay people joined monks in a religious observance. The police intervened and the situation developed into a protest. It is believed that at least five Tibetans were hit. Injured monks and civilians were unable to get medical treatment.

It was a sketch of the nightmare that unites the Chinese leadership in the fear that any show of weakness will embolden its numerous enemies. They range from all the losers in China’s economic upheaval to followers of the banned Falun Gong meditation group, Tibetans and Muslims.

The Sunday Times has obtained the first independent confirmation of the outbreak of protest in China’s restive western province of Xinjiang, which is home to the Uighurs, a Turkic-speaking Muslim minority. Hundreds of Muslim women, many with their babies, are still in detention after Chinese security forces broke up a protest led by mothers calling for human rights in the remote Silk Road city of Hotan.

Eyewitnesses spoke of an unprecedented scene in the grand bazaar of Hotan on March 23, when veiled women advanced holding their infants in the air, defying the paramilitary police to open fire.

“At first some people came past handing out leaflets and then a group of women in Arabian-style clothes and veils came by, some of them with their babies in their arms,” said a Han Chinese resident of the town.

“They were surrounded by the armed police, then thrown into trucks and driven away. Even those who weren’t marching were rounded up before the police cleared the streets.” Between 700 and 1,000 people, the majority of them women, had been arrested, witnesses estimated.

The Muslims were apparently emboldened by news of the uprising in Tibet, just to the south of Hotan beyond the Kunlun mountains. The demonstrations were set off by the death in police custody of a prominent local philanthropist and trader in jade, for which the city is famous.

The body of the man, 38-year-old Mutallip Hajim, was handed back to his family on March 3 by the police, who said he had died of heart trouble and ordered his immediate burial.

However, protests spread to other towns as Muslims called on the authorities to stop torture, abandon plans to restrict the veil and free political prisoners, Radio Free Asia reported.

Chinese officials said that “terrorists, splittists and religious extremists” had tried to “stage a riot” in Hotan.

Last month China claimed to have foiled a “terrorist plot” to attack the Olympic Games after raiding a militant hideout in Urumqi, the provincial capital.

China struggles to quell Tibet rebels - Times Online
Its not the Ummah, its about right and wrong. Like i said Ummah card was never played by pakistan anywhere neither in the past nor anywhere in the future otherwise we would have been supporting movements both in chechnya and Xinjiang. Palestine is an altogether a different story. You cant interrelate kashmir and palestine with chechnya and xinjiang unless facts run short and you need something to rely on as clearly indicated by your posts bringing different issues one after the other and interrelating them without any logic or reasoning.

Why Pakistan alone? No Moslem or Islamic country has ever raised the ummah card! It is the people and the clerics who have been shouting from the rooftops on the issue. Have you not seen the same in this forum too, where the be all and end all of all issue has been religion?

And why is Palestine and Kashmir different from Xinjiang and Chechnya? Aren't the Mos*lems at the wrong end of the stick? Does your heart not bleed for them? Or is it selective bleeding?

Too bad! anyhow let me remind you that Ummah thing was brought in by you and not me and i gave you the example of chechnya, very clearly identifying the faults in your judgement. You at first claimed that pakistan does not feel the same sympathy for muslims in china because china gives pakistan technology and i proved you wrong by posting a fact that pakistan does not support chechnya aswell and calls it an internal matter of Russia, now Russia doesnt give pakistan anything. Now when you could not contradict that and so you decided to bring in another issue the Palestine issue so that you could continue the argument without logic and perhaps derail the thread.
Anyways like i said this is not the thread and i would not derail it just because a lost soul is hanging around. Cheers and have a good day:cheers:

How is your springing Chechnya on me an indicator of my judgemental fault? It only indicates your selectivity in your choice of closing shoulders with the other Mos*lems as you do for Kashmir and Palestine

Indeed, you dare not speak against China for the oppressed Moslem in China, because you are beholden to them! You speak out and they will discard you like a soiled tissue! What is the connection of Chechnya to the issue? Of course, Russia has not given much to Pakistan, but then you can do nothing to Russia even if you are vocal about Chechnya. Russia couldn't care less and so that is why there is no umbrage at the plight of your Moslem brothers in Chechnya!

I am aware that one has to be pragmatic for one's nation's progress. I accept that. But to spin some hocus pocus in a contrived justification is most ridiculous and laughable!
Here is what an Islamic site has to say:

China Represses Muslim Uighurs: Rights Groups

CAIRO, April 12, 2005 (IslamOnline.net) - Two major human rights groups accused China of directing a crushing campaign of religious repression against its Muslim Uighurs minority, in the name of anti-separatism and counter-terrorism.

The accusation was made in a joint report by two human rights organisations, Human Rights Watch (HRW) and Human Rights in China.

The 114-page report, Devastating Blows: Religious Repression of Uighurs in Xinjiang, is based on previously undisclosed Communist Party and government documents, as well as local regulations, official newspaper accounts, and interviews conducted in Xinjiang, according to the Web site of Human Rights Watch (HRW) Tuesday, 12 April.

According to the report, peaceful Uighur activists are being arrested, tortured and at times executed, while harsher punishments are given for so-called separatist activity, which Chinese officials term “terrorism”.

“At its most extreme, peaceful activists practicing their religion in ways that the Party and government deem unacceptable are arrested, tortured, and at times executed,” said the report.

It added that half of the inmates in Xinjiang labor camps have been jailed without our trial or judicial review, for allegedly engaging in separatist activities.

“The harshest punishments are saved for those accused of involvement in so-called separatist activity, which officials increasingly term ‘terrorism’ for domestic and external consumption.”

The report also accuses China of “opportunistically using the post-11 September environment to make the outrageous claim that individuals disseminating peaceful religious and cultural messages in Xinjiang are terrorists who have simply changed tactics”.

The Uighurs are a Turkish-speaking minority of eight million whose traditional homeland lies in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region in north-west China.

Perfect Excuse

The Asia director for Human Rights Watch, Brad Adams, said the worldwide campaign against terrorism has given Beijing the “perfect excuse” to crack down on Xinjiang.

“Other Chinese enjoy a growing freedom to worship, but the Uighurs, like the Tibetans, find that their religion is being used as a tool of control.”

The Uighurs, according to HRW, have become increasingly fearful for their cultural survival and traditional way of life in the face of an intensive internal migration drive that has witnessed the arrival of more than 1.2 million ethnic Chinese settlers over the past decade.

“Uighurs are seen by Beijing as an ethno-nationalist threat to the Chinese state,” said Sharon Hom, executive director of Human Rights in China.

“As Islam is perceived as underpinning Uighur ethnic identity, China has taken draconian steps to smother Islam as a means of subordinating Uighur nationalist sentiment.”

The report said it unveils for the first time “the complex architecture of law, regulation, and policy in Xinjiang that denies Uighurs religious freedom, and by extension freedom of association, assembly, and expression”.

The Chinese government also vets those who can be Islamic scholars and what version of Noble Qur’an is acceptable.

“Chinese policy and law enforcement stifle religious activity and thought even in school and at home,” it said.

“One official document goes so far as to say that ‘parents and legal guardians may not allow minors to participate in religious activities’.”


Human Rights Watch and Human Rights in China called on the international community to “press China to repeal these regulations and end their policies and practices of discrimination against Uighurs.

The organizations also stressed the need to challenge Chinese assertions that all separatists are criminals or are connected to international terror networks.

“No country should return to China any Uighurs claimed by China to be involved in terrorism, separatism or other criminal acts,” said Adams.

“Given China’s past record, there is every reason to fear they will be tortured or even subjected to the death penalty once back in China.”

China has denied that it suppresses Islam in Xinjiang.

Islam Online- News Section

Well that is what they say.

One cant be an ostrich to help friends!

I am sure the Islamic site is not talking through its hat! Or, are they?

One can boldly defend and friend without resorting to wishy washy excuses as one should!
Its useless to debate with you since you will see only one side of the coin coz the other doesnt suit your rogue argument and like i said this is not the thread for issues that you have mentioned, indeed chechnya and palestine are two different issues and cannot be compared with eachother. Just a few words of history for you which you claim to know all, Palestine was an Arab land and because europe wanted to root out the jews from their respected countries they decided to settle them in this part of the area. And hence palestinians were exlied from their own land.
Its useless to debate with you since you will see only one side of the coin coz the other doesnt suit your rogue argument and like i said this is not the thread for issues that you have mentioned, indeed chechnya and palestine are two different issues and cannot be compared with eachother. Just a few words of history for you which you claim to know all, Palestine was an Arab land and because europe wanted to root out the jews from their respected countries they decided to settle them in this part of the area. And hence palestinians were exlied from their own land.

Grapes are sour!

Low on logic, high on emotion!
the uighurs are fighting for a nationalistic objective not for a religious one, that is one big flaw in their motivation. other than that, they are supposed to migrate if they find themselves outnumbered by non-believers.

if they face oppression or invasion, then obviously the muslim ummah must respond to their call. however, we all know that is not the case right now. no muslim country is large or powerful enough to call the shots. as for pakistan's relations with china and uighurs, the same can be said for america and afghanistan. pakistan is helping america also against the hardliners of afghanistan, isn't it?
the uighurs are fighting for a nationalistic objective not for a religious one, that is one big flaw in their motivation. other than that, they are supposed to migrate if they find themselves outnumbered by non-believers.

if they face oppression or invasion, then obviously the muslim ummah must respond to their call. however, we all know that is not the case right now. no muslim country is large or powerful enough to call the shots. as for pakistan's relations with china and uighurs, the same can be said for america and afghanistan. pakistan is helping america also against the hardliners of afghanistan, isn't it?

How convewnient!

Fighting for nationalist causes and not religion!

So, you should say they should migrate, if outnumbered?

Would you?

Fine, it is valid that the ummah is not powerful to fight, but they sure can call the shots, if they call the moral shots against the US, the sole superpower of the world!!

Are you suggesting that Pakistan should help China suppress the Mos.lem Uighurs?

If you should say so as a pious Mos.lem, who am I do say you are wrong?
Indeed, you dare not speak against China for the oppressed Moslem in China, because you are beholden to them! You speak out and they will discard you like a soiled tissue

Actually i wanted to give you a detailed reply to your post but after reading this line i stoped. Like a soiled tissue! ahhhh well this shows how unaware you are about geostrategic and geopolitical situation all around the World and yet you claim to know all which is the most funny part and indeed laughable.
Now a right response to your such lack of knowledge would be to educate you but it has not gone well in the past and i'm pretty sure it wont in the future as well. You are just too bigot to understand. However heres a hint for you:
Gawdar Port.
And this is just one of many longtermed strategic partnerships that we have with china and will continue to have and i can carry on with the list but i would not like to derail the thread then it already has been.:enjoy:
Grapes are sour!

Low on logic, high on emotion!

The Saudi sent loads of Jihadis to Afghanistan, after the war they revoked their citizenship & allowed none of them back.

geee.. i wonder why? :woot:
Actually i wanted to give you a detailed reply to your post but after reading this line i stoped. Like a soiled tissue! ahhhh well this shows how unaware you are about geostrategic and geopolitical situation all around the World and yet you claim to know all which is the most funny part and indeed laughable.
Now a right response to your such lack of knowledge would be to educate you but it has not gone well in the past and i'm pretty sure it wont in the future as well. You are just too bigot to understand. However heres a hint for you:
Gawdar Port.
And this is just one of many longtermed strategic partnerships that we have with china and will continue to have and i can carry on with the list but i would not like to derail the thread then it already has been.:enjoy:

I understand the power of ummah however!

It is uber alles!
The Saudi sent loads of Jihadis to Afghanistan, after the war they revoked their citizenship & allowed none of them back.

geee.. i wonder why? :woot:

Keep guessing even if you know why.

It is still not my problem!
Does it means USA and India support East Turkistan Islamic Movement, which is UN-defined terrorist group, attack China? :coffee:

:china::pakistan: :sniper: :usflag:
^^^Dude, why do you want to make us cringe every time we read your posts?
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