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Musharraf: Uniform is an intergral part of my life

The simple answer to all the questions is there is no other leader at the moment except musharaf who can run the govn of pakistan very well right now. If any one has some one in their mind then go ahead tell us. Other wise there is no point of argueing that he is not good he's bad choice, he has done this and that.

No supreme court, not even those bloody politiceans. Mushyy is the man right now. Bugtiii, i wish some one could kill that B**** and he's (Mush..) the man who can do this. I dont see from anywhere, that he's not trying every best possible thing which is good for pakistan.
melb4aust said:
The simple answer to all the questions is there is no other leader at the moment except musharaf who can run the govn of pakistan very well right now. If any one has some one in their mind then go ahead tell us. Other wise there is no point of argueing that he is not good he's bad choice, he has done this and that.

No supreme court, not even those bloody politiceans. Mushyy is the man right now. Bugtiii, i wish some one could kill that B**** and he's (Mush..) the man who can do this. I dont see from anywhere, that he's not trying every best possible thing which is good for pakistan.

Mr. Bugti once said in an interview

Eek Shair, bhairye ki ghar main ghus jaye to wo yakeenan us ko mar dey ga magar kuch kharashain us ko bhi zaroor ayen gi

Translation: A Lion can easily kill a wolf but in return he will get some scratches too.

The ones you call men have tried to take out Bugti before but met a bloody defeat. This time around the army may be better equiped but to fight bugtis in their land is most stupid thing imaginable. They would defend it with their lives. We have seen this before and are witnessing it yet again.

And just to update you, ur man Mushy who once said

They wont even know what hit them

has reached some sort of settlement/ceasefire with the Mr. Bugti.
Neo said:
Paa Jee,

I'd like to know your pov about this point.
Why is 'Enlightend moderation' bad for us??

Just explain what enlightened moderation is and u will get all the answers.

So far it only seems to be everything which we are not as Muslims and as Pakistanis

Does enightened moderation mean we allow women to hold unisex races, to remove portions of Islamic teachings from our text books, to allow and support girls to run away from their houses, to have our self appointed president dancing with marasis.

Afghanistan and Iran were much more modern than we are and look what happened there. Islamic revolutions.
To me it means a secular and liberal mind wich is expressed in our daily life.
Let religion be your personal guide but let the society evolve the way people want it to. Afterall we're all responsible for our deeds and will be judged accordingly.

Ban all the mullahs who are misleading the youth, educate them and liberate their mind!

During my recent trip to Karachi, I saw thousands of young boys and men wearing taliban style beard, even in my very own familiy I found a few.
Except for the daily five prayers they're not doing much of the rest of our basic duties as muslims.
And yes, they are full of hatred about the west, have their opinion ready about the west and whats going on in Afghanistan and Iraq but I found them totally ignorant when I asked specific questions about their duties.

This is what mullahs are doing.

Enlightment has not come to us yet and it won't aslong as the mullahs are misleading the youth.

Muhammed PBUH said that 'One has to get education even if it takes a long journey to China'!

Let me please clarify that I'm a muslim myself, but I hate everyone who serves his own agenda in the name of God!
Muttahida Majlis-i-Amal (MMA) president Qazi Hussain Ahmed on Sunday asked President Gen Pervez Musharraf to step down and hand over power to an interim government of national consensus to hold fresh elections.

He was addressing a protest demonstration, mostly attended by legislators belonging to the Jamaat-i-Islami, in the Aabpara area on Sunday.

Qazi Hussain claimed that his party’s legislators had handed over to him their resignations, which would be submitted after consulting other opposition parties at an “appropriate time”.

“We do not recognise Gen Musharraf as a genuinely-elected president nor do we recognise him as the chief of the army staff after he violated the agreement on the 17th Amendment. He had pledged to relinquish one of the two offices before Dec 31, 2004,” he said.

Earlier, the JI chief presided over a meeting of party legislators to review the domestic political situation and decided to hold a protest demonstration.

No details of the meeting were made public. It is learnt that the party legislators reviewed various options in the light of the party’s relations with other major MMA components like the Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam (F).

Qazi Hussain declared that the option of resigning from the assemblies was “open to opposition parties” and it would be exercised at an appropriate time to press the government into restoring democracy and the constitution.

The JI chief insisted that he would bring in committed political workers “in large numbers” to Islamabad with the “active support of other opposition parties” in September to “force” the military-led government to pack up and the army to return to barracks.

He said there were no differences among the opposition parties on basic issues, adding that they feared that fair, free and transparent elections could not be held with General Musharraf as president.

Similarly, leading opposition parties were unanimous that only street power could get rid the country of “perpetual army rule”.

He said the opposition was agreed upon the formation of an interim government to ensure free and fair elections. But, even more pressing was the need to set up an independent election commission with the consent of the opposition, he asserted.

He also said that there was no difference of opinion among MMA parties on launching an all-out struggle against Gen Musharraf. He said that the plan to hold public rallies in July for mobilising people was a consensus decision.

Former prime ministers Mian Nawaz Sharif and Benazir Bhutto on Sunday severely criticised General Pervez Musharraf with one of them saying he had undermined the country’s sovereignty and the other warning that dictatorship posed a serious threat to the unity of the country.

The leaders of the Pakistan Muslim League (N) and the Pakistan People’s Party delivered hard-hitting speeches at the first meeting of the Alliance for the Restoration of Democracy held outside the country.

Mr Sharif said he knew that the opposition parties did not have sufficient numerical strength in parliament to oust the general through a no-trust motion, yet the verdict given by the Supreme Court in the Pakistan Steel Mills privatisation case should not go unnoticed.

The president can be ousted through impeachment by a two-thirds majority in a joint session of both houses of parliament.

Leaders of all parties in the ARD, except two, were present at the meeting held in a hotel.

The PML-N chief said that general elections should not be held with Gen Musharraf in control of the government. Opposition parties, he said, should take their struggle to its logical conclusion. For this purpose, he added, all opposition parties should form a grand alliance, no matter whether it was named Grand National Alliance, Combined Opposition or the Movement for the Restoration of Democracy.

He said Gen Musharraf was punishable under Article 6 of the Constitution for violating the basic law, and that he (Sharif) too would commit the same offence if he struck a deal with him.

He was critical of all policies of Gen Musharraf, saying not only could the general face some tragedy, he would also lead the country to some disaster.

He praised the role of the ARD parties in keeping the democratic struggle going.

Referring to Gen Musharraf’s recent statement that he was a commando and would kill anybody who tried to take his life, the former prime minister said Pakistan was the only country where a commando was the head of state.

The situation in Balochistan and Waziristan, he said, was dangerous for the unity of the country. People who had helped Pakistan get what is Azad Jammu and Kashmir were being targeted, he regretted. He alleged that even India had not caused so much damage to Pakistan as was done by the generals.

He also accused Gen Musharraf of undermining the country’s sovereignty and self-respect by following the dictates of a superpower.

BENAZIR: Ms Bhutto, in her speech, said Gen Musharraf might hold elections in January-February 2008 and instal and a new government in March. Before the elections, she said, the general could replace the Shaukat Aziz government with one of technocrats.

She said her party would support the kind of government the opposition demanded to supervise the polls.

“We are open-minded on the subject,” she said of a government of technocrats and a neutral government of national consensus comprising politicians.

The PPP chairperson praised the late Nawabzada Nasrullah Khan who, she said, had helped form the ARD and paved way for the Charter of Democracy.

Makhdoom Amin Fahim, Iqbal Zafar Jhagra and Jehangir Badr also spoke. Those who attended the meeting included Raza Rabbani, Sherry Rehman, Dr Safdar Abbasi, Raja Pervaiz Ashraf, Munir Ahmed Khan, Mian Shahbaz Sharif, Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan, Ishaq Dar, Ashan Iqbal, Tehmina Daultana, Pervaiz Rashid, Ghous Ali Shah and Zafar Ali Shah.

Paa Gee,

Just a very simple and light question, Why are you so much against Musharaf?

I meant no offence, just keep that mind. Any personal interests.
melb4aust said:
Paa Gee,

Just a very simple and light question, Why are you so much against Musharaf?

I meant no offence, just keep that mind. Any personal interests.


One reason i hate Mushy to the core is the reason he ousted NS government on false pretext. It was not the events of 12-10-1999 which lead to end of NS gov but Mushy had been planning that for a long time.

Secondly NS is a friend of my father and he has helped us alot during a very important part of our lives. Although we suffered a great loss of a family member but i can never forget how he offered us everything that was in his power.

Though im from the martial area of Pakistan but i hate the way these top army men control Pakistan. Actually Pakistan was made for them to rule and not for civilians.

And last but not the least i hate dictatorship. Be it Ayub, Yahya, Zulfiqar, Zia or Mushy i hate them all. For i truely believe that worst democracy is better than the best dictatorship.
One more reason.

Mushy has continued everything which NS was doing (then came 9/11 which changed everything). This means NS was doing good for the country but was only removed cause Mushy hated him. That was his personal vendetta.
So there are some personal reasons involved, and i was sensing it since you have been writing your posts in this thread. I would'nt blame you, because its a human nature i may have the same thinking if i was at ur place. Hence, there is no way ur gonna get convinced that he's(MUSHY) the right guy. You are making things quite ethical here, where everyone has its own thinking, own believes. And i am quite satisfied with musharaf, because there is still alot to prove to make him go down.

Again i would like to repeat, i meant no offence:angel:in all this conv
melb4aust said:
So there are some personal reasons involved, and i was sensing it since you have been writing your posts in this thread. I would'nt blame you, because its a human nature i may have the same thinking if i was at ur place. Hence, there is no way ur gonna get convinced that he's(MUSHY) the right guy. You are making things quite ethical here, where everyone has its own thinking, own believes. And i am quite satisfied with musharaf, because there is still alot to prove to make him go down.

Again i would like to repeat, i meant no offence:angel:in all this conv

Keeping my personal reasons apart, i promise i wont say a word more against mushy. But prove to me that Mushy has done something different from what NS was doing or What NS was doing was wrong. And if NS was not doing wrong then why was he removed.
Yaar im here and u are not going anywhere too, Lets wait and see what Pakistan gained from Mushy's rule and what we lost. Only time will tell.
But i fear that it would be too late

All the generals and leaders who supported Zia, those who are alive now agree that dictatorship is harmful for any country. Same will be Musharafs fate
Lahori paa jee said:
All the generals and leaders who supported Zia, those who are alive now agree that dictatorship is harmful for any country. Same will be Musharafs fate

dictatorship is harmful for the country i agree it is also a truth Lahori we currenty have no politician to be called able to rule the country.

Nawaz, Benazir looted the country and now they want to come back for what? having their share of cake once again.:frown:
Let us not allow NS and BB to return. We should support new leadership. But there should be no place for any kind of a military rule
Lahori paa jee said:
Let us not allow NS and BB to return. We should support new leadership. But there should be no place for any kind of a military rule

But where are we gonna get this new leadership from, which has to be honest and could do well for Pakistan without having personal benefits or desire. Trust me under these kind of political conditions with such corrupt polticeans, its really very hard to groom such honest leaders.

And this cant be done, unless we, our people will change by putting aside our personal benefits for the sake of our country Pakistan. It is us who choose those leaders:whatever: .........
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