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Musharraf ‘wants’ graceful 2nd exile !!!

Why not he will leave country after settling cases ... He then will be free to go anywhere ... He is a respected person all over the world ..............

Why would he leave the country once he has no cases against him? Why would he forgo the plush 5000 acre Chak Shahzad farmhouse for the quaint flat apartment in London? And also miss being in the lime light.
That is important. Gen Musharraf is charged, but has not yet been convicted of anything. I am sure some sort of "deal" is inevitable, given the way we always do things. However, a fig leaf of due process will be painted on the deal to make it respectable.

And I think this was always the thinking behind his return - however, there is a wild card in the deck - the CJP and his cabal, may become more circumspect about their kin and their shenanigans.
Why would he leave the country once he has no cases against him? Why would he forgo the plush 5000 acre Chak Shahzad farmhouse for the quaint flat apartment in London? And also miss being in the lime light.

Dear, you don't understand the situation there. he is the # 1 target of Terrorists in Pakistan right NOW. All the time he is accompanied by 200+ paramilitary commandos and if he moves into city, all his route is blocked for other traffic and some time they check the road with IED detecting devices and sniffing dogs.

it can be done for a few weeks but for years it is only a pain for Musharraf, security agencies, and the common people.
last time we sent him off with quite a graceful exile. he was even given top salami. looks like he wants that again and what is teh american delegation doing their. this proves that apart from him being an american puppet, he can leave whenever he wants. TBH i want him to leave as right now his presence is making the armed forces look bad. It took kiyani 5 years to make the image of teh armed forces look good infront of the masses and the presence of musharraf is not doing any favors.

the people want him to face justice and they want him to be tried but the courts should not just target musharraf. they should target everybody that was involved. the politicans. courts and elements of the armed forces and ISI.
And I think this was always the thinking behind his return - however, there is a wild card in the deck - the CJP and his cabal, may become more circumspect about their kin and their shenanigans.

You may be correct Sir. Gen Musharraf is obviously too intelligent to fall for the delusion that he or his party stood any real chance of getting elected, so the real reason for his return is something else, like you indicate.
Dear, you don't understand the situation there. he is the # 1 target of Terrorists in Pakistan right NOW. All the time he is accompanied by 200+ paramilitary commandos and if he moves into city, all his route is blocked for other traffic and some time they check the road with IED detecting devices and sniffing dogs.

it can be done for a few weeks but for years it is only a pain for Musharraf, security agencies, and the common people.

Incredible isn't it ? Instead of the terrorists being targets, Gen. Kiyani's and the CJP's Pakistan is one where political parties, and former presidents are targets
i think it would be in musharraf,s interest to take some deal, get the top salami and leave as fast as possible. heck forget the top salami just leave otherwise staying here is only making things bad for him.
Dear, you don't understand the situation there. he is the # 1 target of Terrorists in Pakistan right NOW. All the time he is accompanied by 200+ paramilitary commandos and if he moves into city, all his route is blocked for other traffic and some time they check the road with IED detecting devices and sniffing dogs.

it can be done for a few weeks but for years it is only a pain for Musharraf, security agencies, and the common people.

There may be issues around his safety. But when have their not been any? I remember he survived attempts to his life when he was in power. So what is new now? That is the way life is in Pakistan, angry people have bombs, and as a Pakistani he has lived with it and I see no problem in continuing to do so.

He dreamt of being the Kemal Ataturk of Pakistan, and it is wrong to deny him even a chance to convince his people that he can take them there. Plus, judging his personality he is one who thrives being in the center. A comfortable life away from action is for him IMO like old age to a heroine.
Incredible isn't it ? Instead of the terrorists being targets, Gen. Kiyani's and the CJP's Pakistan is one where political parties, and former presidents are targets

yes, the Taliban and Al-Qaida want him dead because he is a symbol of moderate Pakistanis want to live in peace with world and do not want to be equated with the terrorists AND want this not only in words but reflected into the actions on the ground as well.

CJ is not a target of terrorists, he is a sympathizer or infact Taliban may even protect him as he only takes actions against enemies of the Taliban.
Unfortunately for him, allegations are claims against someone that are yet to be proven.
But in Musharraf's case, the entire country is witness to what he and the SC did to the consitution.

He was allowed to gracefully exit Pakistan last time, but this time the judges are not willing to let go of their personal grudge.

What wrong did he do to the constitution my brother?





Were you a witness to the above too?
There may be issues around his safety. But when have their not been any? I remember he survived attempts to his life when he was in power. So what is new now? That is the way life is in Pakistan, angry people have bombs, and as a Pakistani he has lived with it and I see no problem in continuing to do so.

He dreamt of being the Kemal Ataturk of Pakistan, and it is wrong to deny him even a chance to convince his people that he can take them there. Plus, judging his personality he is one who thrives being in the center. A comfortable life away from action is for him IMO like old age to a heroine.

yes, he was target while being in Power. but then he was head of the state, and could ensure his security well better than now. And not only that, he had a reason to be in Pakistan and keep taking the risk, he was serving the country.

Right now if he has no role in politics, i.e. he is not serving the country, taking all pain of security has little fruitfulness.

and he is not like ordinary Pakistanis, no other Pakistanis life is at risk as of his. Currently, outside his residence, it is like paramilitary and police are waiting for a big attack all the time. They have even given police outside light emitting shells so that if militants attack at night, the battle is fought in lighted area. Also, a car full of explosives (around 50 kg) was found around his residence some weeks ago.
Unfortunately for him, allegations are claims against someone that are yet to be proven.
But in Musharraf's case, the entire country is witness to what he and the SC did to the consitution.

He was allowed to gracefully exit Pakistan last time, but this time the judges are not willing to let go of their personal grudge.
If he broke the law of the land,suspended the constitution of the country,handed over people to a foreign power without holding their trial in Pakistan, suspended and arrested the sitting bench of the supreme court,to name but a fewthings, and the judiciary wants to try him where is the bias in this? Can you people really not see what he did wrong. Please dont come back with the silly argument of why not XYor Z. It will never change the fact that he did all those things for which he needs to answer and defend his case. The interesting thing is that as soon as he is arrested you have every Tom dick and Harry coming out in support of him. He is on trial and should answer hjs accusators.
He think he will be treated as other Generals. But sorry he is not punjabi and is leberal.

LOL... he has been treated better than others... but the thing is ....there are tremendous amount of opposition in media and judiciary for him bkz of his alleged actions... he is facing the brunt....
@muse Does it mean 'their' card failed?
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