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Musharraf Turns An Indian Anchor Into An Epic Goof.

Fair enough mate, I highly appreciate your neutral opinion, having said that would request to kindly refrain your self to make remarks like "childish" when it comes to India. We have been stamped as soft nation worldwide being forgiving when other nations jump to act with military retaliation. Please acquaint your self with history & our reaction on highly provocative incidents like Kargil, Parliament attack, 26/11 & Beheading of our uniformed soldiers. We have kept our patient far stretched, though I hope now Pakistan won't test it further & not to try his luck in future. (no offense indeed for Pakistani mates)

I think you have a fair point as I have only gotten myself immersed in subcontinent politique last year so thats a fair criticism. Also did you notice that I was slightly more harsh towards indie as thats because Indie is the largest democracy in the world and thus I expect it to act like one. pakistan on the other hand is a broken countrie, now some pakistanie member will disagree but its ridiculous that how can a military institution take over governance of the countrie. However brother going back to my center point, i think its better to go for independent solution in my opinion as outside observer as soon as possible, because fighting pakistan will only slow indie from achieving its global status.
Love him or hate him, he is still a die hard Pakistani and defends Pakistan everywhere from Washington unis to India media!

And he gets that extra inspiration against India!!!

BTW, this was the same anchor against whom a retired pak General (another one) got furious at and started a fight.

This anchor has no knowledge how to run a show. He doesn't listen to the other version, he thinks that the opinion he has is the 110% right one and nothing can differ from it. He isn't flexible and isn't looking for a debate. He simply wants people to tow his line on his show.

Sir, agreed with your opinion that the Anchor is a TOTALLY BIASED person, but don't understand how Musharraf is a Patriotic Pakistani?? He was the same man that was responsible for a misadventure against India in the shape of Kargil resulting in deaths of 100s of PA soldiers & embarrassing Pakistan in front of the world, he even din't claim the bodies of his VERY OWN soldiers who died for there country. After Kargil debacle, he was responsible for a coup which brought down an ELECTED GOVT. of Pakistan.

+ GOP has even issued a warrant against him.

+ This Patriotic interview of his should not be seen different from the issue of Elections in Pakistan which are due in just months time.
Anything coming out of Musharraf lacks credibility & is a first rate liar. He may scream through his lungs.... then again everyone knows that he himself rewarded Ilyas Kashmiri for presenting him with decapitated head of an Indian army soldier.
Anything coming out of Musharraf lacks credibility & is a first rate liar. He may scream through his lungs.... then again everyone knows that he himself rewarded Ilyas Kashmiri for presenting him with decapitated head of an Indian army soldier.
See, what you just did here ?

Now everyone who hates Mushraff, even he will come for his defense. :enjoy:

This is rediculous as i have already been hard towards indienne so i dont want to rant, but has journalism been that disgraced that an interviewer does not have proper respect in addressing a former president of a republic with respect. I think this interview is dubbed or something @Farah Sohail , there is no way a real journalist would be so unprofessional to the point that he or she is looking down on paper instead of listening to the president. These are called hitjob interviews in west, where the reporter already has a preconceived agenda sadly that is the state of journalism today. However i still express doubts on interview because this interviewer is worse than the fox anchor Bill oreilly.
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I think you have a fair point as I have only gotten myself immersed in subcontinent politique last year so thats a fair criticism. Also did you notice that I was slightly more harsh towards indie as thats because Indie is the largest democracy in the world and thus I expect it to act like one. pakistan on the other hand is a broken countrie, now some pakistanie member will disagree but its ridiculous that how can a military institution take over governance of the countrie. However brother going back to my center point, i think its better to go for independent solution in my opinion as outside observer as soon as possible, because fighting pakistan will only slow indie from achieving its global status.
Well lemme give you the inside scoop, nobody from either side wants this issue to be resolved & I'm talking about the people in power i.e. govt officials top to bottom, PM included ! the only solution to all of this might be putting all of'em infront of a firing squad, maybe that'll bring a permanent sea change in either of the countries :smokin:

This is rediculous as i have already been hard towards indienne so i dont want to rant, but has journalism been that disgraced that an interviewer does not have proper respect in addressing a former president of a republic with respect. I think this interview is dubbed or something @Farah Sohail , there is no way a real journalist would be so unprofessional to the point that he or she is looking down on paper instead of listening to the president. These are called hitjob interviews in west, where the reporter already has a preconceived agenda sadly that is the state of journalism today. However i still express doubts on interview because this interviewer is worse than the fox anchor Bill oreilly.
I take it you haven't seen some of the others like Rajat Sharma :lol:
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Sir, agreed with your opinion that the Anchor is a TOTALLY BIASED person, but don't understand how Musharraf is a Patriotic Pakistani?? He was the same man that was responsible for a misadventure against India in the shape of Kargil resulting in deaths of 100s of PA soldiers & embarrassing Pakistan in front of the world, he even din't claim the bodies of his VERY OWN soldiers who died for there country. After Kargil debacle, he was responsible for a coup which brought down an ELECTED GOVT. of Pakistan.

+ GOP has even issued a warrant against him.

+ This Patriotic interview of his should not be seen different from the issue of Elections in Pakistan which are due in just months time.

Agree with the first paragraph in essence. I meant patriotic in a way that he comes straight forward to the other guy, and does not try any ayen bayen shayen or Aman Ka tamasha thing like Najam Sethi. He goes straight to the heart, and puts it bluntly. Make no mistake, I ain't his fan, but when a Indian or a American asks him about Pakistan this and that, he comes straightforward and gives a solid answer. Maybe it's just the arrogance in him that makes him do it!

As for the GOP warrant, that is just a stunt to show the masses back in Larkana that the PPP government is doing something with regards to BB's assassination. And the perfect scapegoat for them is Musharraf.

I don't know if you heard of it or not, but Rehman Malik was almost about to open up everything and make the report public, the report accused some people within PPP or transpiring to kill BB. In the end, some PPP bigwigs held him back. So the PPP must keep on towing the line of Musharraf. You must never consider anything by this government as serious!

As for the third point, no, he has been giving straight answers like these since his retirement, nothing to do with election. He isn't going to get votes on the basis of these kind of interviews anyway!
Well lemme give you the inside scoop, nobody from either side wants this issue to be resolved & I'm talking about the people in power i.e. govt officials top to bottom, PM included ! the only solution to all of this might be putting all of'em infront of a firing squad, maybe that'll bring a permanent sea change in either of the countries :smokin:

However i think your being harsh, indie unlike pakistan has strengthened democratic institution then you must have watchdog departments that will take care of corrupt politicans like they do here in canada. also i am curious what is the state of judiciary in indie as that really determines the strength of democracy in a country. I also still have hope that indie government through Un does a referendum towards making kashmir an independant republic including the aksai chin region and let the people decide what they want rather than pakistanie and indienne government's person interests.

I take it you haven't seen some of the others like Rajat Sharma :lol:

if this is how some journalist treat a foreign president, i can only feel bad about the civil servents that get interviewed on Tv in your countrie, once again not being offensive but this journalist whether he disagree or agrees with general's view point should still apologize for being rude as i know for a fact the profession of journalism is far better than displayed in that interview and they have my uttermost respect.
It can be proven with authentic autopsy reports & pics of the body however you think such stuff won't cause a massive riot over here ? just imagine what that gangrape case did to Delhi now multiply it tenfolds & spread it across the nation ~ it'll kill Ind/Pak relations for the next decade or so, if people have their way !

this is a straw man argument, if that were true you would never see dead bodies of anyone ever on the news.

the hysteria that causes public opinion to go emotional is coming from within india, this is something thats obviously built up over decades, so if the indian media wants to blame pakistan on anything its an easy job because many of its population have been psychologically and emotionally wired to believe pakistan would do all manner of evil, a mindset that can be cynically exploited (i understand this well because the pak army do it too).

i stick to my original point, this is too big an issue to not prove conclusively, there has to be substance to it, then you can act accordingly and if there is misconduct it needs to be sorted out, right now all i am seeing evidence of is the indian predilection to believe the very worst about pakistan and no calls for proof.

@r3alist, I agree with your view point however I do not trust pakistanie government based on the opinion of familie members that have lived in the region. According to them, pakistanie government is corrupt to the core and its so bad that now they even ask for private industries to pay them l'argent for protection of their industries from being vandalized by street vandals. I think a third party instituion should step forward and present an independent solution to this continuing problem at the line of control of the kashmir area. I think partisan politics have sadly prevented both sides from not investigating the deaths, which i must say am surprise atleast from indienne government as they have always been champion of democracy and democratic instituion , which i must say is exemplary. However in this case, they have simply not taken the bigger step and remain childish , which is not expected from a countrie with a stature like indie.

i dont disagree, but in this case the question is trusting the indian authorities.
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