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Muslim cop goes to Supreme Court to save beard

@Zarvanthis is our Lord Brahma and this is Lord Shiva..look at the flowing beard..now if you too have a flowing beard then that means you are imitating them..so are you going to be condemned to jahannum because of that ? :eek:

I wish I could let loose a little and make a few jokes at the expense of 2 fanatics KS and Zarvan here but I am rather trying to be a better Think tank. But your post receives a thanks for making me smile KS

KS is a Hindutva troll hiding behind elite membership @Zarvan but he has a point. Even Abu Jahl had a beard. Are you trying to imitate him? Islam does not wish us to become robots with no ability to use a mind of our own. Beard is believed to be a must by a section which (I will surrender here to you my friend) I will admit is the majority-even those who don't have a beard will be found saying you must have it. A chacha is like that. But that doesn't mean we ignore the other view.


My view on the topic has already been shared. As far as the said claim that in an institution you have to follow said rules-I disagree. I believe an institutions rules have to be transformed in order to create tolerance and ensure no religious group is left out. Do note there are only 6% Muslims in law enforcement agencies and organizations that come under the central government and 7% in those in the state government level despite a population of 14%.

It is the responsibility of the institution to accommodate Muslims and their differing beliefs. This gap may never be bridged otherwise. This article explains some of the reasons behind Muslim numbers being low in the police forces. Members who stated Sikhs wear a turban are correct in this regard. @KRAIT @Gigawatt and members who replied can take a look at this post. Thanks.
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@haviZsultan Do you know highest number of Muslim policemen is in Gujrat. :cheesy:

As for this case, look at Indian Justice system, an Indian Muslim went to court over a beard and Court sent notice to Central govt. and State govt. of a nation in which 80% of 1.2 billion are Hindus.

This is what is great about my country. Every one gets his time in court of law.
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I wish I could let loose a little and make a few jokes at the expense of 2 fanatics KS and Zarvan here but I am rather trying to be a better Think tank. But your post receives a thanks for making me smile KS

KS is a Hindutva troll hiding behind elite membership @Zarvan but he has a point. Even Abu Jahl had a beard. Are you trying to imitate him? Islam does not wish us to become robots with no ability to use a mind of our own. Beard is believed to be a must by a section which (I will surrender here to you my friend) I will admit is the majority-even those who don't have a beard will be found saying you must have it. A chacha is like that. But that doesn't mean we ignore the other view.


My view on the topic has already been shared. As far as the said claim that in an institution you have to follow said rules-I disagree. I believe an institutions rules have to be transformed in order to create tolerance and ensure no religious group is left out. Do note there are only 6% Muslims in law enforcement agencies and organizations that come under the central government and 7% in those in the state government level despite a population of 14%.

It is the responsibility of the institution to accommodate Muslims and their differing beliefs. This gap may never be bridged otherwise. This article explains some of the reasons behind Muslim numbers being low in the police forces. Members who stated Sikhs wear a turban are correct in this regard. @KRAIT @Gigawatt and members who replied can take a look at this post. Thanks.
Sir I ignore the other view because they don't have any backing from Quran and Sunnah Quran and Sunnah are clear on beard sir we Muslims have to keep beard and I have told you point of view of all the Imams now if you are not keeping beard you problem but keeping beard is must for Muslim men Sir that is clear order from Quran and Sunnah Sorry Sir we Muslims follow our beliefs and in everything our believes come first than anything else Sir that we a Muslims have to make sure that Islam remains on the top not our personal choices
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No Sir they are evil and not good things to do not the biggest evil Sir in Islam and keeping beard is order of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW and Muslims have to do it my vision is clear and not clouded if you are have some problems your problems not mine Islam is clear on what is evil and what is good and we have spread good and stop the evils of all kinds Meccan were not Athiests this shows your pathetic knowledge Beard is mandatory in Islam and shaving is haram I am not making anything up you are lying about Islam

You are just ignorant too ignorant to face reality.And read my post properly before answering me.
No Sir these are orders of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW just like giving zakat Offering salah getting knowledge how to run our economy and Muslims have to follow all the laws Sir

So does everyone follow this or it is selectively applied based on comfort. I am positive he was clean shaved when he went for interview. So why it has suddenly become mandatory for him?
Such interesting viewpoints...

This thread makes me think of the blasphemy law of Pakistan that states that Non-Muslims shall not be allowed to behave like Muslims. So, while the Muslims ought to retain their beard (the requirement of which can be traced, at most, to some dubious hadith and not directly to Koran, while most would agree that Islam lies directly and in its entirety in Koran)... then speaking on the lines of the blasphemy law in Pakistan, should they also find it blasphemous if non-Muslims sport some beard?

I think Azazel is a Muslim, but dude if you are, sorry to see you are such a minority. The Islam today needs more and more like you who can stand and protest against the overstepping of a radical Muslim. It is the absence of the vocal ones like you that is making the rest of the world think of Islam as some kind of uncontainable monster.
You are just ignorant too ignorant to face reality.And read my post properly before answering me.

Sir I have read your post Sir what is evil and what is good is told by ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW and we Muslims have to spread those goods and stop those evils even if we have to use force to spread good and stop evil Sir and by the way for @haviZsultan here is Shia view on beard that is far more strict than all the Imam of Ahle Sunnah
YA ALI MADDAD 'N' Asalam -o-Allaikum,

On Growing Beard and Trimming Moustaches:
This short article on ‘Growing Beard and Trimming Moustaches’ has been compiled from the traditions of masomeenasws. Shaving beard is forbidden, if someone does that then there is ‘Kufara’(penalty) equivalent to ‘blood-money’ if beard would not grow back but if it does than Kufara would be 1/3 of it. Kufara of a shave (if beard grows back) is approximately £ 26, 000.

It is narrated by Ibn-e-Massoud that Prophet Mohammadsaww, said: when Hazrat Adamas was feeling low Allahazwj sent Hazrat Jibraeilas to (cheer him up). Jibraeil said: I am a messenger of Allahazwj and Allahazwj Wishes you a long and cheerful life. (Upon hearing this) Adamas went into prostration and then lifted his head towards skies and prayed: O Lord! Make me more graceful. In the morning, the next day, upon touching his face with his hands, Hazrat Adamas felt a heavily grown black beard. Upon feeling it, Hazrat Adamas said: Allahazwj What is this? Allahazwj replied: This is beard, the beauty for youas and your sons to come until the day of resurrection.1

Abi Abdullahasws said that the people never look old until the time of Hazrath Ibrahimas. Upon observing a white hair in his beard, the
1 Bihar V 73 P 379 Ilaloshraya V2 P 379

first time, Hazrath Ibrahimas prayed to Allahazwj Oh Allahazwj! Please enlighten me about it. Allahazwj said it is ‘WIQAR’ (reverence) for you. Then Heas said Lord bestow me with more reverence.2

Rasool Allahsaww said shaving beard is an act of mutilation and one incites Allahazwj ‘s curse by shaving his beard.3

It is narrated from a chain of narrators that Imam Jafar-e-Sadiqasws quoted on behalf of Amir-ul-moumaneenasws that if someone shaves his beard and it does not grow again then there is ‘Blood Money’ on him but if his beard grows again then he should pay out (elms) one third of the ‘Blood Money.4

Hazrat Abu Abdullahasws said: Blood money is ten thousand Dirhams or one thousand Dinars. Jamil said that Abu Abdullahasws said the blood money is equivalent to the price of one hundred camels.5

2 Al-kafi vol 6 pg 494 Ilalushrayi vol 1 pg 104
3 Mustadrak Ul Wasail Vol 1 Hadees No 1003
4 AL-KAFI .V-7.PG-316, FAQI V.4 P.150,TAHZEEB V 10 P.250
5 AL-KAFI V-7 P-272. TAHZEEB V-10 P-160

Rasool Allahsaww said that I have been asked by my Lord to grow my beard and cut my moustaches6

The Messenger of Allahsaww said: The Majoosi7 shave their beards, and grow their moustaches and we trim our Moustaches, and grow our beards.8

A companion of Amir-ul-Momaneenasws narrates: I saw Aliasws accompanied with his officials, on Thursday, he had a lash in his hand and was hitting those with it who were selling ‘Haram’ fish- The fish with Moustaches and the dead floating fish. Amir-ul-Momaneenasws cautioned them: O sellers of deformed Children of Israel and Army of Marawan's son" (Upon listen to this) Furath Bin Al-Hanif asked : Ya Aliasws who is the army of Marawan's son! Imam Aliasws replied they are from those who shave their beards and twisted their moustaches.9

The minimum and maximum length of Beard:
It is narrated from Imam Jafar-e-Sadiqasws that close your fingers around your beard and trim down hair which comes out of your palm (width) and in another tradition, Imamasws says the part of beard which is longer than the fist-length will be burnt in the hell fire.10

6 Mustadrak Ul Wasail, Vol 1, Hadees No 1004
7 A nation who disobeyed Allahazwj and were destroyed by Allahazwj’s wrath.
8 Mustadrak Ul Wasail, Vol 2, Hadees No 1659
9 Usool-e-Kafi (Arabic Version), Vol 1, pp. 346, Hadith No. 3, Wasail-ul-Shia, Vol. 2, pp. 116,
Mustadrak Ul Wasail, Vol. 16, pp. 178.
10 Tahzib-ul-Islam, pp. 182 (Urdu)

Imam Musa Kazimasws replied to a question regarding the triming of beard, as: trim it down some from the sides and some from the front.11

Sudair Al Serafi reports : I having seen Imam Aba Jaafarasws used to trim his beard by removing hair from Hisasws cheeks and underneath the chin.12

Abi Nasr Al Bznti the Sahabi asked from Imam Razaasws : Is a man allowed to remove hair from his beard ? Imamasws replied: There is no harm if he removes hair from his cheeks but should refrain from shaving the front part. 13

It is narrated from a chain of narrators that Amir-ul-Momaneenasws said if someone shaves his beard and it does not grow again then there is ‘Blood Money’ on him but if his beard grows again then he should pay out (elms) one third of the ‘Blood Money14

‘Kufara’ (penalty) of Shaving Beard:

11 Tahzib-ul-Islam, pp. 182 (Urdu)
12 Wasailulshia V-2 Page 111, Bihar V-46 Page 299
13 Wasailulshia V-2 Page 111 Bihar V-73 Page 113
14 AL-KAFI .V-7.PG-316, FAQI V.4 P.150,TAHZEEB V 10 P.250

Hazrat Abu Abdullahasws said: Blood money is ten thousand Dirhams or one thousand Dinars. Jamil said that Abu Abdullahasws said the blood money is equivalent to the price of one hundred camels.15

So does everyone follow this or it is selectively applied based on comfort. I am positive he was clean shaved when he went for interview. So why it has suddenly become mandatory for him?
Sir we have to follow all and we can't choose some part and leave other part that is called hypocrisy and those who do it will be in worst kind of hell than even kafirs
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Those Hadiths are quoted by some Mullah in Bihar.

I only follow Quran.
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Those Hadiths are quoted by some Mullah in Bihar.

I only follow Quran.
Sir those Hadees are by HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW not a person from Bihar and Sir Muslims follow both Quran and Hadees Sir only kharjis follow only Quran and HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW told that Kharjis will go to hell Sir
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Sir those Hadees are by HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW not a person from Bihar and Sir Muslims follow both Quran and Hadees Sir only kharjis follow only Quran and HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW told that Kharjis will go to hell Sir

Yes dear.

Hadiths are a saying of Prophet Muhammad's life right?

Then why should we behave like sheeps & believe every "hadith" a Mullah tells us?

Wake up!! Follow the Quran & Sunnah only!!!!!!!!!

Btw where did Prophet Muhammad said Kharji will go to hell?
Yes dear.

Hadiths are a saying of Prophet Muhammad's life right?

Then why should we behave like sheeps & believe every "hadith" a Mullah tells us?

Wake up!! Follow the Quran & Sunnah only!!!!!!!!!

Btw where did Prophet Muhammad said Kharji will go to hell?
Sir you wake up and stop differentiating between Sunnah and Hadees they are the same thing without Hadees you will not know what is Sunnah Sir this show how big ignorant you are in this case you have to follow Hadees Sir Hadees are sayings of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD and his actions not Mullahs if you have problem with HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW than be open to say it other wise don't come up with ****
I wish I could let loose a little and make a few jokes at the expense of 2 fanatics KS and Zarvan here but I am rather trying to be a better Think tank. But your post receives a thanks for making me smile KS

KS is a Hindutva troll hiding behind elite membership @Zarvan but he has a point.

No need to patronise me my dear Laknavi ansari pathan. If you expect that at the mention of Hindutva I will fake an indignation and go all moralistic on you..that is where you mistook me. I believe in Hindutv..but not that the one that they say Hindutva is in your karachi madarsah..but the true all encompassing one. I'm no more hypocrite or fanatic than you. And additionally I'm not off-the-rails as you.

So can we get back on topic please? :)
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Im sorry. I think I worded that wrong.

I dont follow Hadiths that are terribly sourced and/or made up by some guy living in Bihar.
As i said, the arabs knew little about christianity as a whole & vise versa

thats why many wrong things are written in quran about christianity

You said the Arabs considered Jesus as a polytheist..now he had beard..so even by that definition, muslims should not be having beards.

Dont you understand..I am actually supporting your point..this only shows the hadeeths are fake and are political fabrications of the respective kings in their time.
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