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Musharraf's interview to Bharati media on OBL saga

Not a fan of Musharraf as he has committed many mistakes but it has to be said he conducted himself extremely admirably and certainly gave a brilliant interview! As for Kashmir, Pakistan could have easily solved this dispute before with the right policies but nonetheless i truly believe Kashmir Valley and surrounding parts which constitute a muslim majority will be incorporated into Pakistan only if we have a honest, competent and astute leader.

Musharraf had all the tools in his arsenal to become a great leader for the country sadly for him and the people of Pakistan, he failed.
Not a fan of Musharraf as he has committed many mistakes but it has to be said he conducted himself extremely admirably and certainly gave a brilliant interview! As for Kashmir, Pakistan could have easily solved this dispute before with the right policies but nonetheless i truly believe Kashmir Valley and surrounding parts which constitute a muslim majority will be incorporated into Pakistan only if we have a honest, competent and astute leader.

Musharraf had all the tools in his arsenal to become a great leader for the country sadly for him and the people of Pakistan, he failed.

which surrounding areas are you talking about ?

Jammu is hindu majority and Ladakh is buddhist majority and the muslims of these areas have never asked fro freedom from India , atleast not the majority.

The freedom movement is only being carried out by the Kashmiri muslims of the Kashmir valley and that is the only part of Jammu and Kashmir which is muslim majority .
which surrounding areas are you talking about ?

Jammu is hindu majority and Ladakh is buddhist majority and the muslims of these areas have never asked fro freedom from India , atleast not the majority.

The freedom movement is only being carried out by the Kashmiri muslims of the Kashmir valley and that is the only part of Jammu and Kashmir which is muslim majority .

No need to be surprised ..they are PTV viewers...
Not a fan of Musharraf as he has committed many mistakes but it has to be said he conducted himself extremely admirably and certainly gave a brilliant interview! As for Kashmir, Pakistan could have easily solved this dispute before with the right policies but nonetheless i truly believe Kashmir Valley and surrounding parts which constitute a muslim majority will be incorporated into Pakistan only if we have a honest, competent and astute leader.

Musharraf had all the tools in his arsenal to become a great leader for the country sadly for him and the people of Pakistan, he failed.

Most pakistani believe that kashmir should be part of their country. Kashmiri want independence.
Musharraf is always measured in interviews. He is a true politician.
which surrounding areas are you talking about ?

Jammu is hindu majority and Ladakh is buddhist majority and the muslims of these areas have never asked fro freedom from India , atleast not the majority.

The freedom movement is only being carried out by the Kashmiri muslims of the Kashmir valley and that is the only part of Jammu and Kashmir which is muslim majority .

Are you honestly having a laugh?! Kargil has a huge muslim population and being a shia i would know because we know plenty of clerics who lecture that are from that area who go to Qom(Iran) for their schooling nonetheless you being an Indian have no sense of reality and i have no desire to continue this conversation.

Just one final point, no-one cares about the Hindu majority parts they can stay with India as we don't want or need them.
i dont like Mussharaf personally, but he got guts to treat such people. i like army generals more then politicians. i want Mushraf to be like this man

i dont like Mussharaf personally, but he got guts to treat such people. i like army generals more then politicians. i want Mushraf to be like this man


Please dont insult Musharraf wishing him to be like this man. He is the one who is responsible for whatever we are facing now.
Please dont insult Musharraf wishing him to be like this man. He is the one who is responsible for whatever we are facing now.

hahahaha.... man you are quite innocent like your avatar.. brain washed by western and Pakistani enlighten media. we were not in trouble in 90's, were we.? what you are talking about is the joint venture of USA and Pakistan, why to blame Zia for it. Musharaf should be blamed for taking over Ameria's war and now we are in deep trouble. bounded from both sides. both mujaheddens and american are killing Pakistanis now. America has almost lost the war on terror and now cocetrating towards Pakistan. Musharaf sahab sold Pakistani land to USA and now we are having fruit of it.
enjoy the fruit blaming Zia for it...
hahahaha.... man you are quite innocent like your avatar.. brain washed by western and Pakistani enlighten media. we were not in trouble in 90's, were we.? what you are talking about is the joint venture of USA and Pakistan, why to blame Zia for it. Musharaf should be blamed for taking over Ameria's war and now we are in deep trouble. bounded from both sides. both mujaheddens and american are killing Pakistanis now. America has almost lost the war on terror and now cocetrating towards Pakistan. Musharaf sahab sold Pakistani land to USA and now we are having fruit of it.
enjoy the fruit blaming Zia for it...

Try wearing goggles having ability to show you the period beyond 10 years. What is this WoT about? Who are these people US is fighting against? Who was OBL read my lips again "who was OBL". All of these people were considered as US best friends, remember? Just start from July 1977 (period when this non-sense man in the above pic took over the govt), you will be able to analyse the facts that lead us to current situation.
I still don't know why are we against OBL ?? just because America said so ?? Alqaeda was not involved in any terror activity inside pakistan and we don't know about 9/11 whether they were involved or not thne why are we against OBL??

One thing why I am against OBL is whether he was behind 9/1 or not he should have presented him self to america to save the world from another war but he didn't and we are in a mess now.....

but still why are we as whole are against OBL ??
Try wearing goggles having ability to show you the period beyond 10 years. What is this WoT about? Who are these people US is fighting against? Who was OBL read my lips again "who was OBL". All of these people were considered as US best friends, remember? Just start from July 1977 (period when this non-sense man in the above pic took over the govt), you will be able to analyse the facts that lead us to current situation.

Man you are a funny guy :lol: i ve got no clue what u r talking about.
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