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Muslim actress Playboy fury

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So you will have no problem if your sister becomes free in the same fashion as this women? You are quite shameless.
Btw women chose to wear those ninja dress on their own but in very rare cases are forced to do so. You can not take someone's freedom to cover her entire body.

Come on. its her personal choice i have no issue with her personal acts=.

I have only an issue when she tried to cash the name of women by using words like "oppressive" for all Turkish women which in my opinion is only a cheap stunt by her to cash though she is fugly
Touche! But as someone said earlier this particular one looks like a horse. So,



lololol you mean a$$ , no doubt you would have a crack still
6/10 for looks, 7/10 for the 'ballz' to do it coming from such a conservative background.

I read about it in a German newspaper a week or so ago. So it was clearly important for someone with a Muslim background to do that here (she is the first) if it makes the news.. and it seems to make her happy.

Some Women sometimes like to show there body a little by dressing sexy or even a lot with pictures like these. Good for them, good for us, nothing to get angry there in my opinion.

Turks are not conservative, at least not the one's i met.
Actually, I think by your logic, many Pakistanis would also be called non-Muslims for grave-worshipping. But that's not the case, because we can't decide who is Muslim and who is not. Also, in general, Turks are not openly so Islamic, definitely, but they always stand up if needed, they have feeling of Islam in their hearts.

i never said Turks are not Muslims, i said they are secularized:
my point was that Turks are very secular minded to an extent that they don't care about religion at all! Maybe not all of them but IMO most of them.
They don't take religion seriously, especially the ones who grew up in Western countries, but then again that doesn't apply to all of them.
I know this is little off topic but is Venna Malik is Pakistani?
Oh i didnt no non westerners dont look at naked chicks , how cool.
you said welcome to modern culure so you suggest modernity is all about going nude and topless so according to your standard of modernity prostitutes and **** models should consider more modern than those girls in india who cover themselves . you can adopt such modernity but dont welcome others its interesting to see how some guys giving her rating and it will be more interesting to know that will they prefer same for their own mothers and sisters? how many of you will appreciate such brave act of ur own sister?
you said welcome to modern culure so you suggest modernity is all about going nude and topless so according to your standard of modernity prostitutes and **** models should consider more modern than those girls in india who cover themselves . you can adopt such modernity but dont welcome others its interested to see how some guys giving her rating and it will be more interested to know that will they prefer same for their own mothers and sisters? how many of you will appreciate such brave act of ur own sister?

I never suggested that at all , i suggested its normal for girls to pose nude in todays world.
I never suggested that at all , i suggested its normal for girls to pose nude in todays world.

Bull crap....... its not......... such women r nothin more thn a utility......... an eye candy for the lust of men.

P.S=Wat if this happened to u??? would u still consider it normal? i dnt think so.
Guys, if the girl was forced to pose naked then I would have condemned it. She made the choice to do nude shots, and got paid top dollars for that and not to forget the publicity.
Well... To start with, it was hurting to see her do that. But why does the media want to bring in religion? Every religion says not to do that, except for one (that I know). When others are new into this business, ofcourse her family and other people would be angry and threat her or do something similar. Why not cover them all ?? Oh, cause they wont defame Islam.

The writer clearly wants to defame Islam and show how conservative muslims are.Fine, tell your wife to do the same ?? How would you fell then, eh ??

And even if he is into this business, why cry ??
She is a dead soul, like others say. Not only her, everyone into this business.

Now if you really want to bring identity into it, India is number 2 after Russia in this crap!
Now laugh ??
Just because she has a muslim name doesnt make her a muslim and hence there is no need for such outrage and fury.
There are plenty of such "hypocrites" around us all the time who give precedence to materlistic lifer over faith. And I attribute her courage to her insecurity which often comes with "bey haya" life of typical western wanna be..She is neither blonde with blue eyes nor all that pretty! So its just some wanna be dancing to the henchmen of Hugh Hefner!
Bull crap....... its not......... such women r nothin more thn a utility......... an eye candy for the lust of men.

P.S=Wat if this happened to u??? would u still consider it normal? i dnt think so.

leave it guys, its their country and her choice. I only have a problem when they come crusading into our countries to force their sick version of "modernity" and "progressivism" on our people.
"She said that the aim of the controversial shoot was to use it as a call for action for other Muslim women."

Does she want muslim women to also become naturists?
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