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Muslim Brotherhood's Mursi declared Egypt president

How much I wish to see all our corrupt politicians in parliament or outside parliament be given death sentence by the public on the streets in front of their (the politician's) respective palaces or parliament in front of their sons and daughters and wives so that they never ever dare think of running the country and leave Pakistan for good.

Or let us be somewhat less "evil" and show some softness and let the court in Pakistan bring them on a fair trial and hand them life sentences or peaceful and painless death by a court death sentence.

But alas, that day will not come in Pakistan.
This is a good joke which can only be understood in Arabic and not with translation.

امر محمد مرسي بهدم جميع الاهرامات ما عدا هرمين لكي يصبح خادم الهرمين
investigation still open.
No they already sentence him to life in prison. However, reports say he is already clinically dead in the hospital. Either that or they are looking for an excuse to not through him in jail.

i have a big question, they had a revolution, and they had a election last week , but just about half of the people participate in the election! why!!!!
and he won with 52% of voes !so another question: if they really wanted a change why 48% of votes was for shafigh?
50% participation is very high indeed, much higher than the US. Also, liberals, secularist and Christians would rather have the old regime than an islamist goverment.
برق | #مصر | "نقلاً عن أحد النشطاء" النهارده كان د صلاح سلطان في الحزب عندنا في شبرا وبيتكلم عن زيارته للدكتور مرسي في القصر :

بيقول لما راح ضمن وفد الاتحاد العالمي لعلماء المسلمين دخل علي د مرسي كان بيصلي جماعه بالموظفين والحرس والخدم بعد ماخلص صلاه بيسألوا الموظفين قالولهم احنا اللي كان بيصلي فينا كان بيترفد من شغله ..والدكتور مرسي أول ماجه نقي افخم مكان في القصر وعمله مصلي .

وقالوا لدكتور صلا...ح سلطان ان لما د مرسي جه ميعاد الغدا والخدم حطوا الأكل رفض ياكل لوحده وقالهم هاتوا كل الأكل وقعد ياكل مع الموظفين والحرس والطباخين

وقالوا كمان للدكتور ان أول اجتماع للمحافظين في القصر في معاد الغدا جابلهم سندوتشات فول وطعميه وقاللهم كلوا من اللي بياكله الشعب ..

أقسم بالله ده اللي قاله د صلاح سلطان بنفس المواقف دي..
مش عاوز بقي الاقي تعليق من حد يقوللي بنصنع فرعون جديد والكلام ده ..
انا بقالي سنين باحلم برئيس زي ده سيبوني اشوف الحلم بيتحقق قدامي بقي وافرح بيه


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Dont try to use Google translate as the text is in egyptian dialect.
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